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Destroying another culture is what Christian have historically done BEST...

Shall we all bet how long it takes for the inevitable response that it's hypocritical of non-christians to stop christians from destroying cultures -- when it's central to the christian culture to do so!

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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Oh, let's add the christian missionaries in the amazon rainforest... reputed by an anthropologist friend of mine who lives there 6 months every year to be the most evil people he's ever met.

They have a long-standing mission to convert or destroy and they're partially successful at both.

pretty much applies to Christian Missionaries everywhere... who's primary reason is to convert them from their heathen ways no matter how happy they were before being saddled with the Christian guilt complex..


so Missionaries haven't told tribes in the south pacific they needed to wear clothes to cover their 'wickedness' in complete contradiction with the actual climate?

you haven't traveled much have you? Destroying another culture is what Christian have historically done BEST...

Most missionaries are working hard to help the poor all over the world.

In the past it was usually the secular colonialists, greedy for gold and land and cheap labor / slaves that damaged native cultures, not so much the missionaries.

But the old stereotypes and myths live on, evidently.
Speed Racer

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Oh, let's add the christian missionaries in the amazon rainforest... reputed by an anthropologist friend of mine who lives there 6 months every year to be the most evil people he's ever met.

They have a long-standing mission to convert or destroy and they're partially successful at both.

pretty much applies to Christian Missionaries everywhere... who's primary reason is to convert them from their heathen ways no matter how happy they were before being saddled with the Christian guilt complex..


so Missionaries haven't told tribes in the south pacific they needed to wear clothes to cover their 'wickedness' in complete contradiction with the actual climate?

you haven't traveled much have you? Destroying another culture is what Christian have historically done BEST...

How many of these 'heathens' are the missionaries KILLING because they won't convert?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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>How many of these 'heathens' are the missionaries KILLING because >they won't convert?

Thousands, in the case of God's Army in Myanmar. (Not to be confused with the Army of God, a doctor-killing christian group here in the US.)

Got a link? Specifically about their killing thousands because they wouldn't convert!!! That assertion is quite different from insurgents/rebels fighting authorities for autonomy.

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In early October 2000, the Christian terrorists of NLFT had issued a diktat ordering the tribal Hindus to stay away from Durga Puja celebrations and warned that any tribal members seen taking part in the festival would be instantly killed. In it's official public statement, the NLFT said it wanted all tribals in Tripura to become Christians. They also stated that salvation for Tripura lies only in Christianity and would eliminate anyone who dared to come in the way of their plans to forcibly convert all of Tripura to Christianity.

The NLFT has been an active partner of the Baptist Church in winning converts to the Christian creed. They have killed tribal priests to threaten communities and effect mass conversions. But those tactics have obviously backfired. In 2001 alone, the NLFT killed more than 20 Hindus who refused to 'accept the love of Christ'. They also torched to death a Hindu family sleeping in a hut.

National Liberation Front of Tripura

The National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT) was formed in December 1989 for the purpose of seceding from India in order to create an independent state of Tripura. The NLFT has conducted a systematic and violent campaign against Bengalis, Hindus, and parts of the tribal population to secede from India.

. . .

Militancy and Violence
An estimated 11,000 have been killed on both sides of the conflict. In addition, the terror has left over 40,000 as refugees.


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