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That according to a leaked report from the French intelligence agency that apparently our old friend U Sama is now dead, last month, from thyphiod, somewhere in Pakistan.

Taken from website...

French paper says Osama died in Pakistan
IRNA - Islamic Republic News Agency

Islamabad, Sept 24, IRNA
A French secret service report said on Saturday that Saudi Arabia was convinced that al-Qaeda Leader Osama Bin Laden died of typhoid in Pakistan last month, 'Daily Times' wrote on Sunday.

The pakistani daily added that 'L'Est Republicain' printed a copy of the report dated September 21, and said it was presented to President Jacques Chirac, Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin and ministers of interior and defence on the same day.

The document quoted a reliable source as saying that the Saudi services are now convinced that Bin Laden is dead.

The information by the Saudis indicates that the al-Qaeda chief was a victim of a very serious case of typhoid which caused partial paralysis of his internal organs while he was in Pakistan on August 23, it added.

The report, which was stamped with a confidential defence label and the French secret service's initials, said Saudi Arabia first heard the information on September 4, waiting for more details before making an official announcement.

Meanwhile, President Chirac told reporters after a summit with German and Russian leaders that Bin Laden's death had not been confirmed in any way whatsoever.

In Paris, Defence Minister Michele Alliot-Marie ordered an inquiry into the leaking of the classified DGSE (foreign intelligence service) document.

Saudi-born Bin Laden was based in Afghanistan until the Taliban government was overthrown by US-backed forces in 2001. Since then, US and Pakistani officials have regularly said they believe he is hiding somewhere on the rugged border between Afghanistan and Pakistan.


It forgot to mention the headline Chirac Pissed. B| :):ph34r::(
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Uh...I believe this is S.C. stuff. You're in the wrong forum.:S

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In other words, we'll talk about anything other than this.
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I believe you don't know how to spell.:D


I bell-eve if u understood what he/she ment it dont matter in this media:P
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