
Iraq murder charges for US marine

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>>How about a 13 year old girl who kills a soldier >>because she saw her mother killed by them? You >>willing to pull the trigger on her?

That is the shitty reality of war. Your 13 year old girl is the same as a 30 year old professional soldier who has just killed an American soldier- the net effect is that our soldier is dead, and if I was involved hopefully I would have the sense to not make an emotional differentiation between the two, and drop her where she stood. I would at that point have to assume she might kill me or another soldier standing there and act accordingly.

Two of my friends that were in Vietnam faced the very situation you describe. Not exactly a win win scenario. That is why I think the real price paid by soldiers that have killed ANYBODY is spiritual. You cannot take the life of another human without it hurting your soul permanently.

Just burning a hole in the sky.....

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>Your 13 year old girl is the same as a 30 year old professional soldier
>who has just killed an American soldier- the net effect is that our soldier is
>dead, and if I was involved hopefully I would have the sense to not make
>an emotional differentiation between the two, and drop her where she

A friend of mine came back from Afghanistan with a hole in his leg put there by a 13 year old sniper. She had apparently killed a few other US troops before they got to her. He did not kill her, although he had a chance to do so. He told me that he was glad he hadn't, because he was already dealing with a lot of the horror he saw over there, and he wasn't sure he could have handled being the executioner of a 13 year old girl. I am glad most of our soldiers have that sort of good judgment - but as you mentioned, that's the situation we put ourselves in by going to war and killing tens of thousands of innocent people (accidentally, of course.)

Those 13 year olds (and their brothers and sisters) will grow up to be the next Mohamed Attas. We will, unfortunately, reap what we have sown.

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>> but as you mentioned, that's the situation we put ourselves in by going to war and killing tens of thousands of innocent people (accidentally, of course.)

I mentioned nothing of the sort. All I stated by my examples was that war has consequences for all involved.

>>Those 13 year olds (and their brothers and sisters) will grow up to be the next Mohamed Attas. We will, unfortunately, reap what we have sown.

It stands to reason that if you leave your enemy in a war alive no matter what their age, they may well come and kill you later.
I tend to adhere to the old saying about war : He who bleeds with me is my brother, and he who takes up arms against me is my enemy.

Just burning a hole in the sky.....

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>It stands to reason that if you leave your enemy in a war alive no
>matter what their age, they may well come and kill you later.

That's true, and since we don't incinerate millions of civilians all that often just because "they're the enemy" (which is a good thing) we'll be dealing with the fallout of this war for a LONG time.

>He who bleeds with me is my brother, and he who takes up arms
>against me is my enemy.

By that metric, we don't have many clear enemies or friends. We've supported most of the people we later ended up fighting. We sent arms to the Mujahideen and supported Saddam Hussein against Iran.

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>He who bleeds with me is my brother, and he who takes up arms
>against me is my enemy.

We've supported most of the people we later ended up fighting. We sent arms to the Mujahideen and supported Saddam Hussein against Iran.

A true and ironic tragedy. [:/]

Just burning a hole in the sky.....

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>Your 13 year old girl is the same as a 30 year old professional soldier
>who has just killed an American soldier- the net effect is that our soldier is
>dead, and if I was involved hopefully I would have the sense to not make
>an emotional differentiation between the two, and drop her where she

A friend of mine came back from Afghanistan with a hole in his leg put there by a 13 year old sniper. She had apparently killed a few other US troops before they got to her. He did not kill her, although he had a chance to do so. He told me that he was glad he hadn't, because he was already dealing with a lot of the horror he saw over there, and he wasn't sure he could have handled being the executioner of a 13 year old girl. I am glad most of our soldiers have that sort of good judgment - but as you mentioned, that's the situation we put ourselves in by going to war and killing tens of thousands of innocent people (accidentally, of course.)

Those 13 year olds (and their brothers and sisters) will grow up to be the next Mohamed Attas. We will, unfortunately, reap what we have sown.

Sorry, but THEY are reaping what THEY have sown. Not the 13 year old but the fanatics and the leaders. She is not in her situation because of US. She is in this situation inspite of US. But I know you will not agree[:/]
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>Sorry, but THEY are reaping what THEY have sown.

Iraq attacked and occupied the US, and killed tens of thousands of innocent US citizens in the process? Perhaps I was jumping that weekend and missed it.

Of course, they were our allies not so long ago.

In any case, they may well grow into the next generation of terrorists. They will then repay us for our violence. They may well reap what THEY have sown, and another generation of violence will be born when we counterattack their children.

Who will have the wisdom to break the cycle? Will you hope that they are smart enough to do so, or will we have the wisdom to stop it? From what I've seen so far, it looks like the hopes of the future rest on them.

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>Sorry, but THEY are reaping what THEY have sown.

Iraq attacked and occupied the US, and killed tens of thousands of innocent US citizens in the process? Perhaps I was jumping that weekend and missed it.

Of course, they were our allies not so long ago.

In any case, they may well grow into the next generation of terrorists. They will then repay us for our violence. They may well reap what THEY have sown, and another generation of violence will be born when we counterattack their children.

Who will have the wisdom to break the cycle? Will you hope that they are smart enough to do so, or will we have the wisdom to stop it? From what I've seen so far, it looks like the hopes of the future rest on them.

Al Queda did attck the US. Al Queda has now been documented to be supported and harbored by SH.
As for the cycle?? Unitl the radical muslims are beaten back by a people (the very people the US is now trying to help) they, the radicals will keep trying to kill us. How do I know that. BECAUSE THEY HAVE SAID SO!!!!!!!

As posted by markharju and I repost;

"Blaming the Victim
July 20, 2007: The war on terror is all about religion, but in more ways than many people realize. The mass media in the West does not like to deal with the religious aspects of terrorism. Why this is, well, that's another matter. Meanwhile, the Western media make a big deal out of Moslem grievances, and the claims that Moslems are being persecuted in the West, and under attack in their own homelands.

But the reality is that most Moslem nations are fundamentally hostile to other religions. Saudi Arabia simply forbids the practice of any other religion. If foreigners wish to hold non-Islamic religious services, they have to do it in their homes. The only houses of worship allowed in Saudi Arabia are Moslem. Trying to convert a Saudi to a religion other than Islam can get you killed, legally.

While many are aware of the extreme religious bias practiced in Saudi Arabia, less known is a similar bias present in all Moslem nations. While many of these countries don't have anti-infidel (non Moslems) laws, they tolerate crimes by Islamic vigilantes against non-Moslems. These Moslem nations know they are doing bad things, because the governments will go to great lengths trying to deny or cover up these acts. The leaders of these nations know that religious persecution is evil. That's why they attempt to ignore it, or to admit that it even exists in their midst. Energetic efforts will be made to assert that it is Moslems who are being persecuted in non-Moslem nations. In the West, this is considered ludicrous, at least by those who bother to pay attention to what is actually happening in the Moslem world.

Since this belief that Islam is under attack motivates Islamic terrorists, it would make sense to point out how utterly false the accusation is. Not only is Islam not under attack, but Moslem governments, and most of the mass media everywhere tend to ignore or downplay the very real violence and hostility Moslems direct at non-Moslems. When pressed, Western journalists, or at least their editors, will claim that focusing on Moslems attacking non-Moslems will only anger the Islamic world, and increase the hatred that creates Islamic terrorists. That doesn't make any sense, but at least the feelings of Moslems are being tended to. "

You do not accept this or you reject this position. I do not know which and I do not care. As Long as you refuse to see the danger by this religion you and I will be on opposite sides of this issue. Why, because I do not want to see those bastards come to our country and kill us>:( And they will if we leave. Even before the war some of your favored polititions said the same. They have only now changed the retoric for political gain. And that my friend, is where the danger really lies[:/]

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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As Long as you refuse to see the danger by this religion you and I will be on opposite sides of this issue.

Well your buddy Bush has said that Islam is a religion of peace. Are you on opposite sides with him?
Speed Racer

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As Long as you refuse to see the danger by this religion you and I will be on opposite sides of this issue.

Well your buddy Bush has said that Islam is a religion of peace. Are you on opposite sides with him?

Come on baby, lets do the twist. Come on bbaaaaaby, lets do the twist.

Nice try. I am not talking about the Islam you and Bush were speaking about. I am talking about the radical islam that says convert or die.

Wanna make a choice?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Murder charges against a US Marine accused of killing three Iraqi civilians during an alleged massacre in Haditha two years ago have been dropped, the military said on Thursday.

A statement released by the Marines at their Camp Pendleton base in southern California revealed that three charges of unpremeditated murder against Lance Corporal Justin Sharratt had been withdrawn.

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Murder charges against a US Marine accused of killing three Iraqi civilians during an alleged massacre in Haditha two years ago have been dropped, the military said on Thursday.

A statement released by the Marines at their Camp Pendleton base in southern California revealed that three charges of unpremeditated murder against Lance Corporal Justin Sharratt had been withdrawn.

Isn't too dam late??>:( The SOB's have been accused and we all know that when it comes to the military and right wing scum it is the charge that counts. All evidence be damned. I mean, them bastards have already been drawn a quartered on this site so let em hang>:(>:(

I await the apologies from those that condemned:S
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Murder charges against a US Marine accused of killing three Iraqi civilians during an alleged massacre in Haditha two years ago have been dropped, the military said on Thursday.

A statement released by the Marines at their Camp Pendleton base in southern California revealed that three charges of unpremeditated murder against Lance Corporal Justin Sharratt had been withdrawn.

Isn't too dam late??>:( The SOB's have been accused and we all know that when it comes to the military and right wing scum it is the charge that counts. All evidence be damned. I mean, them bastards have already been drawn a quartered on this site so let em hang>:(>:(

Easy their moonbat boy.


I await the apologies from those that condemned:S

Don't get your hopes up.:|

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>Your 13 year old girl is the same as a 30 year old professional soldier
>who has just killed an American soldier- the net effect is that our soldier is
>dead, and if I was involved hopefully I would have the sense to not make
>an emotional differentiation between the two, and drop her where she

A friend of mine came back from Afghanistan with a hole in his leg put there by a 13 year old sniper. She had apparently killed a few other US troops before they got to her. He did not kill her, although he had a chance to do so. He told me that he was glad he hadn't, because he was already dealing with a lot of the horror he saw over there, and he wasn't sure he could have handled being the executioner of a 13 year old girl. I am glad most of our soldiers have that sort of good judgment - but as you mentioned, that's the situation we put ourselves in by going to war and killing tens of thousands of innocent people (accidentally, of course.)

Those 13 year olds (and their brothers and sisters) will grow up to be the next Mohamed Attas. We will, unfortunately, reap what we have sown.

Wow your friend does not kill combatants that have just killed fellow servicemen, and even shot him?

He must have some really bad training.

Or this is BS.;)

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>Wow your friend does not kill combatants that have just killed
>fellow servicemen, and even shot him?

Nope. He's a better man than most people here, apparently.

>Or this is BS.

He'd get a kick out of hearing you say that! Perhaps you're one of those people who has to stick their finger in the hole before you believe them.

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Read your history on Afghanistan. We are responsible for the situation there. We help them defeat the Russians and when they did we just left them there w/o any support. What did you think was going to happen. Democracy was just going to spring up. :S They needed our help with reconstruction efforts and we just bailed. We created a chaotic vacuum in a country that had been at war for close to a decade. Perfect time for the extremist to come in and fill that void.

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In the greater scheme of things, the killings in Haditha are statistically insignificant.

You could say the same for the dead of 9/11
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Read your history on Afghanistan. We are responsible for the situation there. We help them defeat the Russians and when they did we just left them there w/o any support. What did you think was going to happen. Democracy was just going to spring up. :S They needed our help with reconstruction efforts and we just bailed. We created a chaotic vacuum in a country that had been at war for close to a decade. Perfect time for the extremist to come in and fill that void.

You should read a little deeper and further back into Afghanistan's history. Afghanistan was not a thriving entity of any consequence when the Soviets invaded. In fact, its most stable time was under the rule of a king from the 1930s to 70s.

The vacuum was there before and after the Soviet invasion. It was Pakistan who provided more than just a bit of support to plant the Taliban. It was a better option for them than the civil war that was tearing Afghanistan apart.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Read your history on Afghanistan. We are responsible for the situation there. We help them defeat the Russians and when they did we just left them there w/o any support. What did you think was going to happen. Democracy was just going to spring up. :S They needed our help with reconstruction efforts and we just bailed. We created a chaotic vacuum in a country that had been at war for close to a decade. Perfect time for the extremist to come in and fill that void.

:o I need to read the history???:D:D:D

Well alrighty then:D
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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You have to agree that after we spent billions in the 1980's it was irresponsible for us to just leave w/o providing and support or guidance. That's my point. Our lack of a post war game plan in way helped bring about such an extremist group as the Taliban. Even though Pakistan did aide them.

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You have to agree that after we spent billions in the 1980's it was irresponsible for us to just leave w/o providing and support or guidance. That's my point. Our lack of a post war game plan in way helped bring about such an extremist group as the Taliban. Even though Pakistan did aide them.

The US never directly deployed any assets during the Soviet occupation. It was part of the critical component for Pakistani ISI coordination.

In essence, we weren't there to begin with. It was not our end game to play either.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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>In the greater scheme of things, the killings in Haditha are statistically insignificant.

Compared to the death toll in Iraq, the killings on 9/11 are insignificant too.

I find it hard to consider the murder of 3000 innocent civilians, during peacetime, all killed within a two hour period, in a highly visible and horrific manner is insignificant by any comparison.

Statistically speaking the deaths were insignificant in numbers. If we look just at the American deaths that day. There were reportedly 2106. The population of the USA is according to the CIA 301,139,947

301,1399.47 = 1% of the population

30,113= 00.1% of the population

301= 0000.1% of the population

2106= 0000.7% (approx) of the population.

Hardly statistically significant. As Stalin said, " A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic."
The 9/11 deaths were tragic but they're quite a few short of being a statistic.



When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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