
Should Ahmadinejad be permitted to visit Ground Zero?

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I still can't believe the UN let Kruschev (sp?) come to NY and do his shoe-pounding-podium speech. It was before my time anyway and at the height of the cold war. Ahmadinejad can kiss my ass.
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Does he actually need permission? Doesn't he carry a diplomatic passport when he comes on UN business?

As far as I know, he can visit the UN with his diplomatic passport. Anything else probably needs to go through national security or local authorities.
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I'm not sure that's true. There was a bunch of stories a few years ago about the UN types parking wherever the fuck they wanted to in NYC and there wasn't a thing the authorities could do about it.
Diplomatic immunity is a very powerful thing, although it is considered a small price compared to the enormous economic benefit the US and NYC gets from hosting the UN.

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I don't see the point.

Besides, it'll be nothing but a propaganda photo opportunity for the pukes back home.

I say no.

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The point is maybe he wants to show the peeps back home that he is not a war monger. Maybe that is the straw that we hang onto; that little bit of rationality that saves us all.
During he cold war we thought they were nuts and they were sure we were (well Reagan anyway) nuts: but it turned out that none of us were nuts and we didn't blow each other up.
I don't like this guy and am not convinced that he isn't nuts; but we have to give peace every chance it can get; hundreds of thousands or millions, or tens of millions of lives are at stake.

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So, the Iranian President has made this request when he visits the U.N. Do you think it should be granted?

..and at the same time perhaps arrange for him to meet some of the relatives of those who died.

He did two live interviews on British TV last week. During one he was asked by John Snow about the holocaust. He replied that more research about it should be done. Maybe after visiting Ground Zero he could also take the opportunity to visit one of the concentration camps, do some personal research and meet some of the survivors.

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I still can't believe the UN let Kruschev (sp?) come to NY and do his shoe-pounding-podium speech.

You're kind of having difficulty grasping the concept of the United Nations, aren't you?:P
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I say let him come, see, and say whatever he likes, of course if it is something vile, and ignorant we can always point out that although this is the land of the free, we cannot prevent idiots from speaking in public.

Hey he is the elected leader of a nation, and we should not act in any way to prevent him from observing all the things our own presdident does when he visits foreign nations.

He may have something very intelligent, deep and heartfelt to say.

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As long as there is a large group of NYC police and firemen to beat his terrorist supporting worthless ass.

You can't have dialogue with someone who denies the Haloucast. He is our enemy plain and simple.
The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.

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Yep. We're supposed to be a free country and should lead by example.

Suppose he lays a wreath and declares it's for the terrorists who died in the planes?

He wouldn't do that. Like us, he is trying to win hearts and minds - us in Iraq, him here.

And by the way, a Christian would lay a wreath for all who died, including the terrorists, and would pray for them.

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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Yep. We're supposed to be a free country and should lead by example.

Suppose he lays a wreath and declares it's for the terrorists who died in the planes?

After he leaves, you pick up the wreath and throw it away. It's a free country. He can say what he wants. That said, we also don't need to give him a press conference to cover his visit. And even if he had his own press corp to film the event, let them broadcast it to anyone who wants to see it. Then the viewers will probably say "damn, I can't believe that they let him do that. So THAT's what it's like to live in a free country".

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He wouldn't do that. Like us, he is trying to win hearts and minds - us in Iraq, him here.

I couldn't help but notice how skillful he has been in winning the hearts and minds of Jews.

He's also done a great job with Americans by sending troops in and supporting insurgents who have killed American Soldiers in Iraq.

Yep, he just really exudes warmth and caring for his fellow man.

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You can't have dialogue with someone who denies the Haloucast.

Certainly not 'about' the Holocaust. And, if so, it would be a short dialogue.

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