
Has anyone been able to find the 3rd Saddam video?

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They executed him again last night?

No, nowadays that would be called live-live...read here:



That reminds me of a George Carlin rant:

"They tell you: 'This program was pre-recorded'.
Well, of course it was pre-recorded!!! When else are they going to record it? Afterward?"
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Hey Mike,
Youtube had it on for a while but it was removed and banned for some reason LOL. But the cnn link posted will take you too it bro


"when I die, I want to go like my grandfather while im sleeping, not like the passengers riding in the car with me
A.S.S. #6 Future T.S.S holder

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