
religion and morality

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I have heard many time from religious people that religion is required for morality. The question is often posed to me as a non beliver, why dont I go out and kill if I do not believe in god? My answer is simple, that we have evolved brains that can work out that constant violence is not in our mutual interest. Morality evolves, it has been and will continue to do so.
But on a dull day at work with nothing to do I decdied to put something to the test. If as theists claim adandoning god leads to ruin then there should be some direct evidence of this. I decided to corrleate non beliefe with the murder rate in the worlds 15 weaalthiest nations. In order to try and compare like with like I chose the top 15 wealtheist nations in the world, I ignored small banking islands by excluding any nation with less than 1 mio people and ignored countries who were not democracies. This I believe enables us to compare similar socio economic conditions. If the theists are right there should be a high correlation between unbelievers and the murder rate. I used data from Wipedia and average data from

what did I get? a negative correlation of -.317. I then thought maybe I can make my results more accurate. After all there is easyly accesible data on gdp per head rates. Its not unreasonbale to assume the richer one is the less likely one is to commit a murder. So I adjusted the crime rates to be wieghted by the differential gdp rates. That way I believe my comparsion is even more "like with like". What did I get then? -.37.
So next time a theist says religion is needed for moralty ask them why I didnt get a high positive correlation, indeed why did I get a negative corrleation?

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I have heard many time from religious people that religion is required for morality. The question is often posed to me as a non beliver, why dont I go out and kill if I do not believe in god? My answer is simple, that we have evolved brains that can work out that constant violence is not in our mutual interest. Morality evolves, it has been and will continue to do so.
But on a dull day at work with nothing to do I decdied to put something to the test. If as theists claim adandoning god leads to ruin then there should be some direct evidence of this. I decided to corrleate non beliefe with the murder rate in the worlds 15 weaalthiest nations. In order to try and compare like with like I chose the top 15 wealtheist nations in the world, I ignored small banking islands by excluding any nation with less than 1 mio people and ignored countries who were not democracies. This I believe enables us to compare similar socio economic conditions. If the theists are right there should be a high correlation between unbelievers and the murder rate. I used data from Wipedia and average data from

what did I get? a negative correlation of -.317. I then thought maybe I can make my results more accurate. After all there is easyly accesible data on gdp per head rates. Its not unreasonbale to assume the richer one is the less likely one is to commit a murder. So I adjusted the crime rates to be wieghted by the differential gdp rates. That way I believe my comparsion is even more "like with like". What did I get then? -.37.
So next time a theist says religion is needed for moralty ask them why I didnt get a high positive correlation, indeed why did I get a negative corrleation?

My god man. You're doing WAY to much thinking

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Like my mothers holier than thou religous ex-partner that would preach christianity and morality and question my self an my brothers ethics for not attending church and the mother fucker blames my brother (that is open about his liking of porn) on the 'teen' porn found on my mums computer.
he lied to try to cover his ass but didn't realise the honesty within our family and made himself look like a schmuck, he then dumped my old lady for another unsuspecting woman and still preaches his faith and morality.:S

the bible can forgive any sin if it is interpreted in your favour.

not all christians are like that but many are!
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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Religion is simply a roadmap. It is not necessarily needed for morality (people's standard). God's moral law is written on the hearts of all people whether they believe or not. However, ALL fall short of God's standard and are guilty (including Christians).

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Thats lucky, 'cos a lot of the moral law written in the bible is atrocious.

There's civil, ceremonial, and moral law recorded in the Bible. They differ.

I seem to remember that god was hot on striking down those who disobeyed his moral laws back in those days. The israelites were never punished for their shockingly evil civil laws, ipso facto God approved of them.

They may not be moral laws that the bible obliges us to follow today, but they are examples of behaviour that god finds morally acceptable.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Thats lucky, 'cos a lot of the moral law written in the bible is atrocious.

There's civil, ceremonial, and moral law recorded in the Bible. They differ.

Unfortunately they do not seem to be well differentiated, and different people differentiate them in different ways.

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Thats lucky, 'cos a lot of the moral law written in the bible is atrocious.

There's civil, ceremonial, and moral law recorded in the Bible. They differ.

Unfortunately they do not seem to well differentiated, and different people differentiate them in different ways.

That too.
As an aside to Paj - the hotel that hosts the British Parachute Ass'n AGM (and pissup) has a 10 foot high statue of Poseidon in their foyer. Is that one of the ten most immoral things they could do?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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This is a conversation I had with a religious person ...

Person: Without religion, what is to stop you from killing someone?

Me: The fact that I would be killing someone.

Person: But there aren't any repercussions, you won't go to hell.

It is frightening that there exist people who believe that without religion there would be no morality (and would kill someone if they didn't fear going to hell).
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I seem to remember that god was hot on striking down those who disobeyed his moral laws back in those days.

Still is. He's just withholding judgment now.


The israelites were never punished for their shockingly evil civil laws, ipso facto God approved of them.

There's a difference between tolerance and approval.


They may not be moral laws that the bible obliges us to follow today, but they are examples of behaviour that god finds morally acceptable.

It's an example of his long suffering patience. Not his acceptance. All sin will be punished.

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As an aside to Paj - the hotel that hosts the British Parachute Ass'n AGM (and pissup) has a 10 foot high statue of Poseidon in their foyer. Is that one of the ten most immoral things they could do?

Only if it represents what they worship above God. Is it an idol or just a statue?

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There's a difference between tolerance and approval.

He chose the Israelites above all others to carry his message. He must have thought they were doing something right. And remember that those 'civil' laws of theirs were based on their religion.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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not all christians are like that but many are!

all that from a sample size of 1.... why aren't you working for MIT or CERN?

Either of those associated with CHAOS?

(That is who I work for).
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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God is a "He"? You're joking, right? If God is everywhere, don't you think it transcends gender? God makes much more sense as a verb, rather than a noun.

God has revealed Himself in three ways: In creation, in the Bible, and in Jesus (Rom. 1:18-20; 1 Cor. 15:3; John 5:39; Acts 10:43; Heb. 1:1-3; John 14:9). Jesus was a man. God does transcend gender. However, that's the reason we refer to him in the masculine.

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