
Is there anyone who does not SUCK the big one. Dem. Rep.

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Until we manage our way back to THAT instead of representation being a way to

the concept of "reluctant service" is long past overdue for a reemergence

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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In the list of greatest evils, it goes Obama (inexperienced),

I actually put his inexperience in the "plus" column. Less exposure to the corruptive forces. But actually, I think that regardless of who the next President is, they're in for a very rough ride and will end up serving only one term. There's a lot of poop to be scooped after this last bunch.

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So far and out of all of the declared candidates I would support McCain.

Seven years ago I would have agreed with you. But over the last three or four he's proven to be too unpredictable.

While I don't really admire this part of what he does, I believe McCain is a very, very good politician who knows what side his bread is buttered on right this minute. He KNOWS that in order to get along, he'll have to go along for a bit.

So, I don't think he's gone crazy. I think he's just playing it "smart".
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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The Libertarian Party has a GREAT Platform and Philosophy.. Unfortunately the party is run by and controlled by NutJobs and extremist. (Kind of like the Two Major parties).

If the Libertarians could find quality leadership and shift focus from fringe issues like Drug Legalization and abolishment of the IRS they could make a real difference. Until then they will be just another poorly implemented good idea.

Unfortunately true... that seems to be the main difference between "Big L" and "little l" libertarians.

The problem with the Libertarian party is you get extremists in there who basically excommunicate anyone from the party who aren't quite as extreme (or extreme in the exact same way) as they are.

The Republican and the Democratic parties, on the other hand, are known as "Big Tent Parties". They allow some wiggle room within their parties, and usually nominate someone who is more of a centrist.

The Libertarian party needs to adopt that approach if it is to ever make any headway, but instead it appoints as its leaders the ones who are as far to the extreme as possible, and alienates as traitors anyone who is the least bit of a centrist.
Speed Racer

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Is there anyone who does not SUCK the big one. Dem. Rep.

-----------------------------------------------------------------I don’t think I have ever been more confused.

All you have to do is elect me as Supreme Dictator. Then everything will be very simple.
Speed Racer

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All you have to do is elect me as Supreme Dictator. Then everything will be very simple.

We already have a Supreme Dictator, and he is very simple.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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I kind of like Bill Richardson of New Mexico. I don't know enough yet, but he seems smart, he has a pretty wide-ranging resume, and he's not scared of taking chances.

Unfortunately, he's not glamorous, or particulary charming, or anything else. Of course, I kind of see that as an advantage.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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So far and out of all of the declared candidates I would support McCain.

Seven years ago I would have agreed with you. But over the last three or four he's proven to be too unpredictable.

While I don't really admire this part of what he does, I believe McCain is a very, very good politician who knows what side his bread is buttered on right this minute. He KNOWS that in order to get along, he'll have to go along for a bit.

So, I don't think he's gone crazy. I think he's just playing it "smart".

My sentiments exactly. In order to get into office, he has to play the game. One thing that does irritate me though is that he made the campaign finance law, and yet he's taking special interest money.

Once again though, he's playing the game and doing what he has to do. I think that if/when he takes office, he'll go by what he believes because he's a man of conviction. I'm still willing to vote for him even though I'm staunch pro-choice, and he's anti-abortion.

I'm convinced that if there is a "uniter" among all the presidential candidates, it is definitely McCain. He is a leader I could admire and respect given his service to our country in Vietnam -- there aren't too many candidates in the field one could say that about.

@wmw999 I like Bill Richardson too, if there were a democrat I would vote for it would probably be him.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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In the list of greatest evils, it goes Obama (inexperienced),

I actually put his inexperience in the "plus" column. Less exposure to the corruptive forces. But actually, I think that regardless of who the next President is, they're in for a very rough ride and will end up serving only one term. There's a lot of poop to be scooped after this last bunch.

You can't form coalitions if you don't know the players. He's at least 4 years out from being viable.


The rookie and the pro: Here's a little example of the difference between varsity and junior varsity politics.

The scene: Just outside the recent reception at the Italian Embassy in Washington, D.C., for newly installed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The players: San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom and Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who were chatting when up walks possible Democratic presidential contender Hillary Rodham Clinton.

"My mayors!" the New York senator exclaimed, and promptly engaged Newsom on his pet issue of health care, and then Villaraigosa on his pet issue, education.

Later, both Newsom and Villaraigosa go into the reception -- and who walks by but rookie Illinois senator and possible Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama.

Obama didn't even recognize them.

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But if you're faced with two crappy choices, I tend towards the party that hasn't been in the white house for 8 years. After too much time in power, the dominant party gets pretty blantant in their corruption and lack of responsiveness to the people.

well, see what that philosophy got you 8 years ago

It got us away from a Gore presidency, which I don't think would have been a great thing either. I didn't anticipate that Bush would jack up spending so badly. Taxes are bad, but revocable. Spending growth is pretty much permament.

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What kills me about the entire process is that elected officials are supposed to be doing what WE tell them we want, not us having to guess what they are going to do when they get the office and then having to subject ourselves to every whim of the elected.

Elect me. I will put out every issue to my constituents and let them tell me how to vote on it. Will of the people and all that.

That's good up to the point of "pushing the button", then it's every man for himself.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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It got us away from a Gore presidency, which I don't think would have been a great thing either. I didn't anticipate that Bush would jack up spending so badly. Taxes are bad, but revocable. Spending growth is pretty much permament.

that was a reasonable answer. Damn, my flip quip is foiled again

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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