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Liberals like to call places with a death penalty names like "barbaric", and condemn the act.

However, when Iran executes 21 people in a single day, suddenly it's okay, because "that's just their culture".

Show me who's said that.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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CNN special: "Lifting the veil"

• Conditions in Kabul are often bleak
• Many women burn themselves to escape
• Sold as a child bride

"This program contains graphic images."


Yep, those muslim women really have it good, being protected by those nice, caring men in their society.

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Yep, those muslim women really have it good, being protected by those nice, caring men in their society.

This is something that really gets on my tits. Do you think a TV program showing Muslim women having fun and enjoying life would be as big a hit on CNN? The US is so intent on portraying everything about Islam to be bad and against womens rights and that is simply not the case.

YES - some places women have it hard, but that is regardless of religion.
YES - some fundamental Muslims treat women pretty bad (the same can be said about fundy Christians)

The FACT is that all you get to see of the Islamic culture when your sitting way over there watching CNN is what CNN want you to see. Terrorsits, opressed women etc etc etc...yes these things are fact, but to label the entire Islamic culture as this is narrow minded and ignorant.

I went to a presentation for work the other day called "East Meets West". It was an effort to help us westerners understand Ramadan and a bit about the Islamic culture seeing as we live in the Middle East.
It was presented by a local WOMAN. She was supported by local WOMEN. This presentation went into detail about their culture and one thing they wanted to stress was that THEY ARE NOT OPPRESSED. In fact they went on to say they do not want equal rights because WOMAN HAVE MORE RIGHTS THAN MEN.

Fancy that eh? I wonder where the CNN cameras were for this?

You can bang on about oppression and whatever other bullshit you want - yes it happens, but it also happens in the US - blanket labelling a full culture based on a minority is not right, however the US seem happy to do it when its in their interests.
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>How many nude beaches do you think there are in Iran?

Almost none I'd wager.

>How many in America?

Very few. I know of one.

>Shame on you for resorting to such underhanded tactics . . . .

As I expected you intentionally missed the point. And rather than talking about how the underlying idea is similar but the degrees are different (which they are) you've started making it personal. I'm not attacking you, I am attacking your claim that women in the US have the same rights as men and women in Iran have almost none. No need to become angry and vituperative.

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