
Do u beleave in God

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Given that you dont defend the genocide in the OT, I presume you agree that genocide is immoral. Given there is genocide in the bible (not just described but glorified) isnt it reasonable to conclude the bible is immoral?

My history book speaks of genocide and the book is not immoral. The Bible is not immoral. I believe many acts of the Hebrews were immoral.

EDITED to ADD: Can the Bible be a moral guide when parts may not be accurately attributed to God? Truth is truth regardless of who says it.


But we also have the acts carried out by god himslef. One obvious example is the massacre of the Egyptian first born.

The judgment of God is not an immoral act. IMHO any more than the death penalty for a child abuser


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the early christian writers dont prove anything,

The early Christian fathers writing about the trinity in 100 AD to 250 AD obviously proved the doctrine of the trinity was not added after 325 CE!!

My argument is not whether the doctrine of the trinity is true; I believe it is, but none the less, my argument is your assertion that it was added after 325 CE is 100% completely bogus and 100% verifiable as false. The fact you will not admit that makes it easier to see how ridiculous your claims about JC not existing are. :S


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Are you still claiming the bible is clear in its message?

No, not to all.

Luke 8:8b-10 When he said this, he called out, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear." His disciples asked him what this parable meant. He said, "The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that, " 'though seeing, they may not see; though hearing, they may not understand.


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I think JC corrected some common misunderstandings of Mose's teachings and Levitical law. I'm not aware of him correcting himself in the NT.

For example, JC first said it's ok let children who curse their parents to die. Then he said "do not kill". Does it include children who cursed their parents, or not?

And the funniest one, regarding divorce:

Luke 16:18 Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery.

(so if a man divorces and gets married again, he commits an adultery)

Matt 5:32 But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.

(so if a man divorces and gets married again, he does not commit an adultery if it was the "cause of fornication")

So which one is correct? Just as a reminder, the Bible penalty for adultery is death for both participants (Lev 20:10), so right choice is important.
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You are correct. They do not believe JC was divine. In fact jews believe he was a heretic. But ask a Hebrew scholar why they used the plural form of God (Elohim) in the Genesis account rather that the singular form (El)


Despite the -im ending common to many plural nouns in Hebrew, the word Elohim, when referring to God is grammatically singular, and takes a singular verb in the Hebrew Bible.

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You are correct. They do not believe JC was divine. In fact jews believe he was a heretic. But ask a Hebrew scholar why they used the plural form of God (Elohim) in the Genesis account rather that the singular form (El)


Despite the -im ending common to many plural nouns in Hebrew, the word Elohim, when referring to God is grammatically singular, and takes a singular verb in the Hebrew Bible.

That is because the triune God is one.


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My history book speaks of genocide and the book is not immoral. The Bible is not immoral.

This is correct. The book itself cannot be immoral, because the whole concept of morality belongs to society, not to the book. And the concept changes while the book stays intact.

However someone actually following or asking other to follow the immoral writings does commit immoral acts.
Therefore if you do all the things Bible says it is good to do, you will not only commit immoral, but also illegal acts.
But if you start choosing what to do and what not to do, you are not following the Bible anymore - you're following your own understanding of what to do.


EDITED to ADD: Can the Bible be a moral guide when parts may not be accurately attributed to God? Truth is truth regardless of who says it.

This is correct when talking about something which is known to be true. However it does not work when we cannot know and prove whether it is true, and therefore it is subject to belief, and it is based on person knowledge and reliability.

Sure, if someone says 2+2=4, his level of knowledge does not matter. However if someone says 2+2=5, it really depends whether it is said by full professor of mathematics (who is likely to know something you do not know), or by a 2nd grade student (who probably didn't do his homework).


The judgment of God is not an immoral act.

The definition of phrase "immoral act" itself is subjective, and depends on person. This means that it not "immoral act" itself, it is just you do not treat it as an immoral act. Which means nothing to anyone else though.
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You have no clue about the doctrine of the trinity do you?

Seems like you haven't read this for a while: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinity
The trinity concept itself is "separated and united" :P


Please change your statement that Christianity adopted the trinity doctrine after 325 CE

The doctrine of the Trinity is the result of continuous exploration by the church of the biblical data, thrashed out in debate and treatises, eventually formulated at the First Council of Nicaea in 325 AD in a way they believe is consistent with the biblical witness, and further refined in later councils and writings.

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You have no clue about the doctrine of the trinity do you?

Seems like you haven't read this for a while: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinity
The trinity concept itself is "separated and united" :P


Please change your statement that Christianity adopted the trinity doctrine after 325 CE

Find me ONE academic professor who would allow Wikipedia as a vaild source.

I do not consider [Wikipedia] to be an appropriate source for use in academic work.
— Robert Rubin, Wright State University

Relying on the Wikipedia for academic research seems a sloppy and negligent way to work.
— Wayne Bivens-Tatum, Princeton University

I would advise teachers not to accept any student essays that use Wikipedia as a source.
— Paul Axelrod, Dean of York University

Wikipedia is not getting better. It is getting worse. ... Wikipedia is unacceptable as a research tool.
— Ken Friedman, Norwegian School of Management

The important point that we wish to communicate to all students taking courses and submitting work in our department in the future is that they cite Wikipedia at their peril.
— Don Wyatt, History Chair, Middlebury

"Q" earliest gospel circulated 40 AD
Epistles of Paul 50-65 AD
Gospel writers (1st century)
Justin Martyr 150 AD
Irenaeus 180 AD
Tertullian 200 AD

All of them write about the trinity as doctrinal fact. The Council Nicaea only put all theories and doctrines together as one. It was a doctrine of the church from the beginning.


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Wikipedia, the controversial online encyclopedia, is planning to ask its army of faceless Internet editors — known as Wikipedians — to verify their credentials after one of the most prolific of their number was exposed as a fraud.

The online reference work was dealt a serious blow last week as it emerged that EssJay, a Wikipedia editor understood by the site and its users to be a tenured professor of religion at a private university with expertise in canon law, was in fact a 24-year-old from Kentucky called Ryan Jordan with no higher educational qualifications to speak of.


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as always, a christtian denies everything when presented with the fact that the church fabricated the jesus story to keep an ignorant population under control.

jesus was the nickname fabricated by the priesthood for Jmmanuel

you can read ALL about in the Talmud of Jmmanuel
isbn 1-893157-12-1

better yet, read Gen 6:4, then read the twelfth planet
isbn 0-380-39362-x
we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively

wishers never choose, choosers never wish

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Find me ONE academic professor who would allow Wikipedia as a vaild source.

If you actually READ the article, you would see that it just quotes the Oxford Dictionary of the Bible. So what was your point? Are you saying that no professor would accept Oxford Dictionary of the Bible as a valid source?

Why did you waste your time blaming Wikipedia (and missing the whole point this way) instead of just showing your arguments? You are saying the quote from Oxford Dictionary is wrong; could you show any counter-arguments? Obviously please choose those a non-religious academic professor would allow as valid.


"Q" earliest gospel circulated 40 AD
Epistles of Paul 50-65 AD
Gospel writers (1st century)
Justin Martyr 150 AD
Irenaeus 180 AD
Tertullian 200 AD

All of them write about the trinity as doctrinal fact.

NEITHER of them contains any direct proof regarding trinity doctrine. Some passages in the Bible could be interpreted this way. But they could be interpreted different way as well. Ask any Unitarian, and he'll prove you this.

So the facts are:
- there is nothing in the Bible talking about Trinity doctrine directly. The doctrine itself is based on the interpretations of the Bible;

- there are no facts that Trinity doctrine existed before 325, but there are facts that it was created at this time. If you have different facts, which are academically acceptable - please show us it.
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Why do you say genocide is wrong?

Because - unlike gay marriage or abortion - the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group is considered unacceptable in the society I live.

If I lived in Nazi Germany in 1939, I might not say that. After all, the God did it several times, and Jesus said nothing about it being wrong.
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Wikipedia, the controversial online encyclopedia, is planning to ask its army of faceless Internet editors — known as Wikipedians — to verify their credentials after one of the most prolific of their number was exposed as a fraud.

I'm the little Jew who wrote the Bible.
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"My history book speaks of genocide and the book is not immoral. "
which book are you talking about?
does this book mention/describe genoicde as a historical act or does it glorify it? The bible does the latter and that is why it is immoral.

"I believe many acts of the Hebrews were immoral.
Which acts?The genocide of many nations? let not forget god wanted to carry out terrible punishment for worshipping the godlen calf but he did nothing about genocide. The bible claims he ordered it. Now either the bible is wrong or its immoral, either way we should not consider it as some holy scripture.

" Can the Bible be a moral guide when parts may not be accurately attributed to God? Truth is truth regardless of who says it. "
The two statemtns here are unrelated. That Hitler ordered mass murder is true but does that make it a moral guide. I agree truth is truth but the bible is not a true story.

'The judgment of God is not an immoral act. IMHO any more than the death penalty for a child abuser "
On that basis no act is an immoral act, perhaps all acts are judgments of god. The death penaly for a child abused is not at all comparale. In the death penalty cases this is a punishment for a crime. Answer me whhat crime a new born baby has committed that it deserves death for the actions of a Pharoh? what crime has a mother committed that she must have her child killed because of the actions of a pharoh? To compare the two is absurd in the extreme.

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Why do you say genocide is wrong?

Because - unlike gay marriage or abortion - the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group is considered unacceptable in the society I live.

So if you lived in one of those societies that thought genocide was morally okay, you be okay with it too?


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So if you lived in one of those societies that thought genocide was morally okay, you be okay with it too?

Maybe. When Christians during crusades were doing "deliberate and systematic destruction of a cultural group", the Christian church was not only okay with that, but actively supported it.
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Why did you waste your time blaming Wikipedia (and missing the whole point this way) instead of just showing your arguments? You are saying the quote from Oxford Dictionary is wrong; could you show any counter-arguments? Obviously please choose those a non-religious academic professor would allow as valid.

- there are no facts that Trinity doctrine existed before 325, but there are facts that it was created at this time. If you have different facts, which are academically acceptable - please show us it.

the writings of the early Christian fathers are facts (unless yoiu are a HairyJuan who believes they didn't exist either)
Justin Martyr 150 AD
Irenaeus 180AD
Tertullian 200 AD
they all wrote about the trinity. No scholar I know of denies what they wrote. the Council of Nicea was a meeting that united orthodox teachings and ruled out uncanonical writings. So their decison to include the trinity as part of the orthodox christian doctrines, was not a "new" idea, but simply a recognition, or in other words, approval of previous teachings that were very old.


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