
Do u beleave in God

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God did flood the world. He also promised us He wouldn't do it again.
I will establish My covanent or pledge with you: Never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of a flood; neither shall there ever again be a flood to destroy the earth and make it corrupt.
And God said, This is a token of the covenant (solemn pledge) which I am making between Me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations:
I set My bow [rainbow] in the cloud, and it shall be a token or sign of a covanant or solemn pledge between Me and the earth.
And it shall be that when I bring clouds over the earth and the bow [rainbow] is seen in the clouds, I will [earnestly] remember My covanant or solemn pledge which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters will no more become a flood to destroy and make all flesh corrupt. Genesis 9:11-15

That's a awesome thing He gave us a promise and He hasn't let us down. Like I said God is truth.

And then there was the Christmas 2004 tsunami.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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what do you mean?

It means that although you believe the entire world was flooded because the Bible says so, that is not proof that that really happened. And if it did not, then a promise not to do something "again" which was never done in the first place is meaningless.

More to the point: just because you accept every story in the Bible as literally true, doesn't mean that others are willing to do so. Therefore, if (as you have done several times now) you make an argument that depends on a presumption that the Bible is literally true, but your audience does not believe that the Bible is literally true, the rest of your argument will fail to persuade your audience.

Nailed it.

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We state our belief; y'all attack the belief with CLAIMS to the contrary-- "your god is a myth".

I have never seen anyone objecting a person who was just saying that he believes in God/Jesus/Satan/Vodka.
The problem begins when the person who believes in God/Jesus/Satan/Vodka starts saying that everyone's else beliefs are incorrect/wrong, and they gonna go to Hell. The problem starts when those people tell others that abortion and gay marriage should be illegal for EVERYONE - just because their religion says that.

The problem is not the people believing in God and following some rules.
The problem is when they force everyone else following the same rules.
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Like I said God is truth.

Then could you please explain the thing I asked you before:

According to the Bible, the God is omnipotent and omniscient (which is described as "knows everything").
This means that when the God created Adam, He knew - at the moment of creation - that Adam will bite this apple (because He knows everything). And He obviously knew this when He created this tree and the serpent.

This means that:
- Adam was created in the way which made it impossible for him NOT to bite this apple;
- the God knew it from the beginning, and did not fix it;
- then the God blaming US because of HIS creation followed the pattern?
- and then you are saying that the God is truth and loves us?

How do you explain this?
* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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I'm not sure. ask steve.;) Just b/c I'm a christian dosen't mean I know everything.

So you basically telling me that you either:
- haven't read the Bible at all;
- haven't understood what you read;
- or just ignored everything (without asking your minister) that you did not understand.

That's why I am saying that most Christians I've ever talked to like to talk about the Bible, but in fact know less of it that I do - and I'm no way a Christian. This is a shame.
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yeap I knew this was coming.:)

Heh, the God just came out of my apple tree, and told me that He didn't create the rainbow, but the Satan did. He also told me that everyone who says that the rainbow is created by God will go to Hell. Then he returned to the apple tree He lives in.

And I do have proof of what I said - here is the picture of this apple tree.
* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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I don't think that's in there. I did give it alittle more thought you know what I still don't know why but you can ask Him when you see Him. I guess I really don't care why He did it. However I do know that He made it so we could have a way back to Him. Jesus died for you think about just that for a minute how much pain He endured for your sins not His He didn't have any. Don't you feel alitte humbled by that. That the Almighty God would do that for you even if you were the only one. That's love.
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I don't think that's in there.

Well, if you can't see Him there, you just didn't look good enough.


Jesus died for you think about just that for a minute how much pain He endured for your sins not His He didn't have any.

He also said Jesus did not die, and it was just a show. And I again have a proof - you can see it at the end of "Jesus Christ Super Star" movie.


Don't you feel alitte humbled by that.

Are you talking about this old fantasy about someone having to die, because the God was so incompetent so He wasn't even able to create a creature which would follow simple rules?
* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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yikes - I would call you and your reasoning.. well .. your a quack.

reminds me of this girl I used to date so I know it well. When your in the room, say a cubic room, there is this magic 9th corner and shit flies out of it. the only problem is that your the only one who knows where it (that magic 9th corner) is.

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yeap I knew this was coming.:)

The physics of refraction has always held, it is deeply ingrained as an emergent property of the speed of waves propagating through materials, it did not suddenly change when some promise was made. In the physical reality of our universe it has always existed, even at a conceptual/mathematical level it exists.

For example, you're standing on the shore, you want to reach a drowning swimmer who is up the coast some distance. You can run at 12mph and swim at 5mph. What is the most direct route to the swimmer? The mathematics of refraction provides the answer to that question.

If you think about the amazing nature of a photon taking that optimal route from it's location to its destination you will be rewarded by something far more mirraculous than any absurd and infantile claim about rainbows and promises. Physics is full of similar intellectual rewards that will make your jaw drop.

Clearly you do not know how a rainbow works despite your claim "we now know". It is a shame that your education system has let you down so badly. You should read a physics book in addition to the chemistry book you've shown you need elsewhere.

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>Doesn't evolution have as many quesions as it does answers?

No. The fact that our particular species at this stage of our development may not yet fully understand every aspect of a particular natural process does not call into question that that process occurs in nature, nor does it invalidate our sentient awareness that that natural process exists.

For a fuller explanation, please refer to all the previous posts on the evolution "debate". After a while, we, like you, get tired of re-hashing it.

Thanks, I don't need a fuller explanation. You answered my question. Evolutions does have as many questions as it has answers. There are lots of gaps in man's understanding of evolution. (I'm speaking of the type of evolution which really does occur, not the kind which says life came from non-life.)
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