
Iraqi Deaths approach 1 million (study)

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I have a better idea.

Put as many people on as many roads as you can with radar guns. Say you can cover .01% of the roads in the US (i.e. you are covering 1/10,000 of the roads in the US) and have them coordinate so they don't get the same guy twice. See how many people speed in one day near your observers. Say it's 45.

Now, which conclusion can you draw from this?

1) It is likely that around 450,000 people speed in the US every day.

2) 45 people (or a few more) speed in the US every day, and if you don't believe that, you obviously have an anti-US agenda.

What's your point?

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Here's a goodie about the 2nd Lancet study:

The Lancet study claims that, "Survey teams asked for death certificates in 545 (87%) reported deaths and these were present in 501 cases. The pattern of deaths in households without death certificates was no different from those with certificates."

Author Les Roberts clarified elsewhere, saying that, "90 percent of the people we interviewed had death certificates. We're quite sure they didn't make these deaths up."...

If the estimate of 601,027 post-war violent deaths estimated in the Lancet study were accurate, and if the "90 percent" rate of death certificate coverage claimed by its author Les Roberts were accurate, this would mean that the Iraqi health services had issued 540,924 death certificates for violent deaths since the invasion in March of 2003.

The Iraq Body Count project questioned the Lancet study's death certificate findings saying the Lancet study authors "would imply that officials in Iraq have issued approximately 550,000 death certificates for violent deaths (92% of 601,000). Yet in June 2006, the total figure of post-war violent deaths known to the Iraqi Ministry of Health (MoH), combined with the Baghdad morgue, was approximately 50,000."

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