unformed 0
So of course when a 757 flies into a building, everything automatically goes kaboom.
building 7 was not hit by any plane nor were there any floors ''pancaking'' yet there are still visible puffs.
please explain
A. Sachs
-puffs of smoke often dozens of floors below the demolition.
-freefall speeds; both towards fell in 8-10 seconds which is physically impossible without explosives removing any resistance.
-"rivers of molten steel'' found at the base of the towers
molten steel seen dripping from one of towers.
-experts agree temperatures not hot enough to melt steel.
-multiple eye witness accounts of multiple explotions
(including video footage of ruble in the basement before any collapse-a fifty ton press demolished in the basement before any collapse)
-wtc building 7-a 47 story building mysteriously collapses exactly like a controlled demolition- which the official investigation is unable to explain.
-no steel skyscraper has ever or since collapsed due to fire despite much hotter and longer burning fires.
-all ruble(evidence) was quickly removed so no one could examine it.
-virtually all concrete was pulvarized to dust.
all three buildings fell symmetrically into their own footprint.
etc. etc. etc.
A. Sachs
Richards 0
QuoteQuoteQuote***Hush,OBL does not really exist,that`s why he`s never been captured.
Actually OBL is just Elvis in disguise
There are probably people who actually would believe either of those two comments.

Anyway I must cut this post short as there is a black helicopter overhead and I know for a fact it is monitoring our conversation.....they are on to us..every one of us on this thread!
jakee 1,526
Quote-all ruble(evidence) was quickly removed so no one could examine it.
I agree, that is very suspicious. Why would anyone want to steal Rubles? The way the Russian economy's been going they're practically worthless!
Your points have been answered, you just haven't been listening! Example, your 6th bullet point, about WTC-7. The article provided for you right at the beginning of the thread has a complete explanation of why and WTC-7 collapsed as a result of damage from falling debris.
unformed 0
That's the straight up truth.
rehmwa 2
Quote1/4th of americans are retarded and won't beleive anything told to them.
nuts, I refuse to beleive (sic) you
Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants
''The article provided for you right at the beginning of the thread has a complete explanation of why and WTC-7 collapsed as a result of damage from falling debris. '' -jakee
fema-''The specifics of the fires in WTC 7 and how they caused the building to collapse remain unknown at this time. ... Further research, investigation, and analyses are needed to resolve this issue. ''
nist-admits its "best hypothesis has only a low probability of occurrence. ...
A. Sachs
nanook 1
Quote''Operation Northwoods, or Northwoods, was a 1962 plan to generate U.S. public support for military action against the Cuban government of Fidel Castro..''
''The plan, which was not implemented, called for various false flag actions, including simulated or real state-sponsored acts of terrorism (such as hijacked planes) on U.S. and Cuban soil.''
''create an incident which has the appearance of an attack on U.S. facilities (GMO) in Cuba, thus providing an excuse for use of U.S. military might to overthrow the current government of Cuba
If i remember correctly, the guy that created this was let go. It definitely was not supported by the U.S government. Also, it was public information. That's how you got that info. An alibi? Maybe they let him go because the Govt was protecting itself? You would think that if this leaked out, then a much more grander 9/11 conspiracy would have leaked out with today's harder-to-keep-secret-because-of-technology World. It was easier keeping things secret yesterday than now.
"The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln
''The article provided for you right at the beginning of the thread has a complete explanation of why and WTC-7 collapsed as a result of damage from falling debris. '' -jakee
fema-''The specifics of the fires in WTC 7 and how they caused the building to collapse remain unknown at this time. ... Further research, investigation, and analyses [sic] are needed to resolve this issue. ''
nist-admits its "best hypothesis has only a low probability of occurrence. ...
So what does anyone gain if your theory is correct?
''The plan was proposed by senior U.S. Department of Defense leaders, including the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Lyman Louis Lemnitzer.''
''The proposal was presented in a document entitled Justification for US Military Intervention in Cuba,[1] a collection of draft memoranda written by the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) representative to the Caribbean Survey Group. The document was presented by the JCS to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara''
A. Sachs
''Destroying an unmanned drone masquerading as a commercial aircraft supposedly full of "college students off on a holiday". This proposal was the one supported by the Joint Chiefs of Staff.''
''Harassment of civil air, attacks on surface shipping and destruction of US military drone aircraft by MIG type [sic] planes would be useful as complementary actions."
A. Sachs
A. Sachs
kallend 2,055
What is the probability that the ASCE has so many conspirators among its senior membership. ZERO.
The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.
bush and his group believe in imminent peak oil, meaning that world oil production is about to peak, they believe without ever increasing oil the american economy will collapse.
dick cheney 1999-''By some estimates, there will be an average of two-percent annual growth in global oil demand over the years ahead, along with, conservatively, a three-percent natural decline
in production from existing reserves.That means by 2010 we will need on the order of anadditional 50 million barrels a day.''
so their plan plan was to increase the military and take oil by force. but they concluded that the problem is
“The process of transformation,” the plan said, “is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event—like a new Pearl Harbor.”
there's your motive and self justification.
A. Sachs
no one disputes that the two official commitees appointed by the us gov. have been unable to explain building 7.
A. Sachs
Actually OBL is just Elvis in disguise
There are probably people who actually would believe either of those two comments.