
Elections in France - What does it mean?

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Frankly, I was stunned. Nicholas Sarkozy won the presidential election in France.

This was not just some election. He is replacing Chirac, who was a masterful middle-of-the-roader who acted laissez faire and socialist, depending on where, when and before whom.

France has been in trouble for a while. Their national debt is enormous. It seems pretty settled that Chirac's administration was pretty corrupt. France's spending is high. There have been riots over proposed changes to employment law. Everyone hates the immigration policies, it seems.

This guy, Sarkozy, seems to be about as extreme right as you can get in France. He campaigned as the guy who will change things. His rhetoric also seemed to parse no words - the guy said it, reiterated it, and didn't moderate. He went into detail abotu what he was going to do - give tax breaks, freewze public employment, eliminate the 35 hour work week.

His opponent, Ségolène Royal, was the Socialist Party candidate. Her rhetoric was directed at the nasty things he would do to the system. From my understanding, Sarkozy responded "Oui" to everything. I understand Royal said there'd be violence and riots if she didn't win.

Voter turnout was huge! Sarkozy won convincingly in an election with a large turnout. Thus, mandate.

In response, plenty of people took to the streets to riot, apparently heeding Royal's advice. These are the ones who will fight to maintain every government tidbit that has been bestowed upon them. The welfare, the employment perks, the whole lot of the goodies. We see these same riots and violence every time it looks like the government will be getting rid of a gravy train.

Will Sarkozy follow through? It appears he's a guy who will. Will the minority voters make France hell for a while? I have zero doubt of that. I reckon that Sarkozy knows he can't back down.

This is just an astounding development, in my book. And I gotta give credit to the French people - apparently, it's the vocal minority that ruin the image for everyone.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Frankly, I was stunned. Nicholas Sarkozy won the presidential election in France.

This was not just some election. He is replacing Chirac, who was a masterful middle-of-the-roader who acted laissez faire and socialist, depending on where, when and before whom.

France has been in trouble for a while. Their national debt is enormous. It seems pretty settled that Chirac's administration was pretty corrupt. France's spending is high. There have been riots over proposed changes to employment law. Everyone hates the immigration policies, it seems.

This guy, Sarkozy, seems to be about as extreme right as you can get in France. He campaigned as the guy who will change things. His rhetoric also seemed to parse no words - the guy said it, reiterated it, and didn't moderate. He went into detail abotu what he was going to do - give tax breaks, freewze public employment, eliminate the 35 hour work week.

His opponent, Ségolène Royal, was the Socialist Party candidate. Her rhetoric was directed at the nasty things he would do to the system. From my understanding, Sarkozy responded "Oui" to everything. I understand Royal said there'd be violence and riots if she didn't win.

Voter turnout was huge! Sarkozy won convincingly in an election with a large turnout. Thus, mandate.

In response, plenty of people took to the streets to riot, apparently heeding Royal's advice. These are the ones who will fight to maintain every government tidbit that has been bestowed upon them. The welfare, the employment perks, the whole lot of the goodies. We see these same riots and violence every time it looks like the government will be getting rid of a gravy train.

Will Sarkozy follow through? It appears he's a guy who will. Will the minority voters make France hell for a while? I have zero doubt of that. I reckon that Sarkozy knows he can't back down.

This is just an astounding development, in my book. And I gotta give credit to the French people - apparently, it's the vocal minority that ruin the image for everyone.

depends how much he strains when he farts :o

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I was gonna say, I read about the election. Sarkozy is by no means the rightmost candidate. It's just that the road he's compared with is pretty far to the left right now

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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In response, plenty of people took to the streets to riot, apparently heeding Royal's advice. These are the ones who will fight to maintain every government tidbit that has been bestowed upon them. The welfare, the employment perks, the whole lot of the goodies. We see these same riots and violence every time it looks like the government will be getting rid of a gravy train.

What is it about liberals, losing, and temper tantrums?[:/]

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In response, plenty of people took to the streets to riot, apparently heeding Royal's advice. These are the ones who will fight to maintain every government tidbit that has been bestowed upon them. The welfare, the employment perks, the whole lot of the goodies. We see these same riots and violence every time it looks like the government will be getting rid of a gravy train.

What is it about liberals, losing, and temper tantrums?[:/]
I thought they were socialists.
Speed Racer

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In response, plenty of people took to the streets to riot, apparently heeding Royal's advice. These are the ones who will fight to maintain every government tidbit that has been bestowed upon them. The welfare, the employment perks, the whole lot of the goodies. We see these same riots and violence every time it looks like the government will be getting rid of a gravy train.

What is it about liberals, losing, and temper tantrums?[:/]

On the US political spectrum, Sarkozy would walk alongside a McCain. In France, the term "Liberal", meant pejoratively, is used by the left to describe pro-capitalist politicians. So rationalizing the French political spectrum to US standards is misleading.
Sarkozy's platform, if applied, will greatly affect the fringe of the population which is most likely in France to take to the streets. That is the public sector (which is huge in France), trade unions, etc... So there will probably be some compromises, and there will also be demonstrations. To try and spur growth, unlike his predecessors, he will probably be focusing more on helping small and medium businesses, than on the employees. His notion that growth should be lifted from the top (businesses) and not pushed up from the bottom (employees) is somewhat of an experiment in contemporary France. But how many of his promised policies he is able or willing to apply will make things interesting...

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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In response, plenty of people took to the streets to riot, apparently heeding Royal's advice. These are the ones who will fight to maintain every government tidbit that has been bestowed upon them. The welfare, the employment perks, the whole lot of the goodies. We see these same riots and violence every time it looks like the government will be getting rid of a gravy train.

What is it about liberals, losing, and temper tantrums?[:/]
I thought they were socialists.

Very little difference any more[:/]
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Elections in France - What does it mean?

Well Counselor, It means that French citizens of a specified minimum age went to polling places and cast ballots to determine which candidate had a majority or plurality of votes. [/Wiseass 2L]
Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.

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Come on man.. its F R A N C E....

In this case its just another western country that wants to try something different from what they have seen in the last few years.... ours was When Ronnie RayGun was elected to replace an ineffectual Carter. Many bought the whole piss on the masses.. until it was them being pissed on... I mean trickled down upon.:S We have had some VERY nice( from the perspective of the people holding the paper) Deficits ever since.

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What is it about liberals, losing, and temper tantrums?


I thought they were socialists.


Very little difference any more

Point proven in previous post!;)

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What is it about liberals, losing, and temper tantrums?


I thought they were socialists.


Very little difference any more

Point proven in previous post!;)
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Sarkozy will make the French work for a living, maybe even bring the country kicking and screaming into the 21st century. I think he played up to the mob so that he will get the Le Pen voters vote (the National Front vote). I'm thinking that he will be politically like Margaret Thatcher was for us in the 70/80's.
I thought it was interesting that in his speech Sarkozy said that France will support the USA and will be 'there' for them. He didn't specify exactly where 'there' is but I wouldn't be suprised if 'there' was 'over there'.
Alot of French still see themselves as a Socialist Republic who lead the world in Liberty and all that but in reality France is a racist country full of haves and mainly have nots who like to whinge about the poor quality of everyone elses food whilst banging on about how great their cheese is!:S Poo!
Maybe Sarkozy can do something with the place but I doubt it, to many long haired unwashed whinging Froggie soap dodgers.

When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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In response, plenty of people took to the streets to riot, apparently heeding Royal's advice. These are the ones who will fight to maintain every government tidbit that has been bestowed upon them. The welfare, the employment perks, the whole lot of the goodies. We see these same riots and violence every time it looks like the government will be getting rid of a gravy train.

What is it about liberals, losing, and temper tantrums?[:/]
I thought they were socialists.

Very little difference any more[:/]

I'm sure I'm not alone. There's a big difference between socialists & liberals from my point of view.
Speed Racer

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<---very non-socialist liberal right over here.
I'm sure I'm not alone. There's a big difference between socialists & liberals from my point of view.

Maybe on the street, but not in the politcal realm.

There isn't a leftist in our govt. who wouldn't gladly put more of a financial burden on those of us who are industrious for the sake of personal gain, only to buy themselves power.

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There isn't a leftist in our govt. who wouldn't gladly put more of a financial burden on those of us who are industrious for the sake of personal gain, only to buy themselves power.

So what do you call these wonderful small government fiscal conservatives who have run up the largest deficit in the history the planet????[:/]

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So what do you call these wonderful small government fiscal conservatives who have run up the largest deficit in the history the planet????

I don't care how large the debt is, as long as they don't decide that I only get to take home half of the money that I earn.

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So what do you call these wonderful small government fiscal conservatives who have run up the largest deficit in the history the planet????

An oxymoron. Small government fiscal conservatives don't do what you described, and there sure aren't any in power right now.

You might as well be asking "SO, what do you call those high-speed internet connected Amish?

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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So what do you call these wonderful small government fiscal conservatives who have run up the largest deficit in the history the planet????

I don't care how large the debt is, as long as they don't decide that I only get to take home half of the money that I earn.

A very short sighted and blinkered attitude that will bite you without your even realizing it.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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At least they have previously had the balls to tell Bush to go and do one, which is more than can be said for our toothless puppy dog of a government.
We're just the American administration's ****ing cheerleader.....someone pass me a pom pom.........

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As opposed to the short-sighted and blinkered attitude that has bitten us in the ass and we know it?

Is there anything inherently wrong with wanting to keep what we earn? Or is the problem that fact that others have decided to so so much with our money that our failure to pony up will cause serious consequences?

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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An oxymoron. Small government fiscal conservatives don't do what you described, and there sure aren't any in power right now.

BINGO.....But that is what the REpublicans ALWAYS campaign on... and they CERTAINLY have not lived up to it for the last 6+ years.

And to Royd....If you TRUELY believe that MASSIVE deficits have no bearing on how much your government allows you to take home Can I direct you to a word the administration is wallowing in...in SOOOO many ways.
Bush and Company

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An oxymoron. Small government fiscal conservatives don't do what you described, and there sure aren't any in power right now.

BINGO.....But that is what the REpublicans ALWAYS campaign on...

OH, I think they've pretty much given up on that position. Both parties are about interference with personal freedom and are pretty well entrenched with their hands stuck our wallets. I've had to buy pants with loose pockets, else it's just too hard to get comfortable in a folding chair.

The Rebublicrooks are just posturing on being MORE fiscally cons than the Demophobes - but that's a comparison that leaves a lot of room to still steal without restraint. And, even then they are lying.

It just depends on whose interferences are bugging one more.

I don't see anyone admitting to being small government fiscal conservatives. At least those masks are off.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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True DAT....

I paid more in taxes last year than a hell of a lot of full time skydiving staff make in a year... I am sick of that shit. The problem with deficits is SOMEONE is going to have to pay for them... in one way or another. The problem is EVERYONE seems to want services like roads and schools and all the other things we expect from government.... but VERY FEW seem to want to pay for those services.
I just want to make sure the tax dollars are being VERY well spent....and right now my biggest bitch is sending off BILLIONS of our tax dollars to IDIOTS who have misused it and outright STOLEN it in Iraq....But some of those profits are finding their way back into administration officials pockets in the form of retirement goodies from jobs they have had in the past...but it is still enriching their family coffers.

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