
For Muslims

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I have a question.

Why do so many Muslims over-react to criticism of their religion?

Are they just sensitive, and psychopathically murderous?

Or is it just a few bad apples and bigoted Western media portrayals?

Please, I'd be interested to hear from Muslims on this point. I'm not posting this to start a bun fight, I'm posting this because it's a side of Islam I'm keen to understand, which, obviously I cannot.

Is it similiar to Western/supposedly christian people making statements along the lines of nukes/glass parking lots?

To answer my own question :S, yes, perhaps it is.

But I think there is a bit more to it than that.

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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I'd be interested to hear from Muslims on this point

I'm not Muslim, not Christian, not Jewish and I'm not religious. But like everyone else (and their mother) I have an opinion. :)


Why do so many Muslims over-react to criticism of their religion?

You have to realize that Muslims are very submissive to their religion and while we in the west have a hard time understanding why some Muslims overreact and do violent things in the name of their religion, you have to remember that to a Muslim, obedience to their religion is their #1 priority in life. How and where they get their messages to do crimes in the name of their religion is still very much misunderstood by many (including many Muslims).

I saw an interesting TV program on the big three religions last night and it's safe to say that I don't understand any of them. Both Islam and Christianity put too much faith in believing the teachings in their respective books (the Holy Ka-boom and the Burble) with very little concrete evidence to back their teachings as the ultimate truth and I guess the Jews are just too complex to understand period.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Look mate, I sometimes have a few drinks and say things simplistically, gob off a bit too.

Being submissive to their religion only exasperates their problems, as Christianity only recently discovered.

Sometimes I think it boils down to a few unfortunate truths mankind all share:

1. We believe what we want to believe. Especially if we think we should believe it.
2. We do what we generally want to do.
3. We are all selfish (profanity).
4. We cannot survive and develop without conflict.
5. We have to justify and support our negative/bad/evil thoughts and deeds. It is not our responsibility.
6. All this negative is often 'balanced' by the occasional good thought/deed/action.

Yeah right. As for me, only the first 5 apply.;)

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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It's tied very closely to Arab culture.

In Arab culture, an argument is won by the person who yells the loudest.

There is no such thing as compromise, only submission by one side or the other.

As this is tantamount to humiliation, there can be no negotiation, no consideration of the other person's side of the argument or point of view.

Civilization hinges upon a civil society; that is, the ability to discuss disputes rationally, and the deal-making and give-and take that eventually satisfies both sides. Either that or they are willing to give up some of their part, side or argument in order to arrive at a peaceful settlement they both can live with.

This concept is missing in Arab culture. This is why it is so backward and brutal.

It wasn't always this way. Arab-islamic culture once held the torch of reason and enlightenment when Europe was in darkness and squalor. Advances in science, medicine, mathematics, astronomy, architecture and a host of other things that we in the West think of as our own were once the province of the Arab world.

But then things went South. The muslim scholars decided that all that stuff wasn't politically correct, and the Arab world has been in darkness ever since, while the West went on to light a torch that became Democracy and self-government, and eventually became the rockets that propelled us to the Moon.

So they look at us with jealousy and hatred, and blame us for everything that is wrong with their pitiful societies, when the truth is within themselves and their death-cult "religion".

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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I believe that they know exactly what they are doing.

Just like the child who throws a tantrum to get his way, these people have learned that they can make this PC world do what they want by acting out.

Personally, I think we should inundate them with everything that they say offends them until they simply become numb.

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Personally, I think we should inundate them with everything that they say offends them until they simply become numb.

Sigh ... no wonder they feel about us the way they do. Personally, I prefer Christ's teaching to do unto them as I would have them do unto me.


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Personally, I think we should inundate them with everything that they say offends them until they simply become numb.



Sigh ... no wonder they feel about us the way they do. Personally, I prefer Christ's teaching to do unto them as I would have them do unto me.

Right now, all they have to do is throw a tantrum, and the western world starts walking on eggshells. I say, "Bullshit."

They take the whole concept of "Love thy neighbor," as weakness, and will exploit it in a minute.

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Mark, Mark, Mark.

So much I agree with you - the things I disagree, moderate people would do so too. You, I believe, know exactly where I am coming from.

You know your a bit over the top.

You know this death cult bollox is bollox.

Look at your muslims in your theatre Mark - very fuckin' far from the Arab type are they not?

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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Personally, I think we should inundate them with everything that they say offends them until they simply become numb.

Sigh ... no wonder they feel about us the way they do. Personally, I prefer Christ's teaching to do unto them as I would have them do unto me.

Oddly enough, I find myself agreeing with both of you. :|

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Oddly enough, I find myself agreeing with both of you.

Agreement in SC?!?!?!?!! :o

"Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!
Forty years of darkness, earthquakes, and volcanos!
The dead rising from the grave!
Human sacrifices, dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!":D:D

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Mark, Mark, Mark.

So much I agree with you - the things I disagree, moderate people would do so too. You, I believe, know exactly where I am coming from.

You know your a bit over the top.

You know this death cult bollox is bollox.

Look at your muslims in your theatre Mark - very fuckin' far from the Arab type are they not?

I thought it was "Bollocks", but your point is valid.

It's the combination of Arab culture (as mentioned in my post) and islam itself which comprises the volatile mix that the most deranged of their leaders eagerly exploit (imo these factors make it amazingly simple - witness the number of times in history [and now] that some RHIFW dubs himself "The Mahdi"]): Pan-Arab nationalism (which will never happen) or calls for jihad (a jihad against violence would be nice [after all, jihad isn't necessarily a shrill, psycho call to holy war against the infidel], but cutting off hands, feet and heads is obviously more personally satisfying (and probably pleases allah immensely) for some of those bloodthirsty savages).

Like I said in an earlier post, the koran is nothing but words on a page (written backwards, like the rest of their society), but the poor, ignorant masses are easy fodder for their cynical leadership when it comes to making human smart bombs.

Here is how cynical it really is---

From the Strategy Page:
Cutting the Cash Flow for Terrorists

September 21, 2006: Logistics are essential to terrorists, as well as for armies and air forces. In Israel, Hamas, and other terrorist organizations, are hurting pretty bad because of the foreign aid cut-off earlier this year. The money was what kept the terrorism going. The money stopped flowing because Hamas, the largest terrorist group, won most of the seats in the election for the Palestinian parliament. Hamas now had control of all that foreign aid, but the money was promptly cut off when Hamas refused to drop its goal of destroying Israel.

But the foreign aid, which basically paid the salaries of the Palestinian government employees, and most of the other expenses of that government, was not only cut off, but the banks that moved the money were cut off from the international banking system. Hamas, you see, is an internationally recognized terrorist organization. Since September 11, 2001, that means increasingly serious banking restrictions for terrorists.

Hamas has long depended on overseas money, usually from charities established in Western nations (especially Europe and North America). But now that money is drying up, and the additional restrictions on Palestinian banks, and foreign aid, make it worse. Ever resourceful, Hamas and the other terrorist groups began smuggling in cash, especially from Iran. Not a big deal, as many items were being smuggled in. But Israel did control the borders, and not all the smuggled cash made it through.

Now, Israel is going after the cash distribution system within the Palestinian territories. Just this week, some $1.2 million was seized from money changers and banks, who had been caught disbursing cash to terrorists. Without the cash, terrorist attacks don't happen. That's because, while there are many Moslems willing to kill for free, the specialists and leaders needed to make the attacks happen tend to be professionals, and must be paid. They are professionals, and terrorism is their livelihood. There are also goods (explosives, weapons, and so on) and services (bribes, information, sewing suicide bomb vests) that must be paid for. Some credit can be extended, and some has, but, ultimately, people must be paid.

Expenses are actually quite high for the Palestinian terrorists. The loyalty of people, in the neighborhoods where terrorist attacks are planned, is bought by giving many of them jobs. Hamas was like a separate government, before it won the election, in that it had thousands on the payroll. Many were listed as "security personnel," and this was a convenient place to stash the terrorist operatives. Now there is much less cash to spread around, and less terrorist activity as a result. For armies, logistics is moving tons of stuff long distances. For terrorists, buying local is almost always a better option. But to do that you need cash, and if you can't move cash to your operators, your terrorism doesn't happen.
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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Why do so many Muslims over-react to criticism of their religion?

It is a combination of many things.

We have people who are extremist in there view, There first priority as mentioned is to there religion, Media wants to have higher ratings so they focus on that group. Add to that a lot of history that started way before 9-11, and you might understand (not agree) why some are so mad
The UK and we have always had a huge influence in the Middle East. We have influenced governments, helped with Revolutions, Lunched missiles, usually with one concern what is the best thing to do for us.
We have left people to die that we promised we wouldn’t we have supplied WMD, The list goose on and on. If any country had done to us what we have done to the Middle East we would have been at full-blown war many years ago.

So I believe when you add something like a western media that wants to make fun of Mohammed knowing they would get a reaction. It is not just that one cartoon that pisses people off it is the combination of all things.

Now you might believe in your religion or you might not believe in any religion that is your choice, but there are people who truly believe in their religion and don’t think for a sec that making fun of their prophet is funny. We used to respect others beliefs in hopes that they would respect ours that is not the case now. I believe people in the west have gotten used to just letting things slide and slowly progress/Digress depending on your point of view from the way their religion was. Things that were once viewed as absolute no nos 60-70 years ago are normal now. Many Muslims do not want that to happen they want their core values to remain the same.

What we need to do is respect others, and not try to force our culture on their country. We also need to put humane life ahead of our greed. All countries need to do that one.

The simple basics always work the best.

Treat people like you want to be treated and all will be fine
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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I want my girls to be educated.
I don't want my son to marry his 1st cousin.
etc., etc., etc.

Best stay out of Appalachia, boy.

just for an exercise in perspective, replace "Appalachia" with "Harlem" next time and see what kinds of responses you get

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Treat people like you want to be treated and all will be fine

And that's another issue. We don't want to be treated as Muslims want to be treated.

I want my girls to be educated.
I don't want my son to marry his 1st cousin.
etc., etc., etc.

You are becoming the king of uneducated and illogical remarks. You and John R should start dating.

More then 50% of university graduates in Iran are woman, and the ones I know have not married their 1st cousin.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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