
Evil Plan To Get Rid of All Iraqi's

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>Make them all French Citizens....then they will surrender in droves.

Or make them Canadian and make beer readily available. When they're drunk, move in, take over the pubs, and let all the rest of the troops come home. We'll have em by the balls.

Or make them British and withhold all boiled and fried foods. They won't be able to eat the food over there (WAY too spicy) and they'll be starving in no time.

Just don't make them Vietnamese. That won't help.

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Or make them British and withhold all boiled and fried foods. They won't be able to eat the food over there (WAY too spicy) and they'll be starving in no time.

??? Brit squaddies love spicy food - we all carry Tabasco or Dave's Insanity Sauce in our rations.
Anyway - blatant racism - give yourself your one warning.:ph34r:

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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Or make them British and withhold all boiled and fried foods. They won't be able to eat the food over there (WAY too spicy) and they'll be starving in no time.

??? Brit squaddies love spicy food - we all carry Tabasco or Dave's Insanity Sauce in our rations.
Anyway - blatant racism - give yourself your one warning.:ph34r:

Make 'em Scottish and leave a bunch of sheep around.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I have a great plan to get rid of all the Iraqis...

Make them all French Citizens....then they will surrender in droves.

That is all.

Or make'em american, they'll be as stupid as the people who elected a certain chimp. Surely easy to handle after that! :)

(with subtle reference to a certain thread in the Bonfire)

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Or make'em american, they'll be as stupid as the people who elected a certain chimp. Surely easy to handle after that! :)

Oh yea......well..........ok you got us with that one. :D
Actually I think the French bashing is because it's hard for some folks over here to admit that the French were right about the Iraq war. :o

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Make 'em Scottish and leave a bunch of sheep around.

Thats just unfair. Sheep do have standards you know.

OK, Greek then.

If make'em Greek, then you and your gang in Iraq learn to swim FAST because there are a lot of sharks in Persian Gulf...

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I have a great plan to get rid of all the Iraqis...

Make them all French Citizens....then they will surrender in droves.

That is all.

Too late, they're already being made American.

Soon they will all be voting for the village idiot. He will be elected and his administration will make him realize that they probably don't have enough oil to keep up with their decadent lifestyles for the next 20 years or so. He will then invade Alaska under the pretence (maybe not) that the US is harbouring terrorists and manufacturing weapons of mass destruction in Alaska.
They will also have their toilet seats manufactured in China.
And on and on...
This thread is pointless.
The bums will never win Lebowski, the bums will never win!
Enfin j'ai trouvé:

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