
Scientists Claim White House Created 9/11 Attacks

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And also consider the fact that NO investigation or explanation will EVER satisfy a determined conspiracy theorist with a political agenda, so there's not much point in trying to humor these people.

Maybe not people looking for conspiracy, but it is not just paranoid conspiracy buffs that are mentioning this issue.

I’ll give you one example, as I do not want to get in to this because I do not have the engineering know how.

But on one of the videos it showed charges blowing up just like an organized demolition.

I am not saying this is right, But what I am saying is simple show it and say the video is altered and here is the proof.

Or say no here is the scientific explanation of it and then shut the conspiracy paranoid people up.

I am not for all the ignorant people who are so ready say you are a traitor because you questioned. If it was for people like them we would still think the world was flat.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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I'm not an engineer either.

NOVA did a documentary called Why the Towers Fell. I didn't see it, but I don't think they addressed all the conspiracy theorists. They just talked about the physics of it all:


Speed Racer

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What bit of the investigation was lacking?

What bit of non-evidence do you think is so convincing?

It is time to choose sides. It appears you have done so.

Watch the video

Sides: yes I choose to find out the truth or disprove the ones that question what we know right now as the truth.

Thats my side. Any problem with that?

I've watched the video. There are plenty of sources for you to seek proof that the claims made by the morons are false. Which of thes moronic claims is so high up on your list of 'not yet proven false'.

Yes, I have a problem with that. I do appreciate that you make it clear which side you're on.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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I’ll give you one example, as I do not want to get in to this because I do not have the engineering know how.
But on one of the videos it showed charges blowing up just like an organized demolition.

It did NOT show charges blowing up. It showed windows blowing out. One mechanism for that to happen is air pressure from the collapsing floors. It so happens that they now think the when the support structure failed on the critical floors (where the structure was hot, the steel weakens at much less than the melting temp), the structure was still tied in to the outer steel skeleton, and it actually pulled the sides of the building inward.

Any other examples that you need help to disprove?
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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What's really amazing, as well as disappointing, is that 1/3rd of the votes are for a government conspiracy.

As an aside, all of those voting for conspiracy must feel we should not be engaged in a war on terror, because it was our own government. Unless of course Al Queda and the Bush administration were in on it together.

Yeah, . . . that's it, George W and Osama, planning world domination. Yeah, . . . and they will start by destroying their own countries, and then, and then, uh, they'll move on the Vatican, that's right, to join with the ousted Vatican astronomer and plan the 1st REAL moon landing, . . . in which they uh, uh, declare Barbara Bush Queen of Outer Space and give her the title of Minister of Alien Relations, so they can corner the market on uh, uh, mining other planets and sell all the ore to the uh, uh . . . Klingons. Yeah, that's it.

Wow, a person really can make this stuff up at will.

So go ahead and prove me wrong.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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I've seen several police officers who think the attacks were a conspiracy too. Obviously police officers are gullible idiots who really shouldn't be trusted with the task of protecting the public.

Did they try to go public with a position paper or is it just their personal opinion?
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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>Yeah, . . . that's it, George W and Osama, planning world domination.

Well, the white house had people convinced for a while that Saddam and Osama (two mortal enemies) were planning world domination, so I can see where the confusion might come from.

But this poll is sorta silly. Sure, they could have done more to prevent 9/11? But 'create'? Even if they wanted to (and why would they?) they wouldn't have the skill/stealth to pull it off.

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>Yeah, . . . that's it, George W and Osama, planning world domination.

Well, the white house had people convinced for a while that Saddam and Osama (two mortal enemies) were planning world domination, so I can see where the confusion might come from.

But this poll is sorta silly. Sure, they could have done more to prevent 9/11? But 'create'? Even if they wanted to (and why would they?) they wouldn't have the skill/stealth to pull it off.

Reminds me of a National Enquirer I saw at the grocers. It claimed Osama & Saddam were gay and had been secretly married. It was hilarious, especially since the head of Saddam was so obviously pasted on someone else wearing a brides dress. I guess Osama gets to be the boy in that relationship.

So, as an aside for the conspiracy theorists, prove THAT didn't really happen.

" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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what about the one where all the Jewish workers called in sick the morning of 9/11?:o

Yep, that is a popular piece of bullshit also.


People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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they wouldn't have the skill/stealth to pull it off.

NO president would have the skill/stealth to pull it off, I think.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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>NO president would have the skill/stealth to pull it off, I think.

Probably true, although I can think of some presidents/politicians who might have tried. Consider the Gulf of Tonkin incident. Not quite the level of 9/11, but a fake attack that got us into a war.

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NO president would have the skill/stealth to pull it off, I think.

Its not just the president that would really goof. It would be the thousands of other people involved to make it happen. And so forth. Even small operations that are supposed to be completely secret get leaked or found out somehow.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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what about the one where all the Jewish workers called in sick the morning of 9/11?:o

Is that the rumor I've heard called the Jew Flu?
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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The whole thing about conspiracy theorists is that they believe that the rich & powerful are almost superhuman in their skill in executing their diabolical plans.

The mentality is that the world is UNDER THE PRECISE CONTROL of various government, corporate & other organizations. When bad things happen in the world, it is by design, not by incompetence or whatever.

I guess it's more comforting to think that SOMEONE is in control, even if that someone is evil. In my opinion, the truth is that the world is a messy place, and even the wealthy and powerful are bungling their way through life. They are oftentimes just as confused & bumbling as the rest of us.

And if you've read of any of my posts, you will know I'm no fan of the Bush administration & the NeoCons. And I would like to influence people to vote them out of office. But indulging in wild conspiracy theories to depict them as cartoonish-super-villains is counter-productive, IMHO.
Speed Racer

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But indulging in wild conspiracy theories to depict them as cartoonish-super-villains is counter-productive, IMHO.

It is entertaining though!

Well, I'll make you a promise, I won't vote for W. in 2008.

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Hey that’s a good explanation that I didn’t think about, and it makes since

That’s all I am asking for.

FYI- I never received a massive E-mail that said hey go to this link so you can see the 9-11 conspiracy is all bull shit.

Oh yea let me mention this as well as I know some one well make a comment.

The majority of the people on my E-mail list are not just Muslims, or democrats.
I just know someone would make a remark like change you E-mail list or something like that.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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and that Planet X is going to crash into Earth in May 2003?

Planet X crashed into Earth in June 2003. I was delayed due to bad estimates of 2ndary gravity effects from passing close to Jupiter.

The entire population of the earth was destroyed except for about 17,000 humans who were secretly transported by space aliens (funded by the RAND corporation) into the belly button of a giant space traveling iguana (space traveling iguanas happen to have very large and comfy belly buttons).

Although this is a sore spot with the Martians (they were downgraded to the left ear of the iguana) it seems to serve us well as we travel about looking for another planet to live and thrive on.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Without all the facts how can you make a decision? Simply put whether the attacks were and inside job or not, we just don’t know...

It's like religion: some people hate President Bush so much that they have automatic unquestioning "faith" in any whacko theory that comes along that makes him look bad.

9/11: Debunking The Myths

"Popular Mechanics examines the evidence and consults the experts to refute the most persistent conspiracy theories of September 11."

Story Here

These goofy "professors" should read Popular Mechanics.

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Hey that’s a good explanation that I didn’t think about, and it makes since sense

Then why did you jump to a conclusion that it was a White House conspiracy (message #17), before bothering to research the facts and find out the truth?

If you don't know the facts, then your proper response is to reserve judgement until you do - not to go ahead and jump to anti-American conclusions.

That's the same kind of thing which you insist that all us Americans should do regarding your fellow Muslims.

"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."
- The Golden Rule

Get your head out of "Rolling Stone" and read some real magazines.

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Reminds me of a National Enquirer I saw at the grocers. It claimed Osama & Saddam were gay and had been secretly married. It was hilarious, especially since the head of Saddam was so obviously pasted on someone else wearing a brides dress. I guess Osama gets to be the boy in that relationship.

Nothing beats Saddam's relationship with Satan, only to be cast out to the gates of Mormon heaven. Where he begins rebuilding weapons of mass destruction.

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I caused 9/11. I was in a stall in the men's room of the World Trade Center after eating at Taco Bell.

Then I lit a cigarette. The rest is history.


(some of you may remember being on a jump plane with me)

edited to add: no I don't work for the Federal Government.

not directly anyway.

I'm just a contractor with Haliburton! :)
Speed Racer

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