
Six Muslim Clerics Removed from USAir Flight for Praying

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>>If you don't have the balls to take the risks inherent in a free
>> country, move to someplace less free.

>Just as with skydiving, I try to minimize my risk.

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear."

I think the freedoms that the US constitution guarantees are more important than fear. Sadly, I seem to be in the minority lately.

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The whole thing was bullshit.

I'm not going to let a handful of Al Quaeda fanatics cause me to live in fear. This is America.

Living in a free country involves some risk. If you don't have the balls to take the risks inherent in a free country, move to someplace less free.

Just as with skydiving, I try to minimize my risk.

Good to hear. But theoretically, you could minimize your risk even more by NOT being a skydiver.

Similarly, we could minimize our risks by NOT being Americans.
Speed Racer

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The original statement was that the First Amendment gave religion free rein and the reply was providing a case in which it doesn't. Please read previous posts before replying to statements made.

Gee, you're right. Yours was actually a strawman argument in support of a strawman argument. Sorry for the lack of detail.

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I'll bet the note said a lot more than "some Arabic men were getting on the plane".

And, I would wager that it was all unfounded B.S. based on ignorance.


They also said some things that were suspicious in the terminal.

They spoke out against the war in Iraq. The 1st amendment secures their right to do so. They did absolutely nothing wrong.
Would a catholic priest or baptist minister be taken from a plane after saying prayer in the terminal and stating that the illegal war in Iraq is wrong? No, they would not.
I think that the note passer was hoping that something would be found and that he or she would get his or her 15 minutes of fame. Hey, look at me, I am a fucking HERO, I saved the day.
I fear people like the note passer.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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The whole thing was bullshit.

I'm not going to let a handful of Al Quaeda fanatics cause me to live in fear. This is America.

Living in a free country involves some risk. If you don't have the balls to take the risks inherent in a free country, move to someplace less free.

Just as with skydiving, I try to minimize my risk.

Good to hear. But theoretically, you could minimize your risk even more by NOT being a skydiver.

Similarly, we could minimize our risks by NOT being Americans.

I said minimize, not eliminate.

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The whole thing was bullshit.

I'm not going to let a handful of Al Quaeda fanatics cause me to live in fear. This is America.

Living in a free country involves some risk. If you don't have the balls to take the risks inherent in a free country, move to someplace less free.

Just as with skydiving, I try to minimize my risk.

Good to hear. But theoretically, you could minimize your risk even more by NOT being a skydiver.

Similarly, we could minimize our risks by NOT being Americans.

I said minimize, not eliminate.

Speed Racer

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That means one direction, one flag, one purpose. That is the true freedom of all of mankind.

Uh? That's a pretty strong statement, which as stated I do not grasp. Can you elaborate?

Consider Orwell's 1984. That's what it means.

Sura 9, verse 29 - compare/contrast
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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No, it's not. If you think it is, that says something much worse about you than it does about them.

There are any number of minorities who run around with a chip on their shoulder, and look for opportunities to get it knocked off. If you can't see that, then you are wearing rose colored glasses.

I'm glad to hear that pansy-asses who can be terror-stricken by something as simple as a prayer are a minority. Unfortunately, it does appear that their numbers are growing.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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That means one direction, one flag, one purpose. That is the true freedom of all of mankind.

Uh? That's a pretty strong statement, which as stated I do not grasp. Can you elaborate?

Consider Orwell's 1984. That's what it means.

Sura 9, verse 29 - compare/contrast

Mein Kampf - compare/contrast.

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That means one direction, one flag, one purpose. That is the true freedom of all of mankind.

Uh? That's a pretty strong statement, which as stated I do not grasp. Can you elaborate?

Consider Orwell's 1984. That's what it means.

Sura 9, verse 29 - compare/contrast

Mein Kampf - compare/contrast.

Green Eggs and Ham - compare/contrast
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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Green Eggs and Ham - compare/contrast

one question,

is it
Green (eggs and ham)

or is it
(Green eggs) and ham


Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Explain why the 10 Commandments were ordered taken down in the Courthouse a few years ago.

Explain why " In God We Trust " is still on my money?

I've gone all plastic money. Mine just says "Rewards Card." :P


Nice. The govt. (and big corps) gets to track your every move. Me. I prefer CASH;)

Why? What have you done?

"If you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear" - J. Stalin (or was it H. Himmler?);)

I'm pretty sure I detected sarcasim. Now. When the shit hits the fan I'm sure cash will go further than plastic. Not much further as in 1929. Guns and lead and brass baby;)
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Incorrect. You are allowed to practice your religion to the fullest extent so long as it complies with all other laws (this is not free rein). Native Americans, Rastafarians, etc... are not allowed to perform rituals that do not comply with laws regarding drug cultivation and usage.______________________________________________________________________________________________I beg to differ on that statement. I'll post some case law later. I'm tired
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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They were disruptive on an airline flight

They did absolutely nothing on the plane but go to their seats and sat down. Three of them prayed in the terminal. No law against praying. Again they did nothing wrong. Someone passed a note to an attendent pointing out that some Arabic men were getting on the plane. No law against Arabic people boarding planes. They were not disruptive. It was the ignorance of the note passer that was wrong. It really does seem that Bin Laden is winning as he is being succesful in turning Americans against Americans. All of the clerics are American. He is being succesful in cultivating fear of Islam. Of all of the Muslims I have met, they all have been kind and courteous. I have no fear of them as Al qaeda does not represent Islam. To those who lump the two together, shame on you for taking the bait that Al qaeda laid out as you are only assisting the enemy by doing so. Educate yourself and Bin Laden and his kind will go away.

I saw a very quick view of the note, it said much more than "some Arabic men were getting on the plane".

It has been reported that they did much more than "just go to their seats and sat down", such as demanding their seats be changed, asking for belt extensions and then not using them. Things that by themselves aren't much, but the things were not by themselves.

The men were praying quite loudly. This seems to reinforce the view that they may have been looking to cause an incident, or that they were quite stupid for not knowing they would attract attention to themselves.

The men were overheard saying things that would have gotten them in trouble had they been saying it while going through security. Exercising your free speech rights at a commercial airport will get you attention from the TSA, that is a fact.

I think they deserved what they got. It would have been wrong to ignore it.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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They were disruptive on an airline flight

They did absolutely nothing on the plane but go to their seats and sat down. Three of them prayed in the terminal. No law against praying. Again they did nothing wrong. Someone passed a note to an attendent pointing out that some Arabic men were getting on the plane. No law against Arabic people boarding planes. They were not disruptive. It was the ignorance of the note passer that was wrong. It really does seem that Bin Laden is winning as he is being succesful in turning Americans against Americans. All of the clerics are American. He is being succesful in cultivating fear of Islam. Of all of the Muslims I have met, they all have been kind and courteous. I have no fear of them as Al qaeda does not represent Islam. To those who lump the two together, shame on you for taking the bait that Al qaeda laid out as you are only assisting the enemy by doing so. Educate yourself and Bin Laden and his kind will go away.

I saw a very quick view of the note, it said much more than "some Arabic men were getting on the plane".

It has been reported that they did much more than "just go to their seats and sat down", such as demanding their seats be changed, asking for belt extensions and then not using them. Things that by themselves aren't much, but the things were not by themselves.

The men were praying quite loudly. This seems to reinforce the view that they may have been looking to cause an incident, or that they were quite stupid for not knowing they would attract attention to themselves.

The men were overheard saying things that would have gotten them in trouble had they been saying it while going through security. Exercising your free speech rights at a commercial airport will get you attention from the TSA, that is a fact.

I think they deserved what they got. It would have been wrong to ignore it.

fuck the tsa and dhs AND BUSH AD CO. I'm fuckin tired of them tearing my fuckin luggage apart (AND) stealing. Theiving punk bastards
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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The pilot in command principle must coexist with constitutional rights. Airlines in the US, despite being private enterprises, are deemed "common carriers"; and as such, may not engage in unlawfully discriminatory acts. No different than owners of lunch counters in Mississippi after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 not being allowed to prohibit black people from eating there.

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The pilot in command principle must coexist with constitutional rights. Airlines in the US, despite being private enterprises, are deemed "common carriers"; and as such, may not engage in unlawfully discriminatory acts. No different than owners of lunch counters in Mississippi after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 not being allowed to prohibit black people from eating there.

The pilot is responsible for the aircraft and all the passengers on board. The actions of the passengers in question raised enough concern with the flight crew to get the pilot involved. The pilot wanted them removed from the plane for whatever reasons and that is the pilot's call. What other factors were involved we will probably never know. Did they make a scene? Did they get combative when approached? Did they refuse to go back out to the gate or answer any inquiries? Here's your cuffs, have a better day.

Trainsurfing. Wow- what a rush.

Stick around until the end- talk about living life to the fullest.

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I am wondering if we will see this tonight on any of the US media outlets??

Doubt it. Doesn't fit thier world view template. Maybe they got exaxtly what they had coming or

what they were after. After all, the drive by media gives them aid and comfort

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I am wondering if we will see this tonight on any of the US media outlets??

Doubt it. Doesn't fit thier world view template. Maybe they got exaxtly what they had coming or

what they were after. After all, the drive by media gives them aid and comfort


A lot of "anonymous" comments there, and mostly just garbage. I guess the comment about "praying very loud" comes from someone that hasn't heard a Pentecostalist.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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You will notice that I waited to chime in on this story until the "other" side. (The side that does not react from an emotional irational point ot view)

So, now the other side of the story starts to come out and you slam the story because of an anonymos source?

I could take you serious if you slamed "anonymos" souces that support your world view template.

But I guess this one (story) doesn't:S
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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