
What rifle is this?

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h&k G36

edited to add that it is the "C" model of the G36 which is the COMPACT or COMMANDO model

Cheers dude,

I guess they chose that specific model as you might have to have the rifle raised in a vehicle and also for moving around in buildings. Does that sound correct?

Its new one issued this year so I shall try and read up on it now I know what model it is.

Thanks :)
EDIT: After very quick bit of scan reading. Wow, what a diverse adaptable weapon B|

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When I was a copper they just issued us with wooden sticks

Now days if that's all you have your life expectancy on the street will be pretty short.[:/]

Then again, back then I'm willing to bet you and your co-workers carried and used "slap sticks" or "slappers." Lot of things have changed, reading about it and talking to some old timers I would say a large majority of it is for the better.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Inerestingly (or not) constables of the CNC are the only officers granted authority to use firearms to protect property (Nuclear material) as other armed officers only have authority to protect life.

Not really thought of it like that but I suppose that is the case, although protecting nuclear material would indirectly be protecting life anyway I guess.

Rifle seems good for the job having read more. I don't know what the predecessor was but the powers that be obviously decided it wasn't up to the job anymore. I imagine it would have been the MP5

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ya its designed for what you said, think m16 shorty or our m4 with 10 to 16 inch barrel waittttttttttttttttttttttttttt...... your british, ok think about this.........>:(

The 2&6penny gun, Just mind your thumb when you cock it

Gone fishing

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The HK Gewehr 36C is a weapon I'm not familiar with, but the picture has me wondering. It shows a fairly long magazine, so I would imagine the case, for that cartridge, is fairly long also. I'm just wondering if that short of a barrel would result in a lot of unburned powder. I would expect to see a much longer barrel on a weapon with a magazine like that....Steve1

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h&k G36

edited to add that it is the "C" model of the G36 which is the COMPACT or COMMANDO model

You know Joshua, you are really begining to frighten me.
L.A.S.T. #24
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not the best pic... and I've read the prior comments and agree.... but it might also be a HK UMP. cuz looking at the mag on the rifle in the back... it might be the prespective issue, but the mag just seems off. so that's why I'm 90% iin agreement with the HK G36... but not 100%

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so very very wrong! the UMP is so destinct that your statement cannot have any bases on the truth! the UMP is a submachine gun and looks completely different then the G36, as for the mag comment the sub caliber rounds are way too small to fit in any mag as big as the one in our picture! i appreciate your opinion however wrong it may be! ;)

Ahh, what a wonderful world.

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Look again at the gun in the back (the third guy)

then look at the second pic down on this site. The mags seem more similiar. But like I said, could be perspective issues. It just doesn't really look like the back gun is a G36.

First off, I know shit about guns. Secondly though, that is blatantly not a UMP. Look at the muzzle in the foreground, it is completely different to the UMP, but fits the pics of the G36C perfectly. (Note especially the flash suppressor and the small gas piston(?) protruding slightly above it.)

The close up detail of the G36C is here http://hkpro.com/g36c.htm
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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