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"Who says I am not under the direct protection of God? I am." ~Adolf Hitler

"God Wills It!"~cry of the Crusaders

"Bush resembles Moses who just crossed the River, leading his people to the Mountain and from there to the Promised Land."~Marc Craig/President’s personal minister.

I cannot think of a single great and/or decent leader that has invoked the name of god as a personal protector and familiar in the process of engaging an enemy in war, that has been a decent human being.
Doesn't mean they don't exist, just that I cannot come up with a name.
Saying "God bless America" is very different from "God is at my side, and God wants me to do this."
FWIW, in my daily life, doesn't matter what I'm doing, or whom I may be doing it for. When "God supports this" or "God is with us on this project" comes into the mix, I walk away immediately. That sort of delusional behavior is one that I've learned to avoid at all costs. Nothing good can come of it. And I'm not a politician. I have no need to be politically correct, and rarely am.

The inclusion of 'god' in a political statement is nothing more than an attempt to justify actions that cannot be justified, IMO.

Try Lincoln, Grant, Sherman, and Lee just to name a few great leaders who called God their protector and were also decent men.

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That about sums it up.

There must be a good trade in the special stores for those NEO-CON Blinders..... and with just a little effort they put the fingers in the ears...... and going NANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANA

And all those troublesome issues seem to go away.

Or perhaps the moonbats are relying on rank emotionalism, instead of responding to specific questions about similarities. Doing so might expose the silliness of their claims.

Move along folks. Nothing to see here.

The US is quickly becoming a fascist state. Believe me... I know.:P

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Did anyone else read this article on the 2004 election:


It's VERY difficult (nearly impossible) to read that article and not conclude that the 2004 election was tampered with. Can a few repubs read the whole thing and respond? I'm curious as to how you explain all of that?

I'm not going to read all of that article since i consider that rag to be extremely biased politically and therefor any "evidence" they cite to be suspect. HOWEVER, even if we assume for the sake of argument that everything they say and claim is true, and all the election results in Ohio were changed to suit the Dems wishes, that would mean Kerry would have won the electoral vote but not the popular vote...something the Dems have been complaining about since the 2000 election. Would they then do what they wanted the Repubs to do and concede to the winner of the popular vote??

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I call "Bullshit" on that statement.
The MOST anyone can say about Bush's statement is that the translator might have missed context, but both sides agree the translation was accurate.

I think you are mistaken.

From the Washington Post:

Loop Fans will recall that the Palestinian kerfuffle began in June 2003, when an Israeli paper reported that former Palestinian prime minister Mahmoud Abbas said Bush told the Palestinian leaders: "God told me to strike at al Qaeda and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam Hussein, which I did."

The White House declined to clarify, but the Israeli reporter at the time read what he said were the Palestinians' minutes of the meeting to an Arabic-speaking colleague here. Our colleague's translation was different: "God inspired me to hit al Qaeda, and so I hit it. And I had the inspiration to hit Saddam, and so I hit him."

Substantially different, we felt. Moreover, this is Abbas's account in Arabic of what Bush said in English, written down by a note-taker in Arabic and then put back into English.

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Do you know of any Bush Youth groups for kids? Gotta get them raised right so they can be prepared to be good troopers in his wars of uh... liberation....supporting freedom....crusades... or whatever he will be calling them next week.

Maybe THIS ONE? >http://www.yrnf.com/;)
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Did anyone else read this article on the 2004 election:


It's VERY difficult (nearly impossible) to read that article and not conclude that the 2004 election was tampered with. Can a few repubs read the whole thing and respond? I'm curious as to how you explain all of that?

I'm not going to read all of that article since i consider that rag to be extremely biased politically and therefor any "evidence" they cite to be suspect. HOWEVER, even if we assume for the sake of argument that everything they say and claim is true, and all the election results in Ohio were changed to suit the Dems wishes, that would mean Kerry would have won the electoral vote but not the popular vote...something the Dems have been complaining about since the 2000 election. Would they then do what they wanted the Repubs to do and concede to the winner of the popular vote??

You should really read it.

And I am not so concerned with who should have won what - that is pointless now. I am concerned that elections can possibly be tampered with in the USA on such a massive scale. The facts are nearly impossible to explain away.

If it is true, then if the Repubs can do it, so can the Dems, and neither is good for democracy.

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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If it is true, then if the Repubs can do it, so can the Dems, and neither is good for democracy.

I agree that the ability to tamper with elections is not good for democracy. However, how does this relate to the comparison between America and Nazi Germany?
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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If it is true, then if the Repubs can do it, so can the Dems, and neither is good for democracy.

I agree that the ability to tamper with elections is not good for democracy. However, how does this relate to the comparison between America and Nazi Germany?

The article I cite was from the '14 Signs of a Facist State' page. That's all.

And I disagree deeply with the Bush admin on most things, but don't thing the USA is close to Nazi Germany. When we round of Muslims and send them to the gas chamber, then I will feel differently.

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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Do you know of any Bush Youth groups for kids? Gotta get them raised right so they can be prepared to be good troopers in his wars of uh... liberation....supporting freedom....crusades... or whatever he will be calling them next week.

As a matter of fact, I *did* find something comparable...
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Did anyone else read this article on the 2004 election:


It's VERY difficult (nearly impossible) to read that article and not conclude that the 2004 election was tampered with. Can a few repubs read the whole thing and respond? I'm curious as to how you explain all of that?

Yup..here's the response: Where's the convictions? This is the same type of crap that hairyjuan and the rest post about 9/11. Do you REALLY think that the number of people that would have to be involved would ALL keep quiet all this time? Nobody gets pissed off, or changes their mind? C'mon... this ain't the Mena Mafia, folks.

Polls in the weeks up to the election showed Bush ahead in Ohio by roughly 1.7% with a confidence of +/- 1.1%. Bush took Ohio by a margin of 2.1% - well within the margin. So...where's the fraud?

It's amazing how when the Dems lose, it's "tampering" and "vote fraud"...but when they Dems win, it's a perfectly run election...
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Did anyone else read this article on the 2004 election:


It's VERY difficult (nearly impossible) to read that article and not conclude that the 2004 election was tampered with. Can a few repubs read the whole thing and respond? I'm curious as to how you explain all of that?

I'm not going to read all of that article since i consider that rag to be extremely biased politically and therefor any "evidence" they cite to be suspect. HOWEVER, even if we assume for the sake of argument that everything they say and claim is true, and all the election results in Ohio were changed to suit the Dems wishes, that would mean Kerry would have won the electoral vote but not the popular vote...something the Dems have been complaining about since the 2000 election. Would they then do what they wanted the Repubs to do and concede to the winner of the popular vote??

You should really read it.

And I am not so concerned with who should have won what - that is pointless now. I am concerned that elections can possibly be tampered with in the USA on such a massive scale. The facts are nearly impossible to explain away.

If it is true, then if the Repubs can do it, so can the Dems, and neither is good for democracy.

Acussations of election fraud/tampering go back as far as there have been elections. Always have been, always will be.

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Try Lincoln, Grant, Sherman, and Lee just to name a few great leaders who called God their protector and were also decent men.

Lincoln-Appointed William Dole as director of Indian Affairs, who subsequently stole virtually all the allocated goods and sold them, causing many people to starve, and more importantly, created the concept of "renegade Indian" that required military forces to be sent to the area, escalating to the point of multiple massacres. Lincoln blew it off. Just as Johnson rolled the ball that eventually became the war in Viet Nam, Lincoln started the ball rolling for the Greasy Grass war.
His ever famous quote regarding Native Americans; “I think the authors of that notable instrument intended to include all men, but they did not intend to declare all men equal in all respects. They did not mean to say that all men were equal in color, size, intellect, moral development, or social capacity.” Abraham Lincoln, 1858
He also ordered the largest execution in US history (to date) at Mankato.

Grant-delivered blankets ridden with small pox to tribes of the central plains, passing the disease that nearly decimated the entire race. He was intent upon seizing the Black Hills from the plains peoples, wanting the gold contained therein. He hated blacks, Native Americans, "greasers" (in his words), and laid the rails upon which the Ku Klux Klan ran their train of hate across the South.

Both "great" men, noted for their humanity.:S Sure, they both achieved great things, but so has Bush. A monster can't be a monster *all* the time.

Sherman and Lee, I have no knowledge of one way or another.
IMO, claiming "God is on my side" is merely subtext for "I'm a corrupt, indecent whore and you're too stupid to realize it or too weak to do anything about it."
If nothing else, last night's debate provided a great demonstration of this level of arrogance. "Jesus is at my side" combined with a complete inability to demonstrate any sense of humanity.
Watching that debate was a great demonstration to the world that the US has apexed, and like all great empires, is falling significantly faster than she rose. Personally, it made me a little ill.

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But all parallels drawn, I think that the "in-common" column between George W. Bush and Adolf Hitler would have more plus marks than the "not-in-common" column comparisons, .

Still disgusting and self serving when you repeat it. You should be ashamed.

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not in the least ashamed. The Bush family profited handsomely as a result of Prescott Bush's involvement with the Nazi's, for starters. Prescott Bush helped Hitler rise to power.
Add to that the fact that *many* liberal and conservative groups have drawn those parallels over the past 6 years.
GOV. GEORGE W. BUSH (R-TX), PRESIDENT-ELECT: "I told all four that there were going to be some times where we don't agree with each other. But that's OK. If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." Source: CNN

Bush said he would like to be a dictator because it would sure make things easier. Hitler said about the same thing, then he became a dictator. Since the sole difference between a dictatorship and a democracy is that the leaders are popularly elected by the masses of people rather than by seizing office by force, being appointed by an elite or by assuming power via a fixed election there can be no other way to describe the Bush administration than as a dictatorship.
Whether Bush's election's were "fixed" or not will be a source of debate for all of the future, by minds much greater than yours or mine. I fall on the side that it was fixed. Apparently you don't. I'm not ashamed of my opinion any more than you likely are ashamed of yours. The difference is, I'm not telling you that you should be ashamed. Last I checked, we're both entitled to our opinions. I'm quite sure we've both got greater things in our lives to be ashamed of, don't we?;)

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I'd still like someone to show the similarities between present-day US and June 1939 Germany.

You know... a direct comparison between actual circumstances in the presentday U.S., to Germany in 1939.

Cue Monty Python voices - Run away, silly moonbats! Run away!

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I'd still like someone to show the similarities between present-day US and June 1939 Germany.

You know... a direct comparison between actual circumstances in the presentday U.S., to Germany in 1939.

Cue Monty Python voices - Run away, silly moonbats! Run away!

I wouldn't worry too much about it. If we wanted we could show similarities between the Pope and Satan.
Those who dispise Bush will always find evil in what he does, other will just see, at the most, clumsiness and stupidity.
One thing we can point out is that by the time Hitler had been in power for 6 years he already had, for all intents and purposes, ultimate authority and control. Bush's low favorability in Congress and with the public will never let him even get away with so much as a veto without catching hell.

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One thing we can point out is that by the time Hitler had been in power for 6 years he already had, for all intents and purposes, ultimate authority and control. Bush's low favorability in Congress and with the public will never let him even get away with so much as a veto without catching hell.

UNLESS there is an attack along the Polish border....oh I mean a WMD attack in the fatherland...oh I mean the homeland..... and then the military can implement the plans for martial law to PROTECT us from the evil doers.

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Cue Monty Python voices - Run away, silly moonbats! Run away!

Silly Neo-Con.....more PA's dont help the discussion...

Neither does ducking the issue.

I'd still like someone to show the similarities between present-day US and June 1939 Germany!!!

You know... a direct comparison between actual circumstances in the presentday U.S., to Germany in 1939.

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One thing we can point out is that by the time Hitler had been in power for 6 years he already had, for all intents and purposes, ultimate authority and control. Bush's low favorability in Congress and with the public will never let him even get away with so much as a veto without catching hell.

UNLESS there is an attack along the Polish border....oh I mean a WMD attack in the fatherland...oh I mean the homeland..... and then the military can implement the plans for martial law to PROTECT us from the evil doers.

If "ifs" and "buts" were candy and nuts...

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Silly Neo-Con.....more PA's dont help the discussion...


UNLESS there is an attack along the Polish border....oh I mean a WMD attack in the fatherland...oh I mean the homeland..... and then the military can implement the plans for martial law to PROTECT us from the evil doers.

And more PA's and Conspiracy Theories help the discussion ... :S

Edit: Why compare America only to Nazi Germany? Are you attempting to do what Christianity did to the Pagans?
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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Read much history of that period????

The history of Nazi Germany? Yes. I already agreed that America has some similarities and some differences to Nazi Germany. So does almost every other nation. The question is are we the same or different in the most important areas? I believe we are different.

PS: The Christians despised the Pagans and so they compared them to Satanists (that which they most despised) until the ignorant masses believed Pagans were synonymous to Satanists. This has been done countless other times by countless other groups because it is a tactic that works amongst the ignorant. Are you attempting to use this tactic in comparing George Bush to Adolph Hitler? Are you ...
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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I was refferring to that horrendous attack that Poland made on Germany... look it up.. that was the EXCUSE that led to the German Invasion...

Hmm dont you guys all think Iraq made the 9/11 attacks... so we had to stop them..:S:S:S

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