
why do liberals hate cops and vice versa?

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>I really missed your patented Ncclimber
>Missing-the-Point-and-Putting-Words-in-People's-Mouths(tm) posts.

Let's see if we can discuss the topic and not make it into the usual general attacks.

Sure. Quade said that rhemwa's "californian" statement was bigotted. So please, ncclimber, tell me how you get from there to telling Quade that he's saying:


criminals are actually the victims when they get caught breaking laws??? That drug laws are a form of state mandated racism?

Not a single one of those words or points was in quade's comments.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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>I really missed your patented Ncclimber
>Missing-the-Point-and-Putting-Words-in-People's-Mouths(tm) posts.

Let's see if we can discuss the topic and not make it into the usual general attacks.

Sure. Quade said that rhemwa's "californian" statement was bigotted. So please, ncclimber, tell me how you get from there to telling Quade that he's saying:


criminals are actually the victims when they get caught breaking laws??? That drug laws are a form of state mandated racism?

Not a single one of those words or points was in quade's comments.

Look at the post quade responded to. :P

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Look at the post quade responded to. :P

How about we all look at the part quade was responding to, rather than illegitimately making connections that imply bullshit about his intention?

Look at quade's post. He wasn't responding to any of those points. He was ONLY responding to the aside about californians.

By the way, I'm trying really hard to discuss this as if you're also discussing it -- rather than just muckraking. Billvon asked nicely and he's a good guy. But I'm not made of steel.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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Look at the post quade responded to. :P

How about we all look at the part quade was responding to, rather than illegitimately making connections that imply bullshit about his intention?

Look at quade's post. He wasn't responding to any of those points. He was ONLY responding to the aside about californians.

By the way, I'm trying really hard to discuss this as if you're also discussing it -- rather than just muckraking. Billvon asked nicely and he's a good guy. But I'm not made of steel.

It seems like your saying a lot more than just discussing quade's post. ;)

I asked questions because I wasn't sure what he was saying. Posting "but it's at least a very bigoted point of view ya got their pal" gave me the impression that he asking about more than state oriented stereotypes.

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(. . . who's problem is it when someone breaks a law only included the cops or the law, but not the lawbreaker themself - very Californian)

What is the statehood version of racism? Not really sure, but it's at least a very bigoted point of view ya got their pal.

Got ya!

(I didn't think you'd be the first to bite on the bait, I thought I'd get a couple, though not in a blatant PA from a moderator.)

For clarification for the obtuse sensitive literal types, Californians are as diverse a group as any other group based on geography and/or arbitrary geo/political boundaries......

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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what are you saying?... that criminals are actually the victims when they get caught breaking laws??? That drug laws are a form of state mandated racism?

To an extent drug laws are a form of state mandated racism, given that the poor are usually minorities, but in theory it is a more a form of state mandated classism.

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what are you saying?... that criminals are actually the victims when they get caught breaking laws??? That drug laws are a form of state mandated racism?

No, quade was personally attacking me based on my little bit to fun-bait some friends. Typical of camermen (;))

He wasn't speaking to the serious part about criminals being responsible for breaking the law and ditching it to anything but themselves.

I must have struck to close to home. Though, where this mythical "home" is, I don't know.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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what are you saying?... that criminals are actually the victims when they get caught breaking laws??? That drug laws are a form of state mandated racism?

To an extent drug laws are a form of state mandated racism, given that the poor are usually minorities, but in theory it is a more a form of state mandated classism.

Are you saying that only minorities are drug users, that's pretty "interesting" point of view you have there, pal.

(It's good to know that there's always one person with a social axe to grind to take any statement out of context and use it to bash any non-approved social structure. It's funny how those desiring more government are those that are the most knee jerk about anything related to government.)

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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what are you saying?... that criminals are actually the victims when they get caught breaking laws??? That drug laws are a form of state mandated racism?

To an extent drug laws are a form of state mandated racism, given that the poor are usually minorities, but in theory it is a more a form of state mandated classism.

I thought most of the the poor people in this country (which is what I thought we were talking about), were white. Also, I thought most drug users were not poor. I'm confused.:S

After reading that Rehmwa(sp?) was just making a friendly jab, the direction of this thread is that much funnier.

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what are you saying?... that criminals are actually the victims when they get caught breaking laws??? That drug laws are a form of state mandated racism?

To an extent drug laws are a form of state mandated racism, given that the poor are usually minorities, but in theory it is a more a form of state mandated classism.

Are you saying that only minorities are drug users, that's pretty "interesting" point of view you have there, pal.

(It's good to know that there's always one person with a social axe to grind to take any statement out of context and use it to bash any non-approved social structure. It's funny how those desiring more government are those that are the most knee jerk about anything related to government.)




what are you saying?... that criminals are actually the victims when they get caught breaking laws??? That drug laws are a form of state mandated racism?

To an extent drug laws are a form of state mandated racism, given that the poor are usually minorities, but in theory it is a more a form of state mandated classism.

I thought most of the the poor people in this country (which is what I thought we were talking about), were white. Also, I thought most drug users were not poor. I'm confused.:S

After reading that Rehmwa(sp?) was just making a friendly jab, the direction of this thread is that much funnier.


>To an extent drug laws are a form of state mandated racism, given that the poor are usually minorities . . .

So it's mainly the poor/minorities who use drugs?

I don't want to take it off track... we can start a new thread on the theories behind drug prohabition if you like but essentially one of them is that it is an effective means of dealing with the "non-productive" part of the population who don't contribute economically.

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.....drug prohabition if you like but essentially one of them is that it is an effective means of dealing with the "non-productive" part of the population who don't contribute economically.

George Bush goes out at night selling pot to black people to keep them down and also so they don't make much of a fuss.

(of course, that's typical of a Texas/Massechusett's type of guy)

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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>To an extent drug laws are a form of state mandated racism, given that the poor are usually minorities . . .

So it's mainly the poor/minorities who use drugs?

They're where more cops are, so more likely to get caught. And they can't afford the legal help to get off.

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That's beneath your usually excellent standards.

Nothing is too low or too pointless.

(no, actually because N-Gale's options for the issue of who's problem is it when someone breaks a law only included the cops or the law, but not the lawbreaker themself - very Californian)

Of course it's your own damn fault if you break the law. I meant, what was making your actions a problem for you personally, the cop or the law? If smoking pot wasn't illegal, there wouldn't be an issue over it.

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Every person should strive to reach the pinnacle of their God given talents, and we hope that they do.

So that's my problem...that fucker didn't give me any! >:( Who's running around with my talents?! :D

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Why do conservatives hate blacks and the poor?

We don't. Every person should strive to reach the pinnacle of their God given talents, and we hope that they do.

Except the gays. We don't want them to be any good at being gay at all.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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