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Amazon 7
I guess you have to be one of those on the recieving end of one of these guys who is oh so loving to his love interests to understand how one of these PREDATORS affects people for the rest of their lives... worse part is many of them have FAR more than just one victim...
REMOVE them... and no Narci dont kill them.. REMOVE them to where they can have all the fun they want.. with each other.
Richards 0
Quoteget on with their lives without some horrible community witch hunt, the likes of which we saw over here when a newspaper published details of so called paedophiles.
I would not have any interest in a witch hunt. If I knew one was in my neighborhood I would leave him alone (I'm not a vigilante). I would prefer to know so that in particular I could advise my children that above and beyond the "do not talk to strangers" talk I could tell them that Mr. Perve will always be a stranger regardless of how nice he may act and they are not to ever speak to him and they are to tell me immediately if he ever approaches them or tries to speak to them.
QuoteREMOVE them... and no Narci dont kill them.. REMOVE them to where they can have all the fun they want.. with each other.
I have to admit I'm shocked. I expected a measure of nonsense, but are you ACTUALLY advocating exiling the grandmother who's convicted of taking pictures of her infant grandson in the bath to an arctic island?
First Class Citizen Twice Over
Amazon 7
rehmwa 2
"Level __ Sex Offender"
and sees and understands the term "Level __"
all they see is "Sex Offender"
That term should be reserved for the truly offensive types (if they are even remotely lucky enough to survive their prison term - hoping not). The lesser degress should have a different callout.
Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants
Quoteand the grandmother thing is a huge RED HERRING.....
I recognize that you have reason to be emotional about this -- but the grandmother is not a red herring. Nor is the teenager who boned his slightly underage girlfriend. Nor is the child who acted childishly with another child.
You have to make a proposal for how to avoid destroying the lives of these essentially innocent people alongside your call to destroy the lives of those who are not innocent.
Well, you don't have to. You can just accept that innocent people will be destroyed by the legal system. That IS how society works after all.
First Class Citizen Twice Over
D22369 0
the other one though, 17 and victims 4 and 11 he definately deserves the term and if the judicial system were just, he wouldnt ever have seen the light of day again.
As soon as I got my hands on him I would gut him like a fish if that were my son.
Amazon 7
QuoteI recognize that you have reason to be emotional about this -- but the grandmother is not a red herring. Nor is the teenager who boned his slightly underage girlfriend. Nor is the child who acted childishly with another child.
Those instances should never be labeled the same way by our "legal" system as the myriad of REAL honest to god predators we have in this society. I label it part of the whole stupidity that is a system that sees sex as something that no one can talk about in our schools.. because its seen as somethign dirty by the religeous whack jobs that would rather keep their offspring totally STUPID about their sexuality AS IF that is going to prevent them from finding out one way or another. If little Johnnny was taught something about it in a sex ed class perhaps that forbidden fruit would not be so damn enticing now wouldnt it. ALSO it would be a GREAT place to teach little Johnny and his friends that to get caught doing something like the 13 year old molesting the 9 year old that is completely and utterly WRONG.. and to do so will get him put in a horrible place for a VERY LONG time. This way he is not ignorant of what the consequences are.
tigra 0
Now an 18 year old with "caught" with his willing 16 year old girlfriend? Entirely different story.
Amazon 7
QuoteA 13 year old who abused a 9 year old?? I'm not sure I'm comfortable writing that off as adolescent fantasies gone wrong or just a "mistake". When an older kid abuses a much younger child, that tends to be indicative of other problems, doesn't it? Just because he completed a treatment program and has managed to stay out of trouble all this time doesn't mean he shouldn't still be classified as a sex offender. Sucks for him if it didn't really happen and he has to live with the label forever, but if he did molest or abuse the 9 year old why shouldn't he?
I think that most of them think that is just no big deal....
![>:( >:(](/uploads/emoticons/angry.png)
![>:( >:(](/uploads/emoticons/angry.png)
![>:( >:(](/uploads/emoticons/angry.png)
She certainly has had to live with it ever since .. now hasnt she.
![[:/] [:/]](/uploads/emoticons/dry.png)
As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD...
Yeah. ESPECIALLY the 18 year old whose 16-year-old girlfriend's parents ratted him out -- or the 13 year old kid who's pubescent fantasies got out of hand -- or the grandma who took pictures of her infant grandson in the bath.
Kill 'em all!
First Class Citizen Twice Over
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