
England banning smoking in enclosed public place

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so how did it go?? Have all the smokers started twitching on the ground from the withdrawal symptoms yet?;)

I would like to know how this will affect pub business.

Many times pub owners in the USA & Ireland etc. feared that a smoking ban would drastically reduce business, only to find that it had no effect ultimately, or business actually improved.

(in the USA there are LOCAL smoking bans in some counties or states, but not nation-wide bans)
Speed Racer

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So far so good. I have been laughing at all the twats standing outside restaurants and bars desperatly trying to get a nicotine fix. For me the funniest part is the cutody areas of all the police stations are deemed to be places of work so theres no smoking for any prisoners in the yard anymore as its enclosed! (for obvious reasons) Its an all round chuckle fest for me at the moment.

One paticular pub in our area has been smoke free for a couple of years now and it's a breath of fresh air (pun intended) ;) to be able to walk into a pub without a disgusting smokey atmosphere. I can imagine going clubbing being a lot more enjoyable now too in paticular. I hate it when you smell your clothes/hair in the morning after you been out

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