DickMcMahon 0 #1 April 17, 2007 Isn’t interesting how the word “prayer” is used so often after tragedies like the Virginia shootings? Newscasters and politicians (who would otherwise avoid a religious comment) say such things as, “Our thoughts and prayers are with them”. Maybe this goes back to the old adage that “there are no atheists in foxholes”. A higher power is needed in situations like this whether or not there’s a separation of church and state. ____________________________ website: Dick’s Stuff Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darwin143 0 #2 April 17, 2007 It's such a common saying I doubt they think twice before saying it. Even as a separation of church and state "enthusiast," these things don't bother me. Prayer helps people get through tragedies like these. It really has nothing to do with sep. of church and state, they're just exercising their right to free speech. It would, however, be compeltely different if they were making policies about it My thoughts and good wishes are with those affected by the shootings...I'll leave the praying to others Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
philh 0 #3 April 18, 2007 "Isn’t interesting how the word “prayer” is used so often after tragedies like the Virginia shootings? Newscasters and politicians (who would otherwise avoid a religious comment) say such things as, “Our thoughts and prayers are with them”. " My experience is that that is common in the USA not in Europe, it just reflects the more widespread acceptance of religion in the USA, so what? "Maybe this goes back to the old adage that “there are no atheists in foxholes”. " http://www.atheistfoxholes.org/about.php "A higher power is needed in situations like this whether or not there’s a separation of church and state. " a higher power, if it existed and was interested in our affairs, might have actually prevented the massacre. I think what you mean ia a blief in a higher power, thats not the same thing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ErricoMalatesta 0 #4 April 18, 2007 Quote Isn’t interesting how the word “prayer” is used so often after tragedies like the Virginia shootings? Newscasters and politicians (who would otherwise avoid a religious comment) say such things as, “Our thoughts and prayers are with them”. Maybe this goes back to the old adage that “there are no atheists in foxholes”. A higher power is needed in situations like this whether or not there’s a separation of church and state. or maybe its because the U.S is just as fundamental as Iran Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DickMcMahon 0 #5 April 18, 2007 Philh: Thanks for the link to the “Atheists in a Foxhole” website. You know, if nothing else the Virginia shooting incident opens a dialogue about things like this (although it’s a terrible way to do it). Rather than just having a blind belief (or non-belief) in a higher power, I’ve got to be logical about it. Here’s a link to where my thoughts have gone if you’re interested. Monkey Dick Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
peregrinerose 0 #6 April 18, 2007 I don't think a higher power is 'needed', but I also don't see a problem with using the word 'prayer' by politicians or newscasters. Even for those of us that don't believe in prayer, I can't imagine there are very many people now that don't have the VT family in their thoughts and wishing them well and healing. Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DickMcMahon 0 #7 April 20, 2007 Just curious ... do atheists ever say, "Goddammit" or, "For Heaven's sake" when they talk? Website: Dick’s Stuff Is it still considered a naked skydive if you’re wearing a helmet? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jakee 1,528 #8 April 20, 2007 Quote Just curious ... do atheists ever say, "Goddammit" or, "For Heaven's sake" when they talk? And why do I say 'bugger' and 'sod' when I'm not a homosexual? Could it be because they are commonly used expressions that I learned a long time ago? Nah, there must be a deeper meaning than that!Do you want to have an ideagasm? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Axe_Murderer 0 #9 April 21, 2007 Quote I don't think a higher power is 'needed', but I also don't see a problem with using the word 'prayer' by politicians or newscasters. Even for those of us that don't believe in prayer, I can't imagine there are very many people now that don't have the VT family in their thoughts and wishing them well and healing. only about 5 billion people who don't give a toss, but apart from those few...yeah, you're right Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
philh 0 #10 April 21, 2007 Yes I think many atheists (me included) do say goddammit and other religiously decorated language. I (ad many others like me) do not deny the our cultural heritage, onl the validity of its assumptions, that a big differnce BTW I started to read your link but there was too much stufff, maybe you can sumarise your point here. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DickMcMahon 0 #11 April 21, 2007 Quote BTW I started to read your link but there was too much stufff, maybe you can sumarise your point here. Yeah, there IS a lot there. It's from a book I tried to write one time. The summary you're looking for is probably best described in the last part of the MONKEY section ... LINK Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
philh 0 #12 April 23, 2007 I read your last page and I think there are many uinjustified assumptions first off: "It appears to me that he's either all-loving or all-powerful, but not both." or neither or he doesnt exist in the first place. "If we're all here by accident and are subject to chance throughout our lives, only eventually to die with no hope of a future, who cares about standards and values! If we're just advanced animals, let's behave like animals! (Gaukroger)" At most this quote tells us why we might want god to be real, but wanting something to be real does not make it real. I could just easily say a world without unicorns would nto be worth living in so unicrons must exist. Moreover we do behave like animals, studies of animal behaviour (especially primate) behaviour show many similarity with human beaviour inlucidng compassion, aggression, political manouvering etc etc. The reaosn to have standrads and for life to have value is precisely because we only get one life so we have to make the most of it. If you believe in an eternity in paradise the value of this life can be diminished and in no small number of cases this has can lead to suicide bombings , inquisitions and sorts of attrocities. By the way evolution is not random, it involves a random element (mutation) and a non random element(selection). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites