
Owner of Brutus the skydiving dog arrested

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Ron (unfortunately for us) was a BASE jumper too. I first met him in his pre-Brutus days at a Bridge Day in 1987. That year he'd made a small pamphlet that explained BASE and he was hawking it to the wuffos. They sold for a quarter a piece and with 250,000 spectators that year he made a small killing on them.

I guess it's a small step from abusing animals to abusing kids.

This news shouldn't be banished to the SC. Ron is very well known in the jumping community and the community has the right to know about this . . .

NickD :|
BASE 194

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The problem is that he probably won't rot in jail, He'll get slapped on the wrist, get 6 months in a pre-release and set free to do it all over again. I think that vigilante justice is the way to go in some cases. Child molesters being the first priority on that list. Sorry but I firmly believe that a Cho Mo is never cured and nobody will ever change my mind on that. I personally think they should be dealt with severly and quickly. If the public can't do it themselves then throw them in with the general population in prison and let the other inmates take care of it. Everybody hates a Cho Mo except another Cho Mo.>:(

I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.

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Chesters do not get slapped on the wrist in Florida that I know of...this state is relatively fucked up on a number of things legally...but we do dole out some harsh sentences on chesters...from what I've seen.
too bad he isn't in a similar state...>:(

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The problem is that he probably won't rot in jail, He'll get slapped on the wrist, get 6 months in a pre-release and set free to do it all over again. I think that vigilante justice is the way to go in some cases. Child molesters being the first priority on that list. Sorry but I firmly believe that a Cho Mo is never cured and nobody will ever change my mind on that. I personally think they should be dealt with severly and quickly. If the public can't do it themselves then throw them in with the general population in prison and let the other inmates take care of it. Everybody hates a Cho Mo except another Cho Mo.>:(

He won't get off easily. He won't be dealt with quickly, and it is entirely likely more charges will soon follow.

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A teacher in my city was found guilty of similar horrible acts. His sentence was reduced to 58 years. Hopefully, he will be tortured by inmates for 57 of those years and die before being released. We need to keep a zero tolerance stance toward harming children. There is no excuse for it.

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I say we kill people who wish to kill people without justification. We have a system of justice here, prove him guilty first, then cast stones. Remember the Duke kids? How many men have been accused of rape and through some maricle - evidence to the contrary was found to proving innocence? Likewise many many people have been unjustly and wrongly accused of Im sure every crime imaginable. Granted, in all likely hood he is guilty, but for christs sake, let the court sort it out.

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Kill the sicko, let GOD sort out the details. Anyone who hurts kids or ladies must go.

I secoond that. If he is guilty hang the fucker.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Anyone who hurts kids or ladies must go.

So its okay to kill men?

No its illegal, but don't worry we'll make a spanking exception just for you;)
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Kill the sicko, let GOD sort out the details. Anyone who hurts kids or ladies must go.

Unless they're brown-skinned and you kill/hurt them by the thousands to the strains of "God Bless The USA". Then it's yeeeee-haaa and thanks "Anyone" for defending my freedom. :S
“Keep your elbow up!"

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