
50,000 challenge in USA today - Prove Income Tax Law

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Yeah, that happens. It is awful when our system convicts innocent people. You won't believe me when I say this, but the system tries to minimize these terrible things. There was another thread on this topic previously. If I was sober, I could help you find it. But, as much as it pains me to point this out, you still have to pay your taxes. So just pay up, and quit bitching. Everyone, including me, pays up. Just pay your share, and it's all good.

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>DID YOU KNOW...that speed limit signs ONLY apply to commercial,
>NOT PRIVATE vehicles??

I'd love to see the ensuing argument with the cop.

Don't know about Cali, but in TX Transportation Code 545.351 and 545.352 pretty much lays it out that it applies to all vehicles. Then it breaks down which vehicles have what speed limits in the day and night. I may not be a lawyer, but its pretty much layed out in black and white with reasonably simple language.

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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>DID YOU KNOW...that speed limit signs ONLY apply to commercial,
>NOT PRIVATE vehicles??

I'd love to see the ensuing argument with the cop.

Don't know about Cali, but in TX Transportation Code 545.351 and 545.352 pretty much lays it out that it applies to all vehicles. Then it breaks down which vehicles have what speed limits in the day and night. I may not be a lawyer, but its pretty much layed out in black and white with reasonably simple language.


Some states, don't remember all of which ones (California is one), and I don't know all the details, have what is referred to as the "85th percentile" rule. The rule generally applies that the flow of 85% of traffic dictates an acceptable rate of speed.

I've been on parts of I-5 in central CA where the flow of cars, trucks, etc were 85mph+. CHPs would patrol at 95mph+ in some areas, with no speed control being put into effect. Pretty cool actually.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Refusing to pay your taxes is a really bad idea, people. You will almost certainly get caught, and at a minimum, you will be forced to pay back taxes, with penalties. At the worst, you will be prosecuted by the federal government, and you will then be looking at potential prison time or, at least, a hefty fine. I'm not familiar with the case linked to in one of the above posts, but it looks like the lawyer may have done some fancy footwork, and convinced the government to drop the charges. That's great for this particular defendant, but not likely to happen very often. I'm no tax expert, but I am a lawyer, and I work for a federal judge. I've seen tax protesters prosecuted, and they uniformly lose. I don't like paying taxes any more than anyone else. And it's fine to have a theoretical debate about whether or not the law actually, specifically, requires one to pay income tax. But the reality is that if you don't pay your taxes, the government will catch up with you sooner or later. And you won't like it when that happens. Pay your taxes, folks. Just a bit of friendly legal advice. :)

Fuck dude. The IRS is so hard pressed to collect (supposed) back taxs they are subbing out the work. They ain't coming after you unless you own something big or are high profile or flaunt shit at em(Wesley Snipes)maybe Interesting site for ya'll> http://www.irs.gov/newsroom/article/0,,id=155069,00.html ;)
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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I wonder what they would do if you had a sizable refund due and didn't file? :S Anybody willing to give up their refund this year to find out? :D

There's only a filing requirement if YOU owe THEM money...imagine that!!
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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I wonder what they would do if you had a sizable refund due and didn't file? :S Anybody willing to give up their refund this year to find out? :D

There's only a filing requirement if YOU owe THEM money...imagine that!!

I haven't filed in 25-26 yrs. They haven't fucked w/ me. YET. I talked to em in 97 and they said they owed me money. I said "Keep it" It was only a few hundred bucks. They also told me they only go back 7 yrs.
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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I haven't filed in 25-26 yrs.

Do you make any income?

If so, do you have NERVE to vote in elections? To call yourself a citizen? To even think about government's responsibility to the poor or weak or those others that do pay a share, when you won't be a part of that?

Any other laws in this country too inconvenient for you?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I haven't filed in 25-26 yrs.

Do you make any income?

To be pedantic, not filing is not the same as not paying. You'd have to be in a very unusual situation to work as an employee without paying any taxes unless you filed a fraudulent W4 which would probably get investigated.

It's that witholding thing.

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fair enough, paying and not filing can result in just overpaying for 25 years, then he's just quirky

my bad if that's the case

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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www.thelawthatneverwas.com is 100% irrefutable EVIDENCE that the de facto corporation called UNITED STATES lied about the ratification of the above mentioned article 16

In my January, 2007 edition of the Callifornia Bar Journal, that I just read this morning, the lead article in the Discipline section is about an attorney who was disbarred for providing advice on challenges to the tax requirement. I feel bad for his paying customers, who got hosed by this guy.

Link to full article

Somewhat edited quotes below..


Scheme to avoid paying taxes ends in disbarment

A southern California attorney whose online anti-tax programs drew the attention of federal officials and resulted in a permanent injunction has been disbarred. EDUARDO MARMOLEJO RIVERA [#52737], 63, of Torrance lost his license Aug. 17, 2006, after a federal court concluded that he violated tax laws by advising his customers not to file federal income tax returns and not to pay federal taxes.

Since 1991, Rivera has operated an anti-government Web site that focuses on abusive judges, government propaganda, [etc.].

Rivera found himself in trouble for selling tax schemes that purported to exempt his customers from federal taxes.

He sold opinion letters — for anywhere from $100 to $2,000 — designed “for use in avoiding criminal charges, for submission to the IRS and for persuading bankers to resist IRS collection efforts,” according to the bar court. He advised his customers to rely on the letters as part of a demand that their employer stop withholding taxes...

In 2003, the federal government sued Rivera civilly for preparing and selling abusive tax schemes. It won a permanent injunction against his activities after the court found he was impeding the IRS’ collection efforts.

The six customers involved in the government case owed more than $9.5 million in tax, interest and penalties. The court concluded that Rivera made numerous false and misleading statements about internal revenue laws, including:

only federal employees are subject to federal income taxes;
private sector employers are not required to withhold federal taxes from their employees;
filing federal tax returns is voluntary;
people cannot be convicted of tax crimes because federal district courts do not have judicial power over residents of the 50 states;
the IRS does not have the authority to collect taxes; and
violation of tax laws is not a crime...

Rivera also advertised that for $3,500 a year, he would represent clients before the IRS. He sent the IRS letters on behalf of several clients that claimed they were entitled to a refund and challenged IRS attempts to collect taxes. In the letters, Rivera said there is no public law that imposes income tax or any other tax measured by income, wages or earnings.

The federal court found little doubt that Rivera’s opinion letters “are without merit and have been universally rejected by the courts. [His] statements are knowingly false and fraudulent and they ‘strike at the very heart of the internal revenue laws.’”

Bar court Judge Richard A. Platel found that Rivera interfered with the enforcement of Internal Revenue laws, advised violating the law and made misrepresentations, committing acts of moral turpitude. He intentionally and knowingly dispensed erroneous legal advice, Platel said, that could subject his customers to civil and/or criminal liability. The court also found that he violated his fiduciary obligation to disclose that his beliefs were contrary to law.

Rivera’s actions involved moral turpitude, Platel found, and he violated the Rules of Professional Conduct by advising people to violate the law...

In recommending his disbarment, Platel said Rivera’s “insistence in misinterpreting the Constitution, important laws and significant court opinions in such a way as to fit his needs and those of his customers/clients will clearly negatively impact not only his future customers/clients, but law, the courts and the legal profession.”

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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