warpedskydiver 0 #1 January 17, 2007 CAN EVENTS OF THE PAST FORETELL WORLD WAR III? Until after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the armed forces of the United States and other countries expended considerable time and resources preparing for a Third World War. Perhaps because so many nations maintained a high degree of readiness, this type of warfare never happened, although numerous, smaller conflicts -- for which there was little preparation and training -- did occur. At present, increasing attention is being devoted to these small-scale operations, while "Armageddon" no longer seems to have the priority it did when so many people worried that the Cold War might turn hot. When complacency sets in is when the danger is typically the greatest; if we now think World War III is unlikely, that may be an indication it is just around the corner, but how can we tell? If there is any truth to the old adage that history repeats itself, it might be possible to look to the past for predictors of the future. Since the advent of the atomic bomb, many individuals have wondered when a third global conflict would occur. Perhaps the past can answer that question, if we examine the patterns shown by certain historical events wherein American combat forces have been employed. Specifically, intriguing parallels can be seen when comparing the Civil War with the Vietnam War, and the Spanish-American War with Operation Desert Storm, that might actually foretell World War III. THE CIVIL WAR (1861-1865) Deeply-held convictions divided the populace, often to the extent of pitting family members against one another. There was a widespread draft, which spawned numerous protests and riots by many of the individuals who were subject to conscription. There was a concurrent, widespread, civil rights movement involving the black race. A president with a 7-letter last name was assassinated, and succeeded in office by a vice-president named Johnson. Armored riverboats called "monitors" were employed by the U.S. Navy in massive riverine operations. Manually-operated "assault rifles" (the lever-action, 16-shot Henry rifle) were used by the U.S. Army. Hand-cranked Gatling guns were first used in combat by the U.S. Army. The Civil War is still a controversial topic. THE VIETNAM WAR (1961-1973) Deeply-held convictions divided the populace, often to the extent of pitting family members against one another. There was a widespread draft, which spawned numerous protests and riots by many of the individuals who were subject to conscription. There was a concurrent civil rights movement involving the black race. A president with a 7-letter last name was assassinated, and succeeded by a vice-president named Johnson. Armored riverboats called "monitors" were employed by the U.S. Navy in massive riverine operations. Gas-operated assault rifles (the selective-fire, 20-shot M16A1 rifle) were used by the U.S. Army. Electrically-powered Gatling guns were first used in combat by the U.S. Army. The Vietnam War is still a controversial topic. THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR (1898) The first combat employment of all-steel battleships by the U.S. Navy. Called "the splendid little war" because of its short duration and minimal U.S. battle casualties. Waged against a country that had a seemingly formidable military force. After the cessation of hostilities, a warning voiced by many in the U.S. armed forces, to "not congratulate ourselves too much for defeating what was in actuality a third-rate power -- such thinking can prove dangerous for us in the future." The conflict was heralded as having healed the wounds of the Civil War. The entire nation was excited and happy with the victory, and made heroes of the returning veterans. Teddy Roosevelt -- who was Assistant Secretary of the Navy prior to the war -- became the Republican candidate for vice-president in the election of 1900. OPERATION DESERT STORM (1991) The last combat employment of all-steel battleships by the U.S. Navy. The ground phase of Desert Storm was called "the 100-hour war" because of its short duration; U.S. battle casualties were minimal. Waged against a country that had a seemingly formidable military force. After the cessation of hostilities, a warning voiced by many in the U.S. armed forces, to "not congratulate ourselves too much for defeating what was in actuality a third-rate power -- such thinking can prove dangerous for us in the future." The conflict was heralded as having healed the wounds of the Vietnam War. The entire nation was excited and happy with the victory, and made heroes of the returning veterans. Dick Cheney -- who was Secretary of Defense prior to (and during) the operation -- became the Republican candidate for vice-president in the election of 2000. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The amazing similarities within each pair of conflicts may represent nothing more than an incredible degree of coincidence. However, what if the relationship between the Civil War, the Spanish-American War, and the onset of World War I points the way to a similar relationship between the Vietnam War, Operation Desert Storm, and the advent of a Third World War? It's clear there is not a one-to-one correlation for the elapsed time between the wars in each group, so it's not reasonable to think that World War III will happen 19 years (the amount of time after the Spanish-American War that the U.S. entered WWI) after Desert Storm. Perhaps a proportional comparison of the elapsed time between conflict start dates in each time line? That would require setting up a ratio of the spreads between 1861, 1898, and 1917, and those of 1961, 1991, and the unknown, WWIII. Subtracting 1861 from 1898 gives 37, and 1898 from 1917 is 19. This means that the elapsed time between the Spanish-American War and U.S. entry into World War I is roughly half of the time span between the beginning of the War Between The States and that of "the splendid little war." Since there are thirty years between the time President Kennedy vowed to support South Vietnam against Communist aggression, and the initiation of Desert Storm, adding half of thirty to 1991 puts the start of World War III in the year 2006. Is the foregoing no more than an astounding chain of coincidences, or does it indeed provide signposts on the path to the future? The readers will have to reach their own conclusions, of course, but the results of the national election in November, 2000 provide more evidence to support the theory. As in 1900, the Republicans were victorious at the polls, so that Dick Cheney -- like Teddy Roosevelt a century earlier -- is now vice-president, thereby further repeating the historical pattern. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE "ZERO-YEAR" EFFECT Although it does not necessarily affect the prediction of World War III, it is interesting to note another unique -- indeed, almost unbelievable -- grouping of coincidental events in American history. It is a fact that of the ten individuals who were elected (or reelected) to the presidency in a year ending in zero -- from 1800 to 1980 -- seven died in office, and an eighth nearly died from the bullet of a would be assassin. A listing of these presidents, and their "zero-year" election dates follows: 1800 Thomas Jefferson Completed his term 1820 James Monroe Completed his term 1840 William Harrison Died of natural causes 1860 Abraham Lincoln Assassinated 1880 James Garfield Assassinated 1900 William McKinley Assassinated 1920 Warren Harding Died of natural causes 1940 Franklin Roosevelt Died of natural causes 1960 John Kennedy Assassinated 1980 Ronald Reagan Severely wounded, but completed his term In stark contrast, only two of the 26 men elected as president in other than a "zero-year" -- James Polk and Zachary Taylor -- failed to survive their term in office. Clearly, this does not bode well for George W. Bush, who was elected in 2000, although it raises the possibility of there being yet one more set of historical parallels between Dick Cheney and Teddy Roosevelt -- the latter succeeded to the presidency after McKinley was assassinated a century ago...Quote I found this on another site and I thought it might make for good reading/discussion Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites BillyVance 34 #2 January 17, 2007 Oh I dunno... What does Nostradamus say? "Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites downwardspiral 0 #3 January 17, 2007 I wonder how all that correlates with the Mayan calendar and prophecy. Mayan prophecy says the world will end in 2012. At least that's how its been translated to the modern calendar. If one looks hard enough, one can find a pattern in anything.www.FourWheelerHB.com Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Tony_Blair 0 #4 January 17, 2007 i was studying my porrige this morning whilst listening to Cherrie moan on, i'm sure i saw Bin Ladens face looking back out at me Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites downwardspiral 0 #5 January 17, 2007 holy shit! me too! Except I was eating curds and whey. www.FourWheelerHB.com Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites kallend 2,027 #6 January 17, 2007 Quotei was studying my porrige this morning whilst listening to Cherrie moan on, i'm sure i saw Bin Ladens face looking back out at me I have a heap of dirt in my back yard that looks just like Jabba the Hutt.... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites rehmwa 2 #7 January 17, 2007 QuoteQuotei was studying my porrige this morning whilst listening to Cherrie moan on, i'm sure i saw Bin Ladens face looking back out at me I have a heap of dirt in my back yard that looks just like Jabba the Hutt. Can you send me the E-Bay link? I know someone that would bid on that. ... Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites watchdog2 0 #8 January 17, 2007 WWWIII will happen sooner or later..America will fall sooner or later. No nation/kingdom/empire lasts forever. The year zero rule is actually an ancient Indian curse I think. Honestly. A curse of some sorts at least far back in to history. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites DaVinci 0 #9 January 17, 2007 Ya lost me at: QuoteA president with a 7-letter last name was assassinated, and succeeded in office by a vice-president named Johnson. This could turn into WWIII. But it will be just a continuation of centuries of fighting over who has the coolest invisible friend. If you wanted to compare the most likely chance of WWIII it will be over religion since most countries know that war on that scale does not really do anything good for the country. However, religious extremist from all religions will readily kill for "God" as they have shown over the last several thousand years. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites kallend 2,027 #10 January 17, 2007 QuoteQuoteQuotei was studying my porrige this morning whilst listening to Cherrie moan on, i'm sure i saw Bin Ladens face looking back out at me I have a heap of dirt in my back yard that looks just like Jabba the Hutt. Can you send me the E-Bay link? I know someone that would bid on that. Not selling, I'm turning the yard into a shrine. I'll make a killing on the entrance fees.... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites rehmwa 2 #11 January 17, 2007 QuoteCan you send me the E-Bay link? I know someone that would bid on that. Not selling, I'm turning the yard into a shrine. I'll make a killing on the entrance fees. I can see the sign - "Giant Jabba the Hut Miracle - 5 minute respose/prayer at his tail - $1, 15 minute tour $5, Ride the Hut $20 - no flash photography. Soveinir Stand inside" That'll be big improvement over your current sign which says "Go AWAY" ... Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BillyVance 34 #2 January 17, 2007 Oh I dunno... What does Nostradamus say? "Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
downwardspiral 0 #3 January 17, 2007 I wonder how all that correlates with the Mayan calendar and prophecy. Mayan prophecy says the world will end in 2012. At least that's how its been translated to the modern calendar. If one looks hard enough, one can find a pattern in anything.www.FourWheelerHB.com Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tony_Blair 0 #4 January 17, 2007 i was studying my porrige this morning whilst listening to Cherrie moan on, i'm sure i saw Bin Ladens face looking back out at me Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
downwardspiral 0 #5 January 17, 2007 holy shit! me too! Except I was eating curds and whey. www.FourWheelerHB.com Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,027 #6 January 17, 2007 Quotei was studying my porrige this morning whilst listening to Cherrie moan on, i'm sure i saw Bin Ladens face looking back out at me I have a heap of dirt in my back yard that looks just like Jabba the Hutt.... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rehmwa 2 #7 January 17, 2007 QuoteQuotei was studying my porrige this morning whilst listening to Cherrie moan on, i'm sure i saw Bin Ladens face looking back out at me I have a heap of dirt in my back yard that looks just like Jabba the Hutt. Can you send me the E-Bay link? I know someone that would bid on that. ... Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
watchdog2 0 #8 January 17, 2007 WWWIII will happen sooner or later..America will fall sooner or later. No nation/kingdom/empire lasts forever. The year zero rule is actually an ancient Indian curse I think. Honestly. A curse of some sorts at least far back in to history. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DaVinci 0 #9 January 17, 2007 Ya lost me at: QuoteA president with a 7-letter last name was assassinated, and succeeded in office by a vice-president named Johnson. This could turn into WWIII. But it will be just a continuation of centuries of fighting over who has the coolest invisible friend. If you wanted to compare the most likely chance of WWIII it will be over religion since most countries know that war on that scale does not really do anything good for the country. However, religious extremist from all religions will readily kill for "God" as they have shown over the last several thousand years. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,027 #10 January 17, 2007 QuoteQuoteQuotei was studying my porrige this morning whilst listening to Cherrie moan on, i'm sure i saw Bin Ladens face looking back out at me I have a heap of dirt in my back yard that looks just like Jabba the Hutt. Can you send me the E-Bay link? I know someone that would bid on that. Not selling, I'm turning the yard into a shrine. I'll make a killing on the entrance fees.... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rehmwa 2 #11 January 17, 2007 QuoteCan you send me the E-Bay link? I know someone that would bid on that. Not selling, I'm turning the yard into a shrine. I'll make a killing on the entrance fees. I can see the sign - "Giant Jabba the Hut Miracle - 5 minute respose/prayer at his tail - $1, 15 minute tour $5, Ride the Hut $20 - no flash photography. Soveinir Stand inside" That'll be big improvement over your current sign which says "Go AWAY" ... Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,027 #12 January 17, 2007 QuoteQuoteCan you send me the E-Bay link? I know someone that would bid on that. Not selling, I'm turning the yard into a shrine. I'll make a killing on the entrance fees. I can see the sign - "Giant Jabba the Hut Miracle - 5 minute respose/prayer at his tail - $1, 15 minute tour $5, Ride the Hut $20 - no flash photography. Soveinir Stand inside" That'll be big improvement over your current sign which says "Go AWAY" You've driven along I90, haven't you?... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
warpedskydiver 0 #13 January 18, 2007 I actually had to wonder about this guys site...could he be serious at all? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
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