
Is the Surge Working?

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>The Iraqis elected their own leaders.

Yes - and we control them. If they elect new leaders we will control them as well. Our government has suggested several times that we will replace the PM if he does not show sufficient progress, so clearly it's not a matter of the Iraqi people electing someone to represent them.

So I'll ask again - does it matter at all if the Iraqis don't want us there?

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>The Iraqis elected their own leaders.

Yes - and we control them. If they elect new leaders we will control them as well. Our government has suggested several times that we will replace the PM if he does not show sufficient progress, so clearly it's not a matter of the Iraqi people electing someone to represent them.

So I'll ask again - does it matter at all if the Iraqis don't want us there?

Most American would like to pay no taxes. Does that mean we should do as they wish? If most Americans wanted the govt. to by them a new Lexus, do you think we should indulge them?

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That argument is so over used.

Like us, not immediately. They'd have to wait for an election. They cann't just turf them out next week, can they?

Nope, nor should they be able to in a Democracy. You vote for a Politician, you are stuck with him until the next election. Of course they might be able to impeach, but I haven't heard of many Iraqi politicians demanding the US leave. OTOH, I have heard people like Sadr and Iran, who clearly have an agenda they can't move forward with, stirring people up with lies. Are those the people you are talking about who want to turf them out?


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<> .... But aren't you suggesting that if you dont like their performance, you should vote them out? But you can't so catch-22.

Of course the other way is the Candidate Overturn and Update Policy, as sponsored by agencies, like for example the CIA.....

<> - Of course not ..... the US, at the very least, signed off on their election.

<> - What? Politicians lieing? Say it aint so.


Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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>Because the Iraqi Govt. wants us there.

But the Iraqis don't. Does that matter at all?

The Iraqis elected their own leaders. If they don't like their performance, they can vote them out.

You would think having become accustomed to 'rushmc' and 'NCclimber' I couldn't possibly experience a new low in American stupidity but once again speakers corner you have come through with the goods...

...and I will take my one warning now Billvon

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a new low in American stupidity

As opposed to European stupidity, such as calling troops "terrorists"?

Who is it that wants to call the Revolutionary Guard terrorists?

Or is it only stupid to call western troops terrorists?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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a new low in American stupidity

As opposed to European stupidity, such as calling troops "terrorists"?

I'm not European but if you had even a shred of understanding regarding the ideas for what constitutes terrorism you would easily understand why soldiers of a nation state can be considered terrorists.

Unless 'war crimes' are not one of the highest forms of terrorism then I guess we can excuse you. Other wise we will have to assume you are a racist because your idea of a terrorist must be limited to a dynamite vest and a berka sporting wife.

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<> .... But aren't you suggesting that if you dont like their performance, you should vote them out? But you can't so catch-22.

You are misunderstanding. They can vote them out in the next election. What they can't do is toss them out without due process.


Of course the other way is the Candidate Overturn and Update Policy, as sponsored by agencies, like for example the CIA.....

Hopefully you aren't resorting to "I have some double secret special insider knowledge".


<> - Of course not ..... the US, at the very least, signed off on their election.

So all those purple thumbs were just staged by the CIA? Please share your insider knowledge with us.


<> - What? Politicians lieing? Say it aint so.


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...and I will take my one warning now Billvon

Somehow, I think after calling me stupid and Nealtx a Racist in 2 posts one right after another added to your history of PA, you are going to get a little more than a warning.

I have just deleted three responces to this and his/her posts. Not worth it
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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