
Favorite 1911?

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Do you have a favorite major manufacture or a favorite gunsmith custom? I have a Kimber TLE/RL II Pro that I'm quite fond of, especially now that they produce the weapon with an internal extractor (the external version wasn't that good...I'll have a new version slide on order in a couple of weeks).

If I could afford one or could justify spending the money (primary duty weapon, for example) I would own a Wilson Combat, but looking at over $2k for their 1911 when you can buy something that is basically the same for less than 1/2 that price. No a Kimber isn't quite the same as a Wilson, but for less than 1/2 the price, you can make the changes and get the bench work done to get to the same level of quality for still less money then a new Wilson.

Then there's STI, which builds a good weapon, Colt Gold Cup and many many more. I only mentioned 4 of the major 1911 manufactures, I know that there are numerous more, so tell me about your favorite version, company or gunsmith.

I still firmly believe, after a decent amount of experience shooting various Glocks, XDs, H&Ks and others that the 1911 is still the best design available...when built right. More accurate/just as accurate, just as tough, just as reliable, more comfortable in your hand and with better safeties.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I've shot some of the higher cap para-ord offerings. All in all not bad weapons, but I wasn't overly impressed. There's only been a few times that I've shot something and said "holy crap, I have to buy one of these." The first time I shot a Kimber was one. The first time I shot a Wilson was one as well.

There's a pilot friend of mine that is a HUGE 1911 fan, he has quite a few very high end bench made 1911s that he has competed with. Well, he wasn't really familure with Kimber, having gotten out of the compeititon world about 10 years ago, but still loves his 1911. He took my Kimber out and came back with a large amount of disbelief. The only thing I've changed on my 1911 is the magazine to a Wilson mag. He couldn't believe the trigger quality on this "low priced" (his words) 1911.

I've never shot a Les Baer, so I'm not sure about their weapons. I've heard good things, but I don't personally know. Same for Strayer and Evolution Gun Works. My dad bought a really nice offering from Springfield that was very impressive, but it was also VERY picky about ammo. Even when not shooting super low end ammo like Wolf, it would jam. That's not something I like...I know I can take my Glocks and damned near put rocks in the magazine and it'll cycle.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I think the Kimbers are very nice weapons despite several friends that have had problems with FTE with the external style extractor.

For the money I don't think the Springfield Armory TRP line can be beat. While you can spend 2K for a Pro model, you can get into a TRP for just over a Grand. I have an Operator that shoots flawless and is very accurate. I have had one FTE on the last round using old colt mags that my Uncle has laying in his tool box. He had them marked with an X and tool me they needed a new spring/follower. Other than than one instance no stovepipes, FTF, or FTE. Plus a lifetime Warranty!
Sure I would like an Ed Brown or custom 1911 of the like but for them money I am a Springfield or Kimber Fan
That spot isn't bad at all, the winds were strong and that was the issue! It was just on the downwind side.

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despite several friends that have had problems with FTE with the external style extractor.

I'm one of those people. The external extractor on my Kimber was 1mm too long from the factory which resulted in many stove pipes at first. Got the extractor fixed with a correctly machined piece that gave me a much more reliable pistol. However, Kimber only has 2 models that are still produced with external extractors. They have gone back to the very proven internal extractor design. Too many problems caused the change back in the designs.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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My dad bought a really nice offering from Springfield that was very impressive, but it was also VERY picky about ammo. Even when not shooting super low end ammo like Wolf, it would jam

Being a huge fan of the Springfield line and talking with and knowing others beside myself that own them, this is very uncommon for a Springflield weapon. I am not sure I understand why your Dad does not let Springfield make it right. They have awesome customer service. You dad had got one of the very few that Springfield that are picky. You can bet your ass they can fix it and make it feed like a champ. I have seen a couple of Kimbers with broken external extractors but when they work and extract, they work good. Springfield 1911 are well known to eat any kind of ammo. Get it fixed!
That spot isn't bad at all, the winds were strong and that was the issue! It was just on the downwind side.

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I've seen Les Baer weapons and Ed Browns, but have yet to have the opportunity to shoot one. I would love to, that's for sure...although one of the Les Baer factory shooters is a skydiver and she did s couple of jumps at my DZ. Her husband jumps at my DZ off and on as well as SD Temple (its much closer for him, since he's at Ft. Hood). He did hook me up with a few boxes of Black Hills ammo. Talk about freak'n sweat "factory" loads.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Give it a shot if you ever get the oportunity - the fit and finish, feel, and accuracy are unmatched. I still wouldn't drop that kind of money on a gun though - all my money goes to motorcycles :ph34r:.

I have a Springfield Loaded Operator - probably put 8-10,000 rounds through it and I've had absolutely no problems with it. It's comfortable, accurate, and durable, and it has spent a lot of time on rainy Seattle IDPA courses. I used to shoot a lot of that dirty steel cased Wolf ammo - never had a single problem with that ammo either. It's dirty as all hell but it was really good for IDPA type stuff (i.e it was slow and cheap :D)


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All I have shot as far as a 1911 is the Kimber. It was tricked out and had a trigger pull that was light as hell. I'm still waiting to get the approval from the boss (also known as wife) to buy it. I first have to buy my current duty weapon because we are getting issued new ones next month. The old one has some personal value that the wife does not understand. Hopefully some of you guys can understand it.

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I HOPE my favorite will the one that Barry is working on for me...assuming he ever gets started on it!!

For my money, getting a "plain jane" gun and having your FLG (friendly local gunsmith) do the accuracy/trigger work is the best value.

For your TLE... good luck with the external!
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Are you saying that you are competing in IDPA with the Loaded Operator? max weight for IDPA is 41 ounces and your weapon weighs 43. I think you would be ok with the partial rail like the newer ones have but you should not be allowed to use that weapon per the IDPA rules. I think I am correct? Mabey they have changed the rules.
That spot isn't bad at all, the winds were strong and that was the issue! It was just on the downwind side.

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Are you saying that you are competing in IDPA with the Loaded Operator? max weight for IDPA is 41 ounces and your weapon weighs 43. I think you would be ok with the partial rail like the newer ones have but you should not be allowed to use that weapon per the IDPA rules. I think I am correct? Mabey they have changed the rules.

You may be correct. It's been about a year since I moved from Seattle - haven't competed in the IDPA since. The gun passed inspection at the time anyway.

Edit: Just checked the rule book - ESP category weight restriction is 43oz


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I love my classic Colt Gold Cup made in 1976, it has always shot better then me. I also have a G.I. Remington-Rand M-1911A1, that a joy because of it's history. My wife has a stainless-steel Series 80 with pink Pachmyer type grips. And then there's a couple of Argentina Sistema's, one in .22 and the other in .45. It's hard to pick just one. We do a lot of shooting when the winds come up.

Only the good die young, so I have found immortality,

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We do a lot of shooting when the winds come up.

Another reason to have a DZ on private property outside of the city. You've got to build a swoop pond...take the dirt and make a berm. Man that would be GREAT.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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We do a lot of shooting when the winds come up.

Another reason to have a DZ on private property outside of the city. You've got to build a swoop pond...take the dirt and make a berm. Man that would be GREAT.

AggieDave's Skydiving and Shooting Club?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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AggieDave's Skydiving and Shooting Club?

Its been done. "The Coconutmonkey lounge, spa, and artillery range." conveniently located within walking distance of the Raeford manifest shed. :D

Well, damn....there's ANOTHER good idea up in smoke!! :D

Dave...when your new slide comes in, take a look at the AFTEC extractor... several 'smiths swear by it. *of course, several 'smiths swear AT it, too*
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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AggieDave's Skydiving and Shooting Club?

Sure, its been done, but what about "AggieDave's Skydiving, motorcycle shop, bar and grill, and shooting club?

Huh, huh, huh? All we need now is a lot of money to start with. I'm counting on you Mike.:D

Ok, seriously, talked to Kimber and they want to see my weapon before they send me out a slide, so looks like I'm going to have Berry mail it back to them so I can get a new slide. Went out last night and put about 100rds down range and had two extractor problems. 2 in 100rds doesn't sound bad, except for the fact that I've put over 15,000rds down range with a Glock 17 I own and have NEVER had a problem. Once that is squared away I'll look into the other extractors.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Had a Colt Commander that never jammed, stovepiped or malfunctioned in any way, even with my reloads using unpolished brass. But my favorite "1911" is a Glock 19. We don't need no stinkin safeties!
If I remember Gun Tests rated Kimbers generally ahead of Wilson Combat custom jobs because they were too tight. Somebody help me out here.
"Here's a good specimen of my own wisdom. Something is so, except when it isn't so."

Charles Fort, commenting on the many contradictions of astronomy

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