
guns in america

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I'm sure there are LOTS of ways we could make ourselves safer. But I don't think that keeping us safe from harm is always a good reason to limit our freedoms or to take away our individual rights. I think the desire to do so is a knee-jerk reaction, an easy fix to a complicated problem. But, unfortunately, the easy fixes usually don't work.

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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In America, "buying a machine gun is often easier than getting a driver's license."


Papers reserve their sharpest criticism for the 2004 expiration of a 10-year ban on semi-automatic weapons under the then Republican-controlled Congress.

I read this far. The first two paragraphs. Gimme a break. Why. Lies. I have been around guns all my life and have not seen a Machine Gun untill recently. The Federal ban that sunsetted was not a 10 year ban on semi-auto weapons. Had I read the entire page of lies I can only imagine what I would say.

Gimme a fucking break
That spot isn't bad at all, the winds were strong and that was the issue! It was just on the downwind side.

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Why do you need a break?

It turns out the VA Tech shootings were a right wing conspiracy to tie up the news networks to pull focus off of the "fund the troops" legislation.

Those bastards will do anything.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I now understand how our friends across the pond look at us the way they do if they read and believe this bullshit!

I was watching BBC last night and there was an interview with a guy who mentioned how important it was to have stricter gun laws. He said that one thing that is undeniable is that "gun laws work."

Really? Virginia law prohibits the carrying of firearms into schools, even if the gun carrier has a CCW permit. THis is the same sort of law that we found in many places, like Columbine.

People wonder why these things happen at schools so often? My belief is that a cat would prefer to go where the canaries are caged, and avoid places where the dogs may be anywhere.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I was watching BBC last night and there was an interview with a guy who mentioned how important it was to have stricter gun laws. He said that one thing that is undeniable is that "gun laws work."

Here in gun control crazy Canada (at least in our large urban centers) we too have had our share of school shootings. L'Ecole Polytechnique, Concordia, Taber and just this last September ... our own Dawson College shooting done using a legally registered weapon. So if gun control laws work, why do we here in Canuckville continue to have our own set of school shooting incidents.

Disclaimer: I am not part of the pro-gun lobby, I have never owned a weapon. I am not in favor of PFC owning military assault weaponry. But I am also not naive enough to think that passing laws will rid society of all the dangers of life. Live life today like it's your last day because it very well could be.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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I was watching BBC last night and there was an interview with a guy who mentioned how important it was to have stricter gun laws. He said that one thing that is undeniable is that "gun laws work."

There's a lot of ignorance out there on this issue...

Here is the most comprehensive study ever done on this subject:
This month the National Academy of Sciences issued a 328-page report on gun-control laws. The big news is that the academy's panel couldn't identify any benefits of decades-long effort to reduce crime and injury by restricting gun ownership.

The academy, however, should believe its own findings. Based on 253 journal articles, 99 books, 43 government publications, a survey that covered 80 different gun-control measures and some of its own empirical work, the panel couldn't identify a single gun-control regulation that reduced violent crime, suicide or accidents...
Source: New York Post

From the National Academy of Sciences:
Current research and data on firearms, violent crime, and suicide are too weak to support strong conclusions about the effects of various violence-prevention, deterrence and control measures, says a new report from the National Academies' National Research Council.
Source: N.A.S.

After all these decades of trying numerous different gun-control schemes, they still can't say that any gun control law actually works!

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After all these decades of trying numerous different gun-control schemes, they still can't say that any gun control law actually works!

I'm sure there are a few more spouses who may be alive today thanks to some stiffer gun control regs in countries like Canad'ia. But gun control won't stop the mass killings of the deranged killers of this world. After all the weapon of choice in the Middle East isn't the gun, it's the suicide vest and/or IED. So it's only a matter of time before we see the school massacres go from being a gun crimes to bombings (ie: like the Oklahoma City bombing in '95). In fact I'm surprised we haven't seen another Oklahoma City type bombing here in N.A. more often. Of course last year we here in Canuckville did arrest a whole slew of alleged radical Islamists with more fertilizer than what McVeigh used. But give our LIEberal bleeding heart society enough time and I'm sure some LIEberal appointed judge will pardon all these poor victimized people and they can continue their quest to kill and maime the non-believers of this world through the use of their bombs.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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I think it's quite low class for either side of the gun lobby to use this tragedy to draw attention to their political cause.

The European newspapers obviously don't understand American culture very well.

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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I'm sure there are a few more spouses who may be alive today thanks to some stiffer gun control regs in countries like Canad'ia.

And there definitely are a few spouses/girlfriends that were killed by their SO while they waited the 3-15 day waiting period to pick up their own gun for self defense.

Nothing is free.

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amazes me that most americans think that gun ownership makes them free or that they live in a free country i think thats the problem.

y would you need a gun if you are free

but in the end thats 33 more down 299 99 967 to go then they might get the point. but then again

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y would you need a gun if you are free

Why do you think allowing a criminal to determine if you live or die makes you 'more free'?


but in the end thats 33 more down 299 99 967 to go then they might get the point.

Your expressed wish for more innocents to be killed is despicable.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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If you actually read the article it says:

"The shooting was RARE in a country where handguns are strictly banned and only five politicians are known to have been killed since World War II."(my emphasis)

number of murders in Japan per 1000 is .00499
numbers of murders in USa per 1000 is .0428
USA murder rate is 11.5 times higher than in Japan, so the point of your incident is what?

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I think it's quite low class for either side of the gun lobby to use this tragedy to draw attention to their political cause.

The European newspapers obviously don't understand American culture very well.



I don't think, 'anyone' understands American culture!:D
Seriously... any time something like this happens, the 'anti-gunners' go nuts. First of all, a background check was done on the guy who bought the gun in this recent incident. Records came back 'clean'... the guy could and did buy the gun. That gun, was just fine, laying in that gun case until, that guy bought it and used it to kill people. No matter how hard we try to avoid things like University of Texas, Columbine, Virginia Tech and etc. they happen. If, every gun in this country was collected and destroyed and absolutely noone had a gun, some whacko, somewhere, would figure-out a way to kill someone else on a large scale.


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If you actually read the article it says:

"The shooting was RARE in a country where handguns are strictly banned and only five politicians are known to have been killed since World War II."(my emphasis)

number of murders in Japan per 1000 is .00499
numbers of murders in USa per 1000 is .0428
USA murder rate is 11.5 times higher than in Japan, so the point of your incident is what?

I did read the entire article. If you read your own post you would answer your own question.

"...in a country where handguns are strictly banned..."

"Strictly banned." Yet the killer wanted a gun and was able to get one. Their laws did a lot to stop him.

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No ones saying laws are never broken even in Japan. My point was a simple one, if you are implying that the Japanese anti gun laws are worthlesss becuase of this one incident then such an implication is very wrong becuase the overall statistics (which real social sceintsts look at )speak otherwise.
These are the facts I will restate them in case you missed it :
USA had 11.5 times the homicde rate per capita then Japan, now what implication do you want to draw from Japans strict anti gun laws? That one guy got through the system? I guess if one rogue nation gets a nuclear bomb its not worth trying to stop nulear profileration?

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