GravityJunky 0 #51 February 21, 2007 Okay I'm not even gonna dignify that with a response, somebody's off their meds!*My Inner Child is A Fucking Prick Too! *Everyones entitled to be stupid but you are abusing the priviledge *Well I'd love to stay & chat, But youre a total Bitch! {Stewie} Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GravityJunky 0 #52 February 21, 2007 Not really, It's not a CHOICE to someone afflicted with ADD/ADHD. No more or less then someone with Down's syndrome consciously choosing to have an extra 47th chromosome in their DNA, or the effects that it causes!*My Inner Child is A Fucking Prick Too! *Everyones entitled to be stupid but you are abusing the priviledge *Well I'd love to stay & chat, But youre a total Bitch! {Stewie} Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lawrocket 3 #53 February 21, 2007 I took mine at 6:00 a.m. They don't last 16 hours... What was I saying? My wife is hotter than your wife. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GravityJunky 0 #54 February 21, 2007 That explains a lot Lawrocket!*My Inner Child is A Fucking Prick Too! *Everyones entitled to be stupid but you are abusing the priviledge *Well I'd love to stay & chat, But youre a total Bitch! {Stewie} Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Taikoen 0 #55 February 22, 2007 I wrote up a long post about my family experiences with ADD/ADHD and realized that it's probably pointless; I'll just write my opinion out: If someone is diagnosed as having ADD/ADHD, give them all the pills they want. Whether or not they have those pills will not determine their success in life. If someone is going to succeed, giving them pills to help influence their concentration and behavior is going to be negligible compared to the force of will they will exude in their everyday lives to make themselves succeed. Pill or no pill, ADD/ADHD or not, doesn't matter. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lawrocket 3 #56 February 22, 2007 Quote Whether or not they have those pills will not determine their success in life. This is correct. Pills or no pills instead will usually help determine their failures. I do not credit my meds to my successes. I credit my actions, talents, and work as the proximate causes of my successes. Meds help me merely make the same mistakes other people make, and not the type of mistakes no ordinary person would. I still make mistakes (probably more than most) but not at the same frequency. My wife is hotter than your wife. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ExAFO 0 #57 February 22, 2007 Fashionable or not, sometimes it's worth it. Law school has been much better for me since getting on Adderall. I don't care what it does, as long as it gets me thru school...Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy9o8 2 #58 February 22, 2007 Funny how so many ADD'ers wind up in law school... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tornolf 0 #59 March 19, 2007 Figured I'd throw my .02 in... I was recently diganosed with ADHD after a 3 hour test and some followup meetings with a psychologist. Here's some background on me which might change some people's minds on this. Currently I'm almost 20 and in college. Since grade school, I've tested in the top 0.1% (top 1 in 1000) of students in the nation on every single standardized test given, bar 1 where I was in the top 2% - 2 in grade school, 1 in middle, a couple in high school. On my ACT and SAT, I got the 2nd highest ACT score and highest SAT score in my high school, a competitive private school where consistently 99% of grads go on to college, once again being in the top 0.1% in the nation. I'm currently in my second year of college studying Mechanical Engineering and I'm classified as a Junior. Next semester (first semester of my 3rd year) I'll be considered a Senior. I'm currently being paid by my school to attend college, as in I've gotten a full ride plus additional scholarships which is my play money. Since I'm a very responsible person, I've blown all the extra money I get on BASE gear/trips Basically I'm considered fairly intelligent by academic standards. It was completely by chance I was tested for this. I went to a medical doctor because I banged up my ankle on a BASE jump. After hearing that I BASE jump and do a couple other high risk sports, he thought I might have a "natural amphetamine addiction" as he put it. That's why I went to the psychologist. It turns out my parents always thought I had ADD, and looking back it makes total sense. They never did anything because I always had extremely high grades and I am considered successful by most classifications. After taking Adderal XL for a while, the difference is incredible. I'm much much more productive and spend less time on schoolwork and more time on my fun side projects (rope swing designs, powered ultralight design/construction). I swear this little pill is the greatest thing in the world to me. What Lawrocket said seems dead on. This medication won't make you successful, but it will unlock your true potential. Quite honestly I'm extremely excited to see how far I can go now. So to everybody who thinks kids of who do extremely well in school don't have ADD, or that having ADD will automatically make you a bad student/employee, I'd have to strongly disagree A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world. -TJ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pirana 0 #60 March 19, 2007 Quote It may be a bit over-diagnosed these days; but having said that, up until very recently it was considerably UNDER-diagnosed: Haven't seen any studies on it in about 2 years, but at that time it was being overdiagnosed by a factor of 4:1. It's called a syndrome for a reason." . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pirana 0 #61 March 19, 2007 Quote What good do you think your doing your child by giving it a get out clause every time it misbehaves? Instead of disciplining it just pacifying it with pills? It? It? Found that humorous." . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pirana 0 #62 March 19, 2007 Quote It was completely by chance I was tested for this. I went to a medical doctor because I banged up my ankle on a BASE jump. After hearing that I BASE jump and do a couple other high risk sports, he thought I might have a "natural amphetamine addiction" as he put it. That's why I went to the psychologist. That's a huge leap. You mentioned a couple extreme sports behaviors so he sent you to a shrink? Or even the other way; he mentions the natural amphetamine addiction (a.k.a. - adrenaline junkie) and you refer yourself to a shrink? Must have been more to that conversation than that? My guess (just a guess) is that you said things, or he saw things that gave him reason to think about your behaviors, or the motivations for them. All good and well mind you, no criticisms of anything you've put forth. Just saying that it wasn't "by chance" that you were diagnosed." . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tornolf 0 #63 March 19, 2007 There was more to it. I just don't feel like writing a 5 page essay describing my couple hour long discussion with my doctor A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world. -TJ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PeterB 0 #64 March 19, 2007 When you invent Google II, remember skydiving. We could do with some free windtunnels and stuff. -- Peter Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
steve1 5 #65 March 19, 2007 ADHD is a very real thing. I don't know if it is a fashionable diagnosis or not, but it is undoubtedly being over diagnosed in most schools today. Medication does help a lot of ADHD kids do a better job of concentrating and behaving. Many would be expelled or fail without it. There is no doubt that many diagnosed with ADHD may have the wrong label. Many kids who are depressed, suffering from PTSD, oppositional defiant disorder, or a few other mental health labels often show similiar simptoms to ADHD, and are mis-diagnosed. When you are working with something as complicated as the human brain, it isn't always easy to come up with the correct diagnosis. We have access to almost no Psychiatrists here in Eastern Montana. As a result someone with less training is often making the call on the correct medication. In our school we have a couple of clinical Psychologists with added training in medication making these decisions.....Steve1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scoop 0 #66 March 19, 2007 You're right. It is real. I realise that. Your other observations are correct too however many nuisance children are diagnosed with ADHD. There is pressure from some 'parents' (I say parents, they were just present at conception) to have their children labelled, prescribed a course of drugs to calm them down and allow them to claim the benefits they can receive of the governement. I'm going to sound old fashioned now but I bet if half the children with ADHD (supposedly) had a well balanced diet, regular exercise, decent parental control and role models they would be fine. Funny how its seems to disproportionately be the bad families that have affected children. The ones that feed their kids junk food and kick them on the streets unsupervised only to return home when its time for bed. My point is ADHD is often used as an excuse for bad behaviour where really there is no problem other than the child is a little shit and needs a good smack Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy9o8 2 #67 March 19, 2007 See above. Read what lawrocket and I have written, at considerable length, I might add. I'm not going to repeat myself all over again just because the thread got bumped. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scoop 0 #68 March 20, 2007 I read them yet all anyone seems to want to tell me is how it is real. I know that. But 75% of diagnosis are bullshit. My annoyance doesn't lie with genuine sufferers but with shitbags who get a doctor to diagnose them as having it so they've got that wonderful label which they believe will absolve them of all responsibility. Thats the approach the parents take too. Got an unruly child, get them diagnosed then its no longer your fault! You arent a bad parent, instead elevating to the respectful position of carer. BULLSHIT! Maybe its different in the UK but our GPs are so busy AND scared of getting sued that when under pressure from parents etc they will write out pretty much anything that sounds about reasonable to get rid of them. I recall seeing the main doctor behind the 'discovery' and treatment of ADHD on the TV and his utter dissapointment at how its being used today. He tried to help genuine sufferers who, as LawRocket stated, can really unlock their potential with such medication. What would be interesting is to see a map with all the diagnosed people highlighted on it. I guarantee it will highlight our troubled council estates as a high proportion. Whereas being a condition you'd expect it to be more random. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
steve1 5 #69 March 20, 2007 Quote I know that. But 75% of diagnosis are bullshit. ................................................................ I think this would be stretching things a good deal. I don't think diagnoses by mental health professionals are nearly that far off....................................................................... Maybe its different in the UK but our GPs are so busy AND scared of getting sued that when under pressure from parents etc they will write out pretty much anything that sounds about reasonable to get rid of them. .................................................................... Doctors would likely get sued for incompetence by labeling kids incorrectly. Much more care goes into a diagnosis than that.. ................................................................. I recall seeing the main doctor behind the 'discovery' and treatment of ADHD on the TV and his utter dissapointment at how its being used today. ........................................................... I know there are abuses that the media focus on for sensationalism, but to say all Doctors are Quacks is a pretty big stretch. Most Schools are trying to do the right thing by these kids, even though there is some abuse. And I wish this problem was as simple as giving a kid a good swat once in a while. I really think this would only make the problem worse......Steve1 reply] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
steve1 5 #70 March 20, 2007 I listened to a therapist once who said that ADHD may be a very normal behavior that has taken thousands of years of evolution to achieve. He thought that it was a desirable trait to have sometimes in terms of survival. For example if a saber tooth tiger suddenly appeared in your cave one night, there might be people who would stop and think things through carefully, on what the best behavior to take for that situation would be. While others who were more impulsive would jump up and fight the tiger, before it killed them all off. The point was that maybe being impulsive could be a good thing. In todays world impulsive people often don't fair very well. In school for example it is a lot to ask of a youngster to sit quietly in his desk and learn all day. Especially for boys, who are usually more physically active than girls. Far more boys than girls are diagnosed for ADHD.....Steve1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy9o8 2 #71 March 20, 2007 Quote But 75% of diagnosis are bullshit. Oh really? Let me give you another statistic. 75% of all statistics in Speaker's Corner are completely made up. Yours is one of them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scoop 0 #72 March 20, 2007 Of the people I meet that apparantly have ADHD I estimate that figure to be correct Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jcd11235 0 #73 March 20, 2007 Quote Of the people I meet that apparantly have ADHD I estimate that figure to be correct What are your qualifications to determine who has ADHD and who doesn't? I've had ADHD my whole life. It was just officially diagnosed within the past month. (I'm in my thirties.) It is a royal PITA trying to get medications. I would love to be able to find one of those doctors that writes scripts just to get rid of people. So far, no luck. What has happened: I had a 4-5 hour consultation with a clinical psychologist, which included tests to determine the severity of ADHD related symptoms and an IQ test. I was referred to a psychiatrist, with whom I had a one hour consultation where we reviewed the results of those tests. I was referred to an medical doctor, who determined that from a medical perspective, I am a good candidate for medication based treatment. The MD referred me to another psychiatrist (with whom I have not yet had an appointment) who will presumably ask a bunch more questions, and (hopefully) prescribe meds. I understand that finding the right meds at the right dosage levels is also a potentially lengthy process. Just getting an initial prescription is costing me a substantial amount of time and money. Now, I don't often get prescriptions, but in my experience, it has never taken a month between diagnosis to treatment initiation. That it is taking that long this time leads me to believe that an ADHD diagnosis an the subsequent treatment is not taken lightly by medical or psychiatric professionals. My parents also belong to the camp that believes ADHD is some made up (or at least less common than actual diagnoses) condition. For that matter, until I started doing some research, I was inclined to believe the same thing. Hopefully now I can move on to improve those aspects of my life that have been negatively affected by this condition. Incidentally, I am considering law school, though it is not at the top of my list of possibilities.Math tutoring available. Only $6! per hour! First lesson: Factorials! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tornolf 0 #74 March 20, 2007 Quote I listened to a therapist once who said that ADHD may be a very normal behavior that has taken thousands of years of evolution to achieve. He thought that it was a desirable trait to have sometimes in terms of survival. For example if a saber tooth tiger suddenly appeared in your cave one night, there might be people who would stop and think things through carefully, on what the best behavior to take for that situation would be. While others who were more impulsive would jump up and fight the tiger, before it killed them all off. The point was that maybe being impulsive could be a good thing. I've done over a couple dozen BASE jumps while taking Adderal. There isn't any noticeable difference between my reaction time or thought process than on my previous jumps. This also includes one jump where everything went to shit and required instant reaction to make it out in one piece. I reacted the same way I've reacted to similar past situations - immediate and without any conscious thought.A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world. -TJ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lindsey 0 #75 March 20, 2007 Your experience is the same as mine. I don't know any other family physicians who diagnose ADHD and very few who prescribe amphetamines for their patients who have been diagnosed with ADHD by a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist....most of us leave that up to psychiatrists. I'll prescribe Strattera for a person who has already been diagnosed. If Strattera's not enough, then they need more specialized care. I won't begin to make judgments about the accuracy of diagnoses of other physicians (or in this case clinical psychologists)....especially when those diagnoses are outside my areas of expertise. But hell, Scoop, I'd like to know where you got your be so knowledgeable and all like you linz-- A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites