
Popes comments on Islam

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I had dinner the other night w/ a collegue from work who was your age, John. After dinner, he retired to his hotel room and died in his sleep, an apparent heart attack. Perhaps he met one of our "invisible friends." I don't think your turn is too far off, given average life span of the american male. You ready to take your chances?

But what if YOU chose the wrong invisible friend? So many to choose from! You apparently have no problem taking your chance that you might meet Zeus or Woden.

I didn't think you'd answer that question, just as you didn't answer another question I posed to you about the nature of faith a few threads ago... nor did you answer my question in the post you just replied to about what would you do w/ us "menaces" if you had impunity. That one I'd like to hear, although I probably already know the answer. ;)

Me, no fear about my "choice" whatsoever. You've framed the question entirely incorrectly. It is about recognizing the truth, not "picking" the right God, as if you're on the Price is Right or something.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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As far as religion is concerned I share all lot of the same views as Kallend. And what would he be Guilty of??? Not sharing your views? Looked on objectively religions are based on invisible friends. Can you really dispute that? Have you seen your God?

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apparently you don't read very well. He specified people who have invisible friend(God) that get upset over other people who have a different invisible friend(some other god). Does that include you?

I read quite well thanks. Perhaps YOU should read more thoroughly. John has a long history of making insults at people of faith. Let's drop the facade here. Saying that people of faith have "invisible friends" was not an innocent statement and for you to pretend it was is assinine.

How is "invisible friend" an incorrect description of a god?

It isn't John, but it's entirely disingenuine of you to pretend you don't mean it as an insult. Such is your history. And you know what they say about old dogs...

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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As far as religion is concerned I share all lot of the same views as Kallend. And what would he be Guilty of??? Not sharing your views? Looked on objectively religions are based on invisible friends. Can you really dispute that? Have you seen your God?

What is kallend guilty of? the same intolerence, predjudice and hate that he accuses us of having. Only it's far more culturally acceptable for him to express it and it is far from accurate when he uses it to describe us.

Have I seen my God? Everyday.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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Coming from the head of an organization that is responsible for the inquisition and the crusades, his words are totally indefensible.
Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off.
-The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!)
AA #2069 ASA#33 POPS#8808 Swooo 1717

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As far as religion is concerned I share all lot of the same views as Kallend. And what would he be Guilty of??? Not sharing your views? Looked on objectively religions are based on invisible friends. Can you really dispute that? Have you seen your God?


What is kallend guilty of? the same intolerence, predjudice and hate that he accuses us of having. Only it's far more culturally acceptable for him to express it and it is far from accurate when he uses it to describe us.

Have I seen my God? Everyday.

I think Kallend has a pretty clear picture of what he is guilty of. He just prefers to deny it so he does not have to own up to it. Sorta like a little kid who thinks you can't see him when he covers his own eyes.

As for seeing my God, I'm with micro, everyday.



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A bunch of Muslim jerkoffs taking the Pope's comments completely out of context and using them to incite hatred against the west and Christianity - in this case Catholicism in particular. If such people cannot abide such innocuous remarks they are truly incapable of coexistence with Western culture.

Skyrad, if you'd finish the Bible, perhaps you'd realize the salience of Benedict's point in a Biblical context.
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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As far as religion is concerned I share all lot of the same views as Kallend. And what would he be Guilty of??? Not sharing your views? Looked on objectively religions are based on invisible friends. Can you really dispute that? Have you seen your God?


What is kallend guilty of? the same intolerence, predjudice and hate that he accuses us of having. Only it's far more culturally acceptable for him to express it and it is far from accurate when he uses it to describe us.

Have I seen my God? Everyday.

I think Kallend has a pretty clear picture of what he is guilty of. He just prefers to deny it so he does not have to own up to it. Sorta like a little kid who thinks you can't see him when he covers his own eyes.

As for seeing my God, I'm with micro, everyday.


What color is her hair? Eyes?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Coming from the head of an organization that is responsible for the inquisition and the crusades, his words are totally indefensible.

From the way you and kallend speak of these two events, you'd think that not a thing has transpired b/t then and now, either in the office of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) that Pope Benedict used to head as Cardinal Ratzinger or head of the Roman Catholic Church. It's amazing how selective people's memories can be.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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Coming from the head of an organization that is responsible for the inquisition and the crusades, his words are totally indefensible.

From the way you and kallend speak of these two events, you'd think that not a thing has transpired b/t then and now, either in the office of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) that Pope Benedict used to head as Cardinal Ratzinger or head of the Roman Catholic Church. It's amazing how selective people's memories can be.

What do you think is an appropriate punishment for murder?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Coming from the head of an organization that is responsible for the inquisition and the crusades, his words are totally indefensible.

From the way you and kallend speak of these two events, you'd think that not a thing has transpired b/t then and now, either in the office of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) that Pope Benedict used to head as Cardinal Ratzinger or head of the Roman Catholic Church. It's amazing how selective people's memories can be.

What do you think is an appropriate punishment for murder?

I'm sorry, could you be a little less obtuse?

Don't try to set me up kallend. :P

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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No, a whole lot has changed. The church is no longer the seat of government (at least for the moment), the west is mostly christian and now the church only provides a safe haven for pedophiles.

Now if we could only get people to stop killing over who has the better fairy tale.>:(
Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off.
-The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!)
AA #2069 ASA#33 POPS#8808 Swooo 1717

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Coming from the head of an organization that is responsible for the inquisition and the crusades, his words are totally indefensible.

From the way you and kallend speak of these two events, you'd think that not a thing has transpired b/t then and now, either in the office of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) that Pope Benedict used to head as Cardinal Ratzinger or head of the Roman Catholic Church. It's amazing how selective people's memories can be.

What do you think is an appropriate punishment for murder?

I'm sorry, could you be a little less obtuse?

Don't try to set me up kallend. :P

Your church sanctioned the murder of tens of thousands of people on account of their "heresy".

What should be the punishment? Is there a statute of limitations on murder?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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As far as religion is concerned I share all lot of the same views as Kallend. And what would he be Guilty of??? Not sharing your views? Looked on objectively religions are based on invisible friends. Can you really dispute that? Have you seen your God?


What is kallend guilty of? the same intolerence, predjudice and hate that he accuses us of having. Only it's far more culturally acceptable for him to express it and it is far from accurate when he uses it to describe us.

Have I seen my God? Everyday.

I think Kallend has a pretty clear picture of what he is guilty of. He just prefers to deny it so he does not have to own up to it. Sorta like a little kid who thinks you can't see him when he covers his own eyes.

As for seeing my God, I'm with micro, everyday.


What color is her hair? Eyes?

Your attempts to antagonize are almost endearing.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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No, a whole lot has changed. The church is no longer the seat of government (at least for the moment), the west is mostly christian and now the church only provides a safe haven for pedophiles.

Now if we could only get people to stop killing over who has the better fairy tale.>:(

Well thanks for disqualifying yourself from any serious discourse. :P

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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Coming from the head of an organization that is responsible for the inquisition and the crusades, his words are totally indefensible.

From the way you and kallend speak of these two events, you'd think that not a thing has transpired b/t then and now, either in the office of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) that Pope Benedict used to head as Cardinal Ratzinger or head of the Roman Catholic Church. It's amazing how selective people's memories can be.

What do you think is an appropriate punishment for murder?

I'm sorry, could you be a little less obtuse?

Don't try to set me up kallend. :P

Your church sanctioned the murder of tens of thousands of people on account of their "heresy".

What should be the punishment? Is there a statute of limitations on murder?

Not my place to say, really. But what I do see is that no amount of reparation the church has attempted to do, is doing and will continue to do will be enough for you. Your views are well known, that the church should be extinct for what it did hundreds of years ago.

And in a recent post I pointed out that the US, in WWII exterminated over 350,000 people with nuclear weapons under the very poor excuse of justifiable wartime losses.

What should the US be punished with? Extinction?

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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apparently you don't read very well. He specified people who have invisible friend(God) that get upset over other people who have a different invisible friend(some other god). Does that include you?

I read quite well thanks. Perhaps YOU should read more thoroughly. John has a long history of making insults at people of faith. Let's drop the facade here. Saying that people of faith have "invisible friends" was not an innocent statement and for you to pretend it was is assinine.

How is "invisible friend" an incorrect description of a god?

It isn't John, but it's entirely disingenuine of you to pretend you don't mean it as an insult. Such is your history. And you know what they say about old dogs...

If it's both accurate AND you think it's an insult, don't you think that refects badly on your beliefs? Do you complain if someone calls a spade a spade.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Coming from the head of an organization that is responsible for the inquisition and the crusades, his words are totally indefensible.

From the way you and kallend speak of these two events, you'd think that not a thing has transpired b/t then and now, either in the office of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) that Pope Benedict used to head as Cardinal Ratzinger or head of the Roman Catholic Church. It's amazing how selective people's memories can be.

What do you think is an appropriate punishment for murder?

I'm sorry, could you be a little less obtuse?

Don't try to set me up kallend. :P

Your church sanctioned the murder of tens of thousands of people on account of their "heresy".

What should be the punishment? Is there a statute of limitations on murder?

Not my place to say, really. But what I do see is that no amount of reparation the church has attempted to do, is doing and will continue to do will be enough for you. Your views are well known, that the church should be extinct for what it did hundreds of years ago.

And in a recent post I pointed out that the US, in WWII exterminated over 350,000 people with nuclear weapons under the very poor excuse of justifiable wartime losses.

What should the US be punished with? Extinction?

Do you think Ted Bundy should have been allowed to make reparations and then get on with his life?

The USA doesn't claim to be the source of all that's good and wonderful while living with it's dirty laundry.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Coming from the head of an organization that is responsible for the inquisition and the crusades, his words are totally indefensible.

From the way you and kallend speak of these two events, you'd think that not a thing has transpired b/t then and now, either in the office of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) that Pope Benedict used to head as Cardinal Ratzinger or head of the Roman Catholic Church. It's amazing how selective people's memories can be.

What do you think is an appropriate punishment for murder?

The murderers that have gone unpunished are quite dead already.

I read an earlier report with some leader somewhere predicting violence if the Pope didn't apologize personally. I'll take that as an example of how intolerant Muslims are.

I also like how Muslims complain about the Crusades from hundreds of years ago, but they are the ones now that kidnap people and make them convert to Islam or else die - their own little inquisition it would seem. Don't forget that once you are a Muslim, you aren't allowed to change.

You apparently have contempt for those that believe in God. Instead of saying explicitly that you think all believers are stupid (can't do that, it is a personal attack), you hide it behind a little ridicule about 'invisible friends'. Aren't there some very prominent scientists that believe in God? I'm not complaining really, it is a good thing that liberals are so hostile to those that believe in God, it ensures they will lose elections, so keep spreading the disdain...
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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