Hunting for pure fun

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I only eat free-range Shih Tzu and Labrador. Greyhound is too gamey.

You must belong to PETA

"People for the Eating of Tasty Animals":)
"We saved your gear. Now you can sell it when you get out of the hospital and upsize!!" "K-Dub"


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"I only eat free-range Shih Tzu and Labrador. Greyhound is too gamey."
Try it with a little risotto and a balsamic reduction. You'll feel differently.

Will do!

I do, however, make a great Ferret and Weasel Chili, with stuffed Cardinal pastries.
Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.

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Apology excepted, but only if you take mine for snapping back at you. I do take it personaly though. You are trying to attack the integrety of those who hunt for their food vs buy it in a store. One thing that I can assure you though, the meat in my freezer has lived much more humanely than the meat in the supermarket. To top it off I get rewarded with exceptional tasting meat for how I choose to aquire my meat. Both benefits are important to me. In my mind you should be looking up to people avoiding store bought meat, not down.
That spot isn't bad at all, the winds were strong and that was the issue! It was just on the downwind side.

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"I do, however, make a great Ferret and Weasel Chili, with stuffed Cardinal pastries."
I see you have a knack for the culinary arts. I'll have to steal some recipes from you :P

I tried to get a grip on reality, but it moved.

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"One thing that I can assure you though, the meat in my freezer has lived much more humanely than the meat in the supermarket. To top it off I get rewarded with exceptional tasting meat for how I choose to aquire my meat. Both benefits are important to me. In my mind you should be looking up to people avoiding store bought meat, not down. "
Interesting. I've never thought about it that way before. You make a good point.

You should check out the book 'Ishmael'. In it, a 500 lb gorilla has a philosophical discussion about the state of the world. He mentions the amount of lives that are wasted because of our failed attempt at organization by mass slaughtering. In other words, if we all just killed for ourselves, far less lives would be lost. Still, I don't think I'd ever be capable of doing so unless it was a matter of life or death..

Apology accepted;)

I tried to get a grip on reality, but it moved.

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I kick baby rabbits in the face while wearing steel-toe boots.

No wonder you became a lawyer :P
My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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Can any "fun" hunters explain why you think killing a defenceless animal is something to be proud of??? i'm at a loss to think of anything positive to say about the subject apart from SMALL PENIS


I like to play duck hunt on the nintendo, it's fun:P

Besides the first time I went hunting I was too young to realize that I was going to grow up and have a small penis, so there.

How big is your weiner, BTW?

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Can any "fun" hunters explain why you think killing a defenceless animal is something to be proud of??? i'm at a loss to think of anything positive to say about the subject apart from SMALL PENIS


I like to play duck hunt on the nintendo, it's fun:P

Besides the first time I went hunting I was too young to realize that I was going to grow up and have a small penis, so there.

How big is your weiner, BTW?

I went out the back door of the mountain cabin tonite for a smoke . Foggy as hell. Came face to face w/ the bigget fuckin racoon I ever met. Should I have shot him or cut his throat w/ the Kabar? My dick got real small in a NYC. What do racoons taste like anyway? Damn critters. I let him back me in into the cabin the nice guy I am.
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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I went out the back door of the mountain cabin tonite for a smoke . Foggy as hell. Came face to face w/ the bigget fuckin racoon I ever met. Should I have shot him or cut his throat w/ the Kabar? My dick got real small in a NYC. What do racoons taste like anyway? Damn critters. I let him back me in into the cabin the nice guy I am.


I'm still waiting to find out how big the OP's weiner is, that's what'sreally important in this whole debate.

Til I find out I'm going to go have a hamburger, or maybe a pork chop, we had a wild bore brought in from Kurdistan last night and we're grillin it up tonight.;)

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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the fact some fuck-witts on here say they eat what they kill, there's no need to kill it in the first place

it's of interest that only Americans so far are posting how macho it is to kill animals and eat them..... what are those sterotypes again about yanks and guns ?

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the fact some fuck-witts on here say they eat what they kill, there's no need to kill it in the first place

We could all be vegetarians of course, if that's what you mean, why don't you just say so?


it's of interest that only Americans so far are posting how macho it is to kill animals and eat them..... what are those sterotypes again about yanks and guns ?

Norwegian speaking, and moosehunting season is holier than christmas around here.

Happy trollin' btw, and better luck next time :)

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the fact some fuck-witts on here say they eat what they kill, there's no need to kill it in the first place

I assume then, to be consistent about killing, that you are a vegetarian.

"We saved your gear. Now you can sell it when you get out of the hospital and upsize!!" "K-Dub"


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The trick to kicking puppies is to kick them directly in the chest (as they look adoringly up at you with those big, brown, shiny eyes). That way they rotate on a longitudinal axis through the air.

It makes their tongues flap more consistently.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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the fact some fuck-witts on here say they eat what they kill, there's no need to kill it in the first place

We could all be vegetarians of course, if that's what you mean, why don't you just say so?


it's of interest that only Americans so far are posting how macho it is to kill animals and eat them..... what are those sterotypes again about yanks and guns ?

Norwegian speaking, and moosehunting season is holier than christmas around here.

Happy trollin' btw, and better luck next time :)

what i'm saying is that there is no need for Chuck Square jaw and his feckless son, also called Chuck, to go out and hunt animals.... whether they eat it afterwards is irrelevent. There is plenty of meat available in shops, this is the 21st centuary

lets not mince words, the "fun" killers who say they eat what they kill are only trying to justify their own stupid actions, there's no need to hunt for food, there is no need to hunt for fun... get with the program Chet !!!!

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what i'm saying is that there is no need for Chuck Square jaw and his feckless son, also called Chuck, to go out and hunt animals.... whether they eat it afterwards is irrelevent. There is plenty of meat available in shops, this is the 21st centuary

lets not mince words, the "fun" killers who say they eat what they kill are only trying to justify their own stupid actions, there's no need to hunt for food, there is no need to hunt for fun... get with the program Chet !!!!

I'm neither pro or anti hunting. I eat meat and I love animals too. I've read it somewhere where either a state or city agency works together with the gaming association and I believe they declare when it's deer, turkey or moose season, etc. It's usually to control the population of those certain animals. I'm pretty sure that these hunters don't kill just for the f*@! of it. It's a sport, they'll sell the meat if they don't consume it, I'm sure.

For arguments sake, even if they did kill it for fun and left it for dead, there would be other scavengers in the wild that would eat the carcass. Like this guy for example: clicky

It's an age old sport and a huge community so they have game rangers out there to make sure people aren't offing animals for the sport of it.

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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... get with the program Chet !!!!

Chet is a fine Norwegian name.
Many trolls are named "Grog"
after their fathers

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I don’t hunt, but what you’re saying makes ZERO sense.
Why is it ok to buy a steak that comes from a killed animal that someone else killed and not ok if you kill the animal your self?

As someone else mentioned you might believe that we should all be vegetarians, but it takes little examination of the humane teeth to realize we were meant to be omnivores
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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I don’t hunt, but what you’re saying makes ZERO sense.
Why is it ok to buy a steak that comes from a killed animal that someone else killed and not ok if you kill the animal your self?

As someone else mentioned you might believe that we should all be vegetarians, but it takes little examination of the humane teeth to realize we were meant to be omnivores

I'm all for eating meat

I'm talking about people who go out simple to shoot animals because they think it's fun....yes, some of them might eat it afterwards, but that's irelivant really, they killed it for the fun part

killing for fun is for numptys

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I'm talking about people who go out simple to shoot animals because they think it's fun....

You know, grilling a steak in the backyard can be fun and relaxing. THAT IS SO SICK. There's lots of restaurants out there. Cooking for yourself is for numpty's.

I think a hunter one time took your lunch money and then gave you a wedgy.

I'm off to look up the word 'numpty' perhaps it'll have a picture of your childhood bully next to it.

Edit: cool, more vocabulary
"Nemptne" to name or call
"Numps" blockhead

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I'm talking about people who go out simple to shoot animals because they think it's fun....yes, some of them might eat it afterwards, but that's irelivant really, they killed it for the fun part

So if we have a good cry for bambi after we kill her, would it then be okay to eat her?

Oh, and you never answered my other question: What sport do people with big dicks play?

And what kind of dick does a guy have if he happens to participate in both a big-dick sport, as well as the hunting little-dick sport?

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I'm talking about people who go out simple to shoot animals because they think it's fun....yes, some of them might eat it afterwards, but that's irelivant really, they killed it for the fun part

So if we have a good cry for bambi after we kill her, would it then be okay to eat her?

Oh, and you never answered my other question: What sport do people with big dicks play?

And what kind of dick does a guy have if he happens to participate in both a big-dick sport, as well as the hunting little-dick sport?

Heh. It's my step mother in my family who is the hunter. She has big tits and a vagina, but no dick at all. Should she be allowed to participate?

I'm always grateful for the venison when chili weather is upon us.

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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