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Skyrad 0
Quoteit's not their job to "keep the rest of us safe." They enforce the laws....
And by so doing they help to keep us safe.
As for the bodyguards, no. Bodyguards outside of the milliatry and Police on official duty are not allowed to carry any form of weapon ie: Firearms, knifes, CS gas, MACE or anything that any other subject is not allowed to carry.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
QuoteTo suggest that the British public should be armed is quite frankly scary and I believe most would be in agreement with me. I wouldn't let most loose with a firework let alone a gun.
Because you obviously know whats best for everyone else.
QuoteBut peer pressure etc causes kids to join gangs and also for security in some parts of the UK (thining big cities)
Why would security be a problem in the UK? You have a total ban on handguns. Didin't that solve all the problems?
QuoteI had parents teaching the kids (no more than 3 years old) to throw bottles at us when we go on the estate.
Surely a total bottle ban would solve this problem.
QuoteMaybe its time we started licenceing who can have kids.
I not even going to touch this.
Skyrad 0

Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Scoop 0
John you do realise this isn't a game right? If you have time to stand and shoot at somone driving at you then you have time to get out the way, which would be my instinctive reaction.. The guy that shot a potential burglar (or window cleaner) without issuing in a challenge is in my mind reckless and should be prosecuted. "Go away or I'll shoot" - Its not hard is it... really. But then its your godamn right to take someones life if they fart in your direction, right?
What kind of nutter sits with their rifle beside them anyway?

Maybe one day you'll land off, some farmhouse somewhere. Not your property thats for sure. Startled and in fear that hes about to get burgled or attacked the landowner shoots the 'intruder' (you) and you bleed to death before help can get to you. Is that reasonable? You shouldn't have been on his land after all. What if that hand of the person at the window wasn't a burglar but somone who needed help?
Fancy schmancy things like DETAILS & LAW shouldn't get in the way of a good shootout huh?
I am not anti-gun at all, this is whats funny, you make me argue about it so much it probably seems I am. My concern is people like you don't seem to rationalise situations before you'd whip out a gun and start shooting at whoever.
People like me look at certain situations that have happened in AMerica and at certain people and think 'theres no way I want that over here'
I was only just issued a stab vest last year, up until them, we didn't have them. You know why? Health & Safety risk assessment proved that the risks weren't high enough at the time. Times have changed and we now have them as standard issue. But we are a long way of needing to be armed. I like the fact that I can stop a car and not have to ask the driver if they have a gun on them or in the vehicle. I like the fact that if there is an armed incident we have dedicated response vehicles for such incidents who can respond just as promptly as a normal local patrol. I like the fact that if someone i sgetting agitated and puts their hands in the pocket the worst I have to worry about is a knife or a needle
I've never had a member of the public come up to me and say or mention in general that they don't feel safe and that guns are the answer. If noone wants it, they wont do it. Why can't you get that in your head? (Not just you John but others) The majority don't want guns and being a wonderful democracy it wont happen as long as it stays that way. People trust the police to deal with matters like that although I appreciate sometimes if you are in a situation you could need help immediatly.
Scoop 0

JohnRich 4
QuoteQuoteAnother another nice theory: that passing a law will actually cause the criminals to obey it. Here's another rude reality: criminals don't give a shit about laws - that's why they're criminals. They'll carry weapons anyway.
Which is why we need to tackle the crime issue with better Policing and changing the drink drug fight lack of respect culture that is pervasive throughout the UK today. Better to treat the cause of crime rather than just give up on that and attempt to deal with the symptoms.
Ding ding ding! You've got it right there! Crime is not caused by guns. It's caused by the criminal culture.
As long as everyone continues to waste all their resources in the futile attempt to ban all guns, while ignoring the criminal culture, then the criminals will continue to win.
JohnRich 4
QuoteYou favour kids with guns...
its your godamn right to take someones life if they fart in your direction...
What kind of nutter sits with their rifle beside them?
Maybe one day you'll land off. Startled and in fear that hes about to get burgled or attacked the landowner shoots the 'intruder' (you)...
What if that hand of the person at the window wasn't a burglar but somone who needed help?
people like you don't seem to rationalise situations before you'd whip out a gun and start shooting.
With those kind of statements, it's clear that rational discussion with you has vanished. And with beliefs about gun owners like that, I'm glad that you don't get to set policy in the U.S.
SkyDekker 1,465
Who said an armed society is a polite society?
I don't know who said it first, but I just said it. If a person think that the next person that he tries to mug may be packing a little heat, he'd tend to consider whether it's worth the risk to display bad manners.
yet, that is certainly not what is happening in the US. crime rates are pretty high compared to otehr civilized societies. Would you say that gun owernship is too restricted for this hypothesis to work?
Further, most "armed societies" seem to have rather high crime rates. the Us is one ofthem, Iraq is one of them, Palestine is one of them. Switzerland is certainly an exception, but then they aren't really that free to actually carry their rifle around in day to day life.
The theory is nice, but it doesn't seem to work in practice.
JohnRich 4
Quotemost "armed societies" seem to have rather high crime rates. the Us is one ofthem, Iraq is one of them, Palestine is one of them. Switzerland is certainly an exception, but then they aren't really that free to actually carry their rifle around in day to day life.The theory is nice, but it doesn't seem to work in practice.
Every adult male in Switzerland keeps a full-automatic assault rifle at home, with ammo, as part of their citizen militia. They are free to take them to public ranges to practice any time they wish.
Your own examples show the fallacy of what you're hoping to prove. It's not the presence of guns that causes the problems - it's the culture. Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds hate each other - that's the cause of violence in Iraq. Palestinians hate Jews - that's the cause of violence there.
Remove the guns from Iraq and Palestine, and they'll still be trying to kill each other. Remove the guns from Switzerland, and they'll still be peaceful.
Violence is not caused by the mere presence of guns.
SkyDekker 1,465
QuoteEvery adult male in Switzerland keeps a full-automatic assault rifle at home, with ammo, as part of their citizen militia. They are free to take them to public ranges to practice any time they wish.
Lol, the one my uncle has is still bolt action.
I have spent a lot of time in Switzerland, have family who live there and have family who are part of this "militia", I havenever, ever seen anybody openly carry their rifle in public.
How often have you been to Switzerland JR?
You left out the US in your reply. Why are Americans so violent? I thought an armed society was a polite society? Your own country proves the hypothesis invalid.
QuoteViolence is not caused by the mere presence of guns.
Just as peace or politeness isn't created by the mere presence of guns. Geez, you would think you would have learned from your own history. Lots of guns and violence, little light on the politeness.
Show me one society that is armed, where it is the normal to carry a fire arm around and is a polite society. There are plenty examples of the opposite, not so many of the armed, polite hypothesis.
mnealtx 0
QuoteShow me one society that is armed, where it is the normal to carry a fire arm around and is a polite society.
We (pro-2nd) *have* shown the crime stats going down over and over again... and all the anti's can say is "but there's still crime!!!!"
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706
SkyDekker 1,465
QuoteWe (pro-2nd) *have* shown the crime stats going down over and over again... and all the anti's can say is "but there's still crime!!!!"
First of all, I am not against your 2nd amendmend, as a matter of fact, I could care less, not my country.
Secondly, your crime rates are still very high compared to other western civilizations. Hence, I don't agree with the statement my first post was about, that an armed society is a polite society. Nobody has yet been able to point to one society where that is actually true.
By way of example: The US would be considered an armed society. Yet what are Americans known for around the world? Canada is not an armed society and what are Canadians known for around the world?
So, back to the original point of my first post in this thread. Which armed society is actually a polite society?
mnealtx 0
The statistics that show a reduction in violent crime have been shown over and over ... and all that can be said is "but America *still* has more crime than some European countries, so you must be lying!"
As for polite society - get out of the big cities and the Northeast and into the smaller towns - you're much more likely to be greeted with a nod and a smile than a snarl...or a muttered "fucking Americans".
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706
I know you're responding to JohnRich... but since noone is going to address my post, I thought I would restate some of my comments. As I said before - I think the video should be looked at more as the community doing just what you mentioned above. Changing the cultural beliefs. Standing up to the gangbangers and letting them know that certain actions (not JUST holding the gun) won't be accepted in their neighborhood. When you choose, as a society, what will and won't be tolerated, then the People have to be willing to back it up. But.. that can then get you into situations of vigilantism and big brother.... sticky situation.
Agreed .... to a point. And I have respect for Scoop, AggieDave and the other law enforcement officers that I have known. But.... it's not their job to "keep the rest of us safe." They enforce the laws.... which means that the laws have to be broken for them to do anything. If someone is carrying and it's illegal, then they can do something... but if someone is THINKING of doing something... that's where that persons conscious, societal values and understanding of repurcussions comes in.
btw, no one answered my question on celebrities and body guards. Do their body guards get to carry and why have a division by class?
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