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speedy 0
QuoteAs far as I can tell, things are generally on a downhill slide, which fits much more closely with Biblical predictions.
As far as I can tell, things are generally improving all the time.
We are living, longer and healthier than just a few hundred years ago. We don't have to worry too much about where our next meal is coming from. Simple diseases which previously caused suffering and death can be easily prevented or cured. I am certainly glad that I am not living in Germany 200 or more years ago.
Fallschirmsport Marl
QuoteQuote'. Why can't Atheists just carry on beliving in nothing and let the rest of us get on with our own belifes? Bloody annoying.
Mostly bcause you lot wont shut the hell up, and keep it to yourselves. if you did then we would not feel xompelled to counter your claims with science and testable evidence.
"Well, he started it!"
"No I didn't! HE started it."
"Shut up, ignoramus!"
"No, you shut up, sinner!"
Somehow, I don't find Squeak's argument as to why the seculars shove atheism down peoples' throats to be compelling. Rather, I find both sides trying to shove their views down peoples' throats, much in the same way as a bulemic shoves a finger down his/her throat. Vomit follows, it doesn't taste good, and the only reason such a thing is being done is because of the need to feel good about oneself, but it ends up being destructive.
My wife is hotter than your wife.
rehmwa 2
QuoteThey are just as religious as any churchgoer. They get together in groups and light candles or incense. They talk to trees and think that they are one with Mother Nature. They study the stars to see what tomorrow will bring.
Yea, they're on a higher plane than the rest of us.
"They are just as religious as any churchgoer" or active atheist, etc. Yes, I totally agree the mentality and belief aspect is identical....
however, as for the rest of your post......
I was teasing Michelle with an exagerated stereotype of the 'wierd' spiritualists (with the appropriate use of smileys), obviously she was talking a more internalized or personalized version of the word embraced by many christians today as their own religion.
so when you embrace the very non-complimentary stereotype and put it in an insulting post, you'll lose points for bad form - do not pass go, do not collect $200
Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants
nigel99 518
I find it difficult to portray as so much context gets lost when repeated over the web.
The radio interview was in the UK radio 4 which has a very negative view on anything that remotely questions evolution and so he was not on "enemy turf" where you could excuse him coming across as almost defensive if that makes sense.
Sorry this probably wasn't the any examples you were looking for...
philh 0
How would you expect a physicist to react to someone questioning the spherical nature of the Earth(please no pedant talking about ellipsoids )? there are indeed flat earth Chrsitians they are not so vocal as the creationsits.
Andy9o8 2
Quote...the seculars shove atheism down peoples' throats... I find both sides trying to shove their views down peoples' throats, much in the same way as a bulemic shoves a finger down his/her throat.
I respectfully disagree. As I said above, a tiny vocal minority aside, most atheists do not evangelize; to the contrary, they generally keep that on a pretty low profile to avoid either having to discuss it or being thought ill of by others. By and large, atheists just want to be left alone about religion, and pretty much mind their own business about it.
QuoteQuote...the seculars shove atheism down peoples' throats... I find both sides trying to shove their views down peoples' throats, much in the same way as a bulemic shoves a finger down his/her throat.
I respectfully disagree. As I said above, a tiny vocal minority aside, most atheists do not evangelize; to the contrary, they generally keep that on a pretty low profile to avoid either having to discuss it or being thought ill of by others. By and large, atheists just want to be left alone about religion, and pretty much mind their own business about it.
That would explain why these Christian/religious threads never make it to page two.

As far as I can tell, things are generally on a downhill slide, which fits much more closely with Biblical predictions.
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