
"I brought terror to people under the American Flag"

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>I would bet, put in the same shithole as the U.S/coalition troops who
>are deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, any person can be pressed into acts
>like those in that article.

Well, some can be pressed into acts like those in that article, even though they are otherwise good people. Likewise, when you kill someone's family, they might well be pressed into similar acts against the occupiers. War is a nasty business, and these are the sort of things that happen. Which is why it should always be a tool of last resort, when the alternative is being wiped out.

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And the purpose of posting that article was????

I would bet, put in the same shithole as the U.S/coalition troops who are deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, any person can be pressed into acts like those in that article.

Bless all the military forces in the fight and all the innocents harmed in the process. God save the Queen.

Agreed. If I was there I would shoot first and ask questions later. Fuck if I would die for nothing - sorry about your luck innocents. That's fucked up, but it's the truth. How many soldiers there now feel the same way, I wonder?

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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Well, some can be pressed into acts like those in that article, even though they are otherwise good people. Likewise, when you kill someone's family, they might well be pressed into similar acts against the occupiers. War is a nasty business, and these are the sort of things that happen. Which is why it should always be a tool of last resort, when the alternative is being wiped out.

True. I sympathize with the innocent families, but the terrorist are killing wayyyyyyy more "innocents" than the troops are. But if I were put in the same situation as the troops (not knowing friendlies from foe), I would look at everyone as an insurgent. Something to keep you alive.

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