kallend 2,057 #101 November 21, 2006 Quote Quote If monopoles exist maybe they don't but narrowing down the possibility of tapping into the earths magnetic field to the existence of these so called monopoles is not exactly looking outside the square now is it? Looking outside "the square" when "the square" represents the known laws of physics, is generally a complete waste of time, money, and energy. Feel free to waste yours, but I know of no competent physicists or engineers who consider this a promising avenue to pursue.... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lucky... 0 #102 November 21, 2006 Quote Took you a week My browser doesn't always pop up to the right frame. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rhys 0 #103 November 22, 2006 Quote Looking outside "the square" when "the square" represents the known laws of physics, is generally a complete waste of time, money, and energy. Feel free to waste yours, but I know of no competent physicists or engineers who consider this a promising avenue to pursue. I guess that is how Patent Law make a few people Very rich. Maybe the magnets in the components of our everyday common products are most dependant on the earths magnetic field in ways we cannot currently fathom. I am no scientist and maybe you are? Possibilitys are endless. read the quote below."When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,057 #104 November 22, 2006 Quote Quote Looking outside "the square" when "the square" represents the known laws of physics, is generally a complete waste of time, money, and energy. Feel free to waste yours, but I know of no competent physicists or engineers who consider this a promising avenue to pursue. I guess that is how Patent Law make a few people Very rich. Maybe the magnets in the components of our everyday common products are most dependant on the earths magnetic field in ways we cannot currently fathom. I am no scientist and maybe you are? Possibilitys are endless. read the quote below. Must be those "Rare Earth" magnets you're thinking about However, I teach a graduate level course on magnetic materials and I assure you that we "fathom" them quite well with known physical laws. I have yet to see a functional product on sale that violates the known laws of physics. I'm sure a few scams have made some people rich. Feel free to waste your own time chasing monopoles.... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr2mk1g 10 #105 November 22, 2006 If you're gonna think that far out'a the box, how about a carbon nanotube elevator to space... where you wait while the earth rotates and your stop comes round before descending the appropriate elevator. Great for going from the US to Europe... not so good for going from Europe to South Africa... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,028 #106 November 29, 2006 Some good news - we will soon have another option to gas-powered cars. ------------------------------------- Nissan going battery 'within three years' November 27, 2006 Tokyo Japan - Nissan is planning to sell battery cars within three years in a bid to catch up with its rivals in the market. The Nihon Keizai Shimbun newspaper said, without citing sources, that the light, sub-compact electric model would be powered by lithium-ion batteries developed in-house, Most battery cars cannot travel far between charges but Nissan is aiming for a range of 200km Mitsubishi Motors and Fuji Heavy Industries are leading the development of battery cars. Nissan's participation would, Nihon Keizai said, intensify the race. Nissan also plans to accelerate the expansion of its diesel car range and the development of bio-ethanol cars in co-operation with top shareholder Renault, the newspaper said. - AFP -------------------------------------------- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rushmc 23 #107 November 29, 2006 Quote Some good news - we will soon have another option to gas-powered cars. ------------------------------------- Nissan going battery 'within three years' November 27, 2006 Tokyo Japan - Nissan is planning to sell battery cars within three years in a bid to catch up with its rivals in the market. The Nihon Keizai Shimbun newspaper said, without citing sources, that the light, sub-compact electric model would be powered by lithium-ion batteries developed in-house, Most battery cars cannot travel far between charges but Nissan is aiming for a range of 200km Mitsubishi Motors and Fuji Heavy Industries are leading the development of battery cars. Nissan's participation would, Nihon Keizai said, intensify the race. Nissan also plans to accelerate the expansion of its diesel car range and the development of bio-ethanol cars in co-operation with top shareholder Renault, the newspaper said. - AFP -------------------------------------------- Yes, that certinally is a good thing. I wonder if you mistake my position on all of this? First, I have no problem with cleaner more effiecent options for the consumer. I have no problem with manufacteres filling (or even creating through new tech) niches to satisfy the consumer. My only problem is those that beleive this is what everybody should be driving, pushing thier agenda using bad and inconclusive and yet unproved science and governments to force everybody to do as they (say in many cases) do! Despite the retoric there in no consensus as the wether or not man is causing or can effect global warming. I still read and look into it as shown in what I posted in the other thread. Hope that claifies my position. (If you understood it sorry for the repeat)"America will never be destroyed from the outside, if we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Abraham Lincoln Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jcd11235 0 #108 November 29, 2006 Quote Despite the retoric there in no consensus as the wether or not man is causing or can effect global warming. From physicsweb: Quote Most atmospheric physicists believe that increasing carbon dioxide levels in the upper atmosphere will boost this radiative effect and cause the temperature and density of that region to decrease. However, obtaining global historical data on the temperature, density and size of the upper atmosphere can be a tricky business, which has made these effects difficult to confirm. Now, Jan Laštovi?ka of the Institute of Atmospheric Physicists in the Czech Republic and colleagues in the US, India and Germany believe that these effects have been observed in a sufficient number of independent studies to paint a consistent picture of the manmade changes occurring in the upper atmosphere. According to the researchers, comprehensive studies of the mesosphere – the portion of the upper atmosphere at 50-90 km altitude – reveal that most of this region is cooling at a rate of about 3 Celsius degrees per decade. This cooling is in agreement with models based on increasing carbon dioxide levels. Further up in the thermosphere (90-800 km) there have been no direct measurements of temperature. However, a dramatic drop in the “ion temperature” of 17 degrees per decade has been observed at heights of about 350 km. The ion temperature is a measure of the thermal motion of ions and is related directly to temperature. This drop is also consistent with rising carbon dioxide levels.Math tutoring available. Only $6! per hour! First lesson: Factorials! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NCclimber 0 #109 November 29, 2006 So man-made CO2 is causing temperatures to drop? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,028 #110 November 29, 2006 >So man-made CO2 is causing temperatures to drop? Man-made CO2 is absorbing re-radiated infrared before it reaches the upper atmosphere. That means warmer lower atmosphere, colder upper atmosphere. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rushmc 23 #111 November 30, 2006 thanks for making my point that is what they have and I quote "most" What the fuck does that mean?? I can find those that say just the oposite. there is no areeement just the politically correct claiming the high ground. I am am reading both sides. They both have compelling arguments. the difference? One side is not telling the other side what they "should" believe"America will never be destroyed from the outside, if we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Abraham Lincoln Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,028 #112 November 30, 2006 >"most" . . . What the fuck does that mean?? "Most" means the greatest quantity. >One side is not telling the other side what they "should" believe. There is a difference between science and belief. Science is a collection of laws and theories that accurately explain phenomena we observe in nature; belief is confidence in something not amenable to rigorous proof. Some examples: Science: Increasing CO2 concentrations reduce re-radiation of infrared radiation, thus increasing the amount of heat retained by the atmosphere. Belief: The world wants to destroy the US by forcing them to follow unfair rules. Science: Through burning X tons of coal and Y tons of oil a year, we add Z tons of CO2 to the atmosphere. Belief: I can't believe we add all that CO2 to the air! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rushmc 23 #113 November 30, 2006 Nice try I forget that if you say it, it must be so. You must be one of the "most""America will never be destroyed from the outside, if we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Abraham Lincoln Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rushmc 23 #114 November 30, 2006 >There is a difference between science and belief. Science is a collection of laws and theories that accurately explain phenomena we observe in nature; belief is confidence in something not amenable to rigorous proof.< which for the most part you DO NOT HAVE!!!!!! You rely on flawed science to support your view. That is what I believe. Does that make it so?????"America will never be destroyed from the outside, if we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Abraham Lincoln Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,028 #115 November 30, 2006 >You rely on flawed science to support your view. Both statements above are scientifically provable. One can be proved with a radiometer, an IR source and a gas chamber. The other can be shown by simple math. >That is what I believe. Does that make is so? Nope - but it does mean it's your belief, which is fine. Heck, some people believe the earth is flat. As long as they're not flying the airplane that I'm on, they are perfectly free to believe that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
speedy 0 #116 November 30, 2006 Science: Increasing CO2 concentrations reduce re-radiation of infrared radiation, thus increasing the amount of heat retained by the atmosphere. Belief: The minimal amout of extra heat retained via the CO2 will cause through various unproven feed back mechanisms a runaway global warming effect. Dave Fallschirmsport Marl Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NCclimber 0 #117 November 30, 2006 Quote Science: Increasing CO2 concentrations reduce re-radiation of infrared radiation, thus increasing the amount of heat retained by the atmosphere. Belief: The minimal amout of extra heat retained via the CO2 will cause through various unproven feed back mechanisms a runaway global warming effect. WINNER! Thanks for playing, everyone. The show's over. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,028 #118 November 30, 2006 >Belief: The minimal amout of extra heat retained via the CO2 will > cause through various unproven feed back mechanisms a runaway > global warming effect. Neither I nor any scientist I know thinks that will surely happen. What we DO know will happen is that a rise of a few degrees C will occur due to blockage of IR re-radiation. Other things MAY happen - but that rise of a few degrees C will do plenty of damage by itself. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pirana 0 #119 November 30, 2006 Yes. We are always running out of everything that is being consumed and no longer being produced. This is such an easy test. Next question please." . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NCclimber 0 #120 November 30, 2006 And the price is going back up. Expect new all-time highs by Spring. You've been warned. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #121 November 30, 2006 Quote And the price is going back up. Expect new all-time highs by Spring. You've been warned. GeorgieBoy and DickieBoy know its after the election now.. so their buddies can raise it all they want... just to make sure that their retirement funds grow as much as they can while they are still in power. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites