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kallend 2,056
if you study the nist report carefully it concludes that most of the fires did not exceed 200-300C but then their collapse model goes on to say that the steel had to reach 700C to lose enough support.
I think you misread the report. I know of no combustion process that self sustains at only 300C unless in the presence of a catalyst like finely divided platinum.
The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.
The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.
kallend 2,056
the steel didn't need to melt. read the NIST report. It loses 90% of its strength at temperatures MUCH lower than melting point.
For typical wrought structural steel, it undergoes a phase transition at 727C, (the crystal structure changes from bcc to fcc and the Fe3C phase dissolves) resulting in significant loss of strength. Some strength loss occurs at lower temperature as the steel anneals.
The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.
The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.
champu 1
Bill, I am a silver smith, and lived off it for a number of years.
that bulding could only be melted down. the core was too strong to fall down!
Getting back to what I was saying about valid senses of intuition, I have an example.
If I showed you video of the Sydney Opera House having a run-in with a class T8 tornado, what kind of damage would you expect to see to the structure suffer? Any ideas? I'll tell you what, I haven't got one damn clue what the hell would happen. (and I've seen a lot of tornado education and demonstration videos as a kid, I grew up in the midwest.)
All I can tell you is that building's structural design is so different from anything I've seen videos of tornados taking out that to expect a similar looking outcome would be ridiculous. I also know that although the designers may have taken into account tropical storms (the building being on the coast and all) tornados are very different animals, and their forethought probably wouldn't have been enough to save it.
You mean like the way a tire and some hot aluminum won't do anything?
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