So to sum up your philosophy, might makes right. Is that correct?
No. It means that if you're going to start a war, it is really stupid to do so if your military is lousy. It also means that if your enemy has a lousy military but starts a war with you anyway, it is OK to pursue a decisive military victory even though the enemy doesn't match up well militarily.
So it looks like we're back to "who started it" and I know I don't want to re-hash that crap all over again.
'Who started it' is not just crap, it is essential knowledge.
Was Israel occupying Lebanon?
Yep. But only a little part of it. And if you go to some older threads you'll find links to the UNIFIL documentation of the daily incursions into Lebanon, well those which were recorded before the Israeli Destruction Force killed the observers. Like I said, I really don't have to time to re-hash this again. There are very few people out there who are actually interested in considering both sides of the conflict and who are willing to place blame where it applies. They have their preconceptions and seem to be quite happy with them. This thread is a perfect example. People will slam Hizbollah for committing war crimes and base it on an Amnesty International report yet they will turn around and play apologist for Israel even though Amnesty International documented their war crimes as well. It's kinda like screaming for a balanced budget amendment for years and then gaining control of the purse strings only to run up record deficits through massive discretionary spending. It's two faced, hypocritical and shows a complete lack of integrity.
billvon 3,033
>No, it means that in a war, you don't hamstring yourself by half
>-measures. Go in it to win, or don't go at all.
That is certainly one way to view war. And if that morality works for one side, it works for the other as well.
>-measures. Go in it to win, or don't go at all.
That is certainly one way to view war. And if that morality works for one side, it works for the other as well.
sundevil777 102
>No, it means that in a war, you don't hamstring yourself by half
>-measures. Go in it to win, or don't go at all.
That is certainly one way to view war. And if that morality works for one side, it works for the other as well.
Exactly the reason to have a powerful military.
How do you view war?
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am
kallend 2,070
>No, it means that in a war, you don't hamstring yourself by half
>-measures. Go in it to win, or don't go at all.
That is certainly one way to view war. And if that morality works for one side, it works for the other as well.
Exactly the reason to have a powerful military.
How do you view war?
The reason to have an appropriate military for the task at hand. Our very powerful military is not doing so well in Anbar right now, according to the generals on the ground.
The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.
The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.
So it looks like we're back to "who started it" and I know I don't want to re-hash that crap all over again.
'Who started it' is not just crap, it is essential knowledge.
Was Israel occupying Lebanon?