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Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome
Royd 0
One step at a time! You'll get there.QuoteHow can anyone say the planet was not created, that is a bold statement requiring as much faith as any religious nut!

QuoteEven a half-wit is capable of figuring out the non-existence of God as a physical individual that oversees the universe like some CEO.
Not like some CEO. Like a holy, good, righteous, and just God, Creator of the Universe, who gave you the very breath for you to breathe.
Right...kinda like how the CEO of Haliburton gives me the "very right to breathe." According to the book that is barely fit to wipe my nose with.
QuoteIt's arrogant and naive to assume one knows the nature of God without actually seeking Him for youself.
Wowsers! So YOU have seen God yourself? With your own eyes? I thought that would immediately strike you dead to be in the presence of such perfection?
It's not about me. It's not about you. It's ALL for the glory of God..
That could be the lyric of a hit song.

QuoteGod is an invention of man, no different than roads are an invention of man and animal combined with natural forces. The invention of god and subsquently the writings "of god" can be compared to Rand-McNally maps; a guideline from point A to B. The concept of god provides comfort and a focal point for otherwise lost souls. Is this bad? I don't think so, until those lost souls begin to judge others for not being on the same path.
Religion is simply a roadmap.
Added: But if that roadmap doesn't lead you to the cross, it is leading you in the wrong direction.
According to you. Sounds like a very large judgement to me.
Arguing these points with you is like arguing with a brick wall. You're wanting to believe in Fred Flintstone and I'm more interested in Einstein. No way am I gonna change your opinion and you're sure not going to change mine. As far as your concerned, I'm going to hell. Which is acceptable, because going to a non-existent place isn't anything to fear.
tkhayes 348
QuoteLet's say the next time you went skydiving, you jumped out of the plane without your parachute because you didn't believe in the law of gravity
The difference is that I DO believe in the law of gravity and I can actually prove that it exists.
Whether or not I believe in God, I cannot prove that he exists, and neither can you.
And yes, I even have a will to live, but I am not so arrogant to assume that I will live forever. I am totally content to believe that once my life is over that it IS actually over.
Shotgun 1
QuoteQuoteQuoteit is simple, those that belive in god generally lack the inteligence to understand the sciience of our surroundings
Yeah, Albert Einstein believed in God; what an idiot that dude was.
Wrong, he did not believe in a god but, was in awe of the world around him.
And more quotes from Einstein:
"I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details."
"God does not care about our mathematical difficulties. He integrates empirically."
In none of the quotes you listed did he say, "I do not believe in God," but he says that he doesn't believe in a certain type of god - a personal god or one "who rewards and punishes" people.
It sounds to me like he believed in god - his own definition of god. But whatever it was he believed in, he chose to call it "god"; therefore, he believed in god.
(And again, this is why saying that you do/don't believe in god means very little without further explanation.)
Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness. You don't have that option. You are commanded to repent and trust the Savior. By the way, hell is most definitely going to be a very crowded place and you won't be in good company. You will be in utter unimaginable terrifying torturous lonely agony and despair for eternity. That is NOT the will of God.
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