
religion and morality

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How do we suddenly[remember, evolution takes millions of years] go from considering the life of an unborn child to be a precious thing to something that we can throw in a trash can by the millions, in only two or three generations.

Bizarre argument. Our attitudes are the same as they always have been - out of sight, out of mind. The only thing that has changed is our ability to safely and reliably perform abortions.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Sweetmoose said we'd all be better off without any religion.Now at first glance when you take in the autrocities committed in the name of religion (crusades, inquisition, genocides, terror, etc) plus the abuse of religion (pediphyle priest, hypocritical preachers, etc) you start to agree.

However, then you must throw out the good too. without trying to say religion was the first, the best or the end to all means, it did influence positively things like the creation of hospitals and works of charity (think Salvation Army), build great schools of higher learning, educate the masses (at least in USA), build orphanages, patron the arts, etc.

I'm known in my circle of pastoral friends as being a little anti-religous and very much pro Jesus.

Just want to clarify a bit, I'm not against religion in the sense of someone having personal beliefs in something, I am however agains organized relgion, which often time bring too many people together to do crazy stuff and can often times become corrupt, just look at the Vatican. I would just prefer that people take religous documents, i.e. the bible, koran, book or mormon, book of jahova, and any other religous books and study them by themselves or with the family and not extend that to churches and mass meetings and try to convince everyone else that they are right and if you don't blieve in it too, you're going to hell.

By the way, I do love discussing the stuff, and I'm glad everyone here is open to discussing things like religion without getting too upset.:P
We die only once, but for such a very long time.

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How do we suddenly[remember, evolution takes millions of years] go from considering the life of an unborn child to be a precious thing to something that we can throw in a trash can by the millions, in only two or three generations.


Bizarre argument. Our attitudes are the same as they always have been - out of sight, out of mind. The only thing that has changed is our ability to safely and reliably perform abortions.

I'm using abortion as an example simply because it fits the bill of someone having to twist their thinking in order to convince themselves that there's nothing wrong with it.
I could use any number of examples.

The problem is that with some people when the guilt for what they have done, no matter what it is, begins to eat at them,instead of owning up to it, saying it was wrong, and it will never happen again, they find someone who has done the same thing, and form a group of sorts, in order to assuage their guilt.

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I would just prefer that people take religous documents, i.e. the bible, koran, book or mormon, book of jahova, and any other religous books and study them by themselves or with the family and not extend that to churches and mass meetings

Umm, have you seen a therapist for your control issues?;)


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I would just prefer that people take religous documents, i.e. the bible, koran, book or mormon, book of jahova, and any other religous books and study them by themselves or with the family and not extend that to churches and mass meetings

Umm, have you seen a therapist for your control issues?;)

The ;) indicates that was irony, right? Organized religion wrote the book(s) on control.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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not all christians are like that but many are!

Christians aren't perfect people. They're human beings just like the rest of you.


preach christianity and morality and question my self an my brothers ethics for not attending church

This dude was obviously not a true Christian. True Christians know that it's not church that makes you Christian or what makes you good but it's what's inside your heart that does.


he then dumped my old lady for another unsuspecting woman and still preaches his faith and morality.

I don't know what happened between your mom and this guy but like I said Christians are people too. They'll make the same mistakes that you can make. As far as him leaving your mom, he obviously wasn't a true Christian because true Christians will not leave a person for a much better person. I'm not saying your mom was a less better person but I think you know what I mean. However, he's still human like you and I. So we'll do dumb or insane things like anyone else.

My friend, there are plenty of wayward Christians out there in this world. Like I said, they're human beings. They're not perfect. If anyone were perfect, they wouldn't be human. I'm not going to judge anyone but most of those misguided Christians make the bad stereotype for other Christians.

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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I know of more than one "good Christian" who goes to church every sunday.. gets absolution for their sins.. then goes out the door to strat screwing over people as soon as they can... nearly a total lack of anything most of us would call morals.

You've just contradicted yourself my friend. How can a person be a good Christian if they did all those things? Be more specific when you say screwing people over.


the whole "christians are not perfect.. they are forgiven".. leads to some very screwed up sinful people who will stab you in the back in a heartbeat... yet.. they are right there in church asking for forgiveness on Sundy morning...

There are a lot of Christians out there that think by going to church and asking for forgiveness will actually give them forgiveness. Or they go to church and preach all this holiness and love and the minute they leave church they quickly forget where they just came from. If they keep this up, they too will be judged for and punished for their unrighteousness, don't you worry buddy, that's God's job not yours.

Remember that Christians are people too. We all make mistakes. A Good Christian will make a mistake, be concious of it and will not repeat it again. We're not superhuman and we're not perfect. Those that claim they are, are not true christians. Like someone else had mentioned: There are also bad atheists, bad muslims, bad catholics, etc.

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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>Are you telling me that with the millions of years of development, that we
>[especially women] do not yet have an innate desire to protect the unborn?

No, we don't, because we haven't had abortion for millions of years, so we haven't been able to adapt to it one way or the other. Heck, take heroin. Heroin usage is a pretty serious problem that often leads to death of the user. Why haven't we evolved a revulsion to heroin? Because it hasn't been around long enough.

> Are you saying that, knowing or making a decision about right or wrong
> simply has to develop over eons of time?

I am saying that our most basic morals have evolved over time, because _having_ those morals keeps us alive. Those are morals all people feel, and are thus pretty universal (or, as Paj refers to them, absolute.)

> I put the blame for the desire to destroy the moral code that has
>been used for centuries squarely on the liberal socialists, who think that
>the idea of a god is an affront to their personal freedom.

I think you have an overly optimistic view of what "the moral code" is. We've committed plenty of atrocities in the name of religion, so religion is surely no guarantee of morality.

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This dude was obviously not a true Christian. True Christians know that it's not church that makes you Christian or what makes you good but it's what's inside your heart that does.

So you're telling me that there are true and untrue Xtians out there?:S[:/]
What do protesters want? Dead cops! When do they want it? Every 2 weeks!

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If they keep this up, they too will be judged for and punished for their unrighteousness, don't you worry buddy, that's God's job not yours.

ha so what happened to asking for forgiveness and what not? I thought that Xtians were forgiven???:|
What do protesters want? Dead cops! When do they want it? Every 2 weeks!

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I am saying that our most basic morals have evolved over time, because _having_ those morals keeps us alive.

That is so not true dude. I forget which tribe it was I think it was either Aztec or Mayan. They developed very modern-like ethics similar to ours. Which means, we haven't evolved much since then.
What do protesters want? Dead cops! When do they want it? Every 2 weeks!

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"I put the blame for the desire to destroy the moral code that has been used for centuries squarely on the liberal socialists, who think that the idea of a god is an affront to their personal freedom. "

What moral code are you talking about? The one thhat allowed slavery and denied womens rights including thhe vote? I am glad that moral code has been destroyed, maybe you would lke such repression re introduced. they wre both justiified by christian theology.
BTW i hope you understand that liberal and socialist are not necessarily the same thing.

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You have to differntiate between us evolving and our morality evolving. since the time of the aztecs and Mayans it is highly unlikely that we could have evolved. But morality can and does evolvve at much more rapid rates.
The following topics seem obvious now but would have been disputed by most people alive then.
Government should be elected by the people,
Slavery is wrong
racism is worng
women are entitled to equal rights
freedom of religion
Im sure I can make a longer list but I think you should see the point. morality most definitley evolves and it foten does so quite rapidly.

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That is so not true dude. I forget which tribe it was I think it was either Aztec or Mayan. They developed very modern-like ethics similar to ours. Which means, we haven't evolved much since then.

I don't know much about the Mayans but I seriously doubt it's the Aztecs you are talking about. Those dudes would build a pyramid, and when it was done they would kill thousands of slaves and captured soldiers from other tribes on the top of the pyramid and completely cover it in blood.
We die only once, but for such a very long time.

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I am saying that our most basic morals have evolved over time, because _having_ those morals keeps us alive.

That is so not true dude. I forget which tribe it was I think it was either Aztec or Mayan. They developed very modern-like ethics similar to ours. Which means, we haven't evolved much since then.

Ha ha. I can't believe you were serious in writing this.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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You have to differntiate between us evolving and our morality evolving. since the time of the aztecs and Mayans it is highly unlikely that we could have evolved. But morality can and does evolvve at much more rapid rates.
The following topics seem obvious now but would have been disputed by most people alive then.
Government should be elected by the people,
Slavery is wrong
racism is worng
women are entitled to equal rights
freedom of religion
Im sure I can make a longer list but I think you should see the point. morality most definitley evolves and it foten does so quite rapidly.

You should have added capital punishment to that list. As standards of decency evolve, most societies have abolished it. Only a few societies still have this morally bankrupt practice.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>Which means, we haven't evolved much since then.

The Aztecs civilization was around 600 years old. In evolutionary terms, that's yesterday.

This is getting of the subject of religion/morals a little bit with the Aztec/Mayan thing, but the Aztecs were a lot older than 600 years old, they were only discovered about 600 years ago by Cortez. When they were discovered they had already been around (don't really know for sure) but around long enough to have a rather large civilazation with hundreds of large pyramids, several of them larger than the Egyptian pyramids.............................Just looked it up, you were pretty close, the aztecs were apparently around about 900 years ago and conquered by Cortez in 1521.
We die only once, but for such a very long time.

I'll believe in ghosts when I catch one in my teeth.

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> but the Aztecs were a lot older than 600 years old

Yeah, sorry, I should have said "were around 600 years ago" - they've been around since the 1200's. In terms of the pyramids, you're probably talking about the Mayans, which have been around for a few thousand years (since 1800BC or so.) Their civilization as we knew it (i.e. cities and monuments) started around 250 AD.

Several other civilizations sprouted much earlier than that - one in Europe is estimated at 4800BC, and one off the coast of India is estimated to have started around 7500BC.

In terms of evolution, the development of civilization was something of a turning point. Civilizations, with methods of communication, record-keeping, common laws, housing and public services, significantly changed the environment people were evolving in. Civilizations tend to protect their weaker members even when they are no longer capable of reproduction; suddenly survival was more dependent on community-building skills and less on individual ruggedness or strength. In some ways we began to "devolve" from a pure individual-survival perspective; many humans lost their protective melanin (since they were wearing clothing and staying indoors more) and much of their body hair (same reasons.) Of course that was still evolution looked at with a larger lens. We were adapting to a new environment, and didn't need to waste energy on a lot of useless hair any more.

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morality most definitley evolves and it often does so quite rapidly.

Somebody forgot to convey this message to a whole lot of gangbangers.

Sombody also forgot to convey it to all the pedophile priests, there are exceptions on all sides.
Time flies like an arrow....fruit flies like a banana

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Civilizations tend to protect their weaker members even when they are no longer capable of reproduction; suddenly survival was more dependent on community-building skills and less on individual ruggedness or strength.

To the Dutch, that thinking is so yesterday, and they are on the cutting edge of moral superiority.

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Sombody also forgot to convey it to all the pedophile priests, there are exceptions on all sides

They are not claiming to be morally superior due to evolution.

They are homosexual, pedophile, con men, who use their position of authority to get what they want.

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