
Crying wolf..... or rape

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Why should the husband be charged? Is someone raping your wife not grounds for physical action?

And the wife should have to serve the full 20, she put the man in the position to get himself killed by screaming rape, and if the guy hadn't been killed and she had continued to cry rape he could've been wrongly charged with being a sex offender. She ruined two peoples lives, she deserves to burn.
History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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The lies of others often change lives. In this case someone looked further into it and the lie was discovered. I wonder how often the lies are taken at face value?
The UPS guy may not have even known she was married. What would make one think she told him the truth?

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Why should the husband be charged? Is someone raping your wife not grounds for physical action?

If the reporters got the facts straight, then the husband could be indicted because he was not defending his wife since the other guy was already driving away. If, on the other hand the guy was still on top of her when she cried rape and the husband shot her, he should face no charges whatsoever. As it is, he's lucky the grand jury was full of Texans.

nb -
charged = done by prosecutor
indicted = done by grand jury
convicted = done by judge or jury
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Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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He was in no imminent danger when he decided to pull the trigger

In other words.... the "rapist" was already driving away when the husband let fly. So at the time of the shooting, neither the wife or the husband were in danger meaning it was a revenge killing.

But.... all I said was charged. Convicted? I'll leave that to a grand jury that hears and sees all the evidence.

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And the wife should have to serve the full 20, she put the man in the position to get himself killed by screaming rape, and if the guy hadn't been killed and she had continued to cry rape he could've been wrongly charged with being a sex offender. She ruined two peoples lives, she deserves to burn.

I agree completely.

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that whole thing leads to one conclusion: dont cheat on your husband/wife, it might get you killed or put behind bars for a long time.. specially when you're doing so in texas.. :o
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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agree completely.

I don't see how any reasonable person wouldn't. sure there are other ways to deal with the situation, but the emotions experienced when you catch your wife cheating, that's something that no jury can say are controllable. I've personally dealt with them, and it's not pretty

I'm with you.

take care

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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that whole thing leads to one conclusion: dont cheat on your husband/wife, it might get you killed or put behind bars for a long time.. specially when you're doing so in texas.. :o

Women are 'protected' in Texas ...meaning that they are not allowed the full rights, privledges and respect that men receive. Texas is not a place where a woman should do anything outside what other Texans consider appropriate without fear of severe repurcussions.
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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The woman is absolutely who should be charged, with what, exactly, I wouldn't pretend to know. But what a spineless, manipulative hussy....
A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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In other words.... the "rapist" was already driving away when the husband let fly. So at the time of the shooting, neither the wife or the husband were in danger meaning it was a revenge killing.

But.... all I said was charged. Convicted? I'll leave that to a grand jury that hears and sees all the evidence

The article isn't specific, but my first reaction to reading it was that she was still in the truck when he tried to drive away. If some guy is trying to take off with your wife in a truck you don't recognize while she is screaming rape, I think you'd fear for her life and shoot if you had a clear shot. If you don't, she may end up dead in a gutter.
After I read your post though, I reread the article and it isn't specific whether she was in the truck or not. If neither was in the truck and the guy was just trying to bail, well...... If its the first scenario she should be charged alone for murder. If its the latter, they should both be in trouble.

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If she did not cry rape, the husband could have killed her and her lover in an act of rage.

A gun is not the answer what ever happened to the time that if someone did something to you, instead of pulling a gun or a knife you had a good old fist fight. The result no one is dead just some damaged libs, and a physical release of anger where you are not going to spend time in prison as a result, because they knew they deserved it for getting caught
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Are you trying to say it should be ok for a woman to cry rape when she's not being raped? Then not expect any consequences???

This is what I'm getting from your posts. Please correct me if I'm misunderstanding you.


Neither you nor I have sufficient information to make a call on this case. All I know is what I read in the article. Was she a manipulative bitch or someone who made a mistake and blurted out the only defense that seemed possible in a moment of panic ...I don't know.

My comments were more general concerning the status of women in Texas (and apparently Arkansas ;) ) where a man killing another man (after the fact) for violating his property (my point about how women are viewed in Texas) is pretty much free from repurcussions while some characterize the woman (on no more information than the brief article) as being spineless and manipulative and subject to criminal charges while the man pulling the trigger is viewed as a hero led astray.

The soon to be deceased was in his truck and driving away. Neither the man, his wife, nor his other property ;) were reported in any danger. I can't see the blame being solely one or the other.

From the Handbook of Texas Online:


The most significant residuum of Spanish law is in the area of family relationships ... This adoption of Hispano-Mexican principle has spread from Texas with varying degrees of liberality to other states. Texas law also followed the Hispanic model of allowing the husband to protect the home by giving him the right to kill his wife's paramour without punishment. See also LAND GRANTS, LAW, MEXICAN COLONIZATION LAWS, and WATER LAW.
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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My comments were more general concerning the status of women in Texas (and apparently Arkansas ) where a man killing another man (after the fact) for violating his property (my point about how women are viewed in Texas) is pretty much free from repurcussions while some characterize the woman (on no more information than the brief article) as being spineless and manipulative and subject to criminal charges while the man pulling the trigger is viewed as a hero led astray.

Ahhh, your posts now make a little more sense to me. Sorry bout the misunderstanding. I couldn't quite figure out what you meant about the "women have less rights" thingy in your original post

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that whole thing leads to one conclusion: dont cheat on your husband/wife, it might get you killed or put behind bars for a long time.. specially when you're doing so in texas.. :o

No, the conclusion is to be fucking discreet about it. The driveway of the husband in a pickup truck doesn't quality. Even hiding in his closet has better prospects than this.

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She should have had the poor guy come over in his UPS van and do the deed there.

When the husband caught them amongst all of the boxes, she could say that she was helping the UPS man look for a special package.;)

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Where does it say women are considered property in Texas? In what part of Texas did you experience a large part of the female population being treated as property? What fewer rights do women have in Texas, in your experience? Or were you just taking a bullshit shot at Texas because you live somewhere so much more enlightened?
Oh, hello again!

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LOLOL!!! As property in Arkansas (who-the-hell knows whose), I've done pretty well. I think it has something to do with women being oppressed. Since women are oppressed it's okay to cry rape when you panic because your husband walked up on you and the mailman fucking in the driveway and you were just too ditzy to be able to think. Is ditziness a result of our oppression??? I guess if we're property then we're not responsible for ourselves?

I think that believing that it's okay for a woman to pull some cockamamy stunt and it be dismissed because ???she's a woman and panicked???? is the type of thinking that leads to women being treated as less than men.

Women can either sit around whining about the inequities in society or pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and get on with it. I choose the latter.
A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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If it were me, I'd track his ass for miles and shoot him about 30 times in the groin. Revenge? Maybe.

Then when I found out my wife screamed rape to avoid being caught cheating, she better hope I used all my ammo on the 'rapist'.

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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