
Meet The Next President of The United States of America

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I don't like Hillary, but Obama as President literally scares the shit out of me

For someone who doesn't know much about american politics - what is scary about obama - what does he stand for?
I saw him on TV the other night and my friends comment was "he seems a bit smarter than the current one!" :D

The USA is not ready for a smart black president, or a smart female president.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I don't like Hillary, but Obama as President literally scares the shit out of me

For someone who doesn't know much about american politics - what is scary about obama - what does he stand for?
I saw him on TV the other night and my friends comment was "he seems a bit smarter than the current one!" :D

The USA is not ready for a smart black president, or a smart female president.

Nice talking point. :P

Funny. It's been my experience that most of the people critical of Obama sit on the left side of the aisle.

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Did no one get that I was being facetious when I said to the older black females that "Hate is Not a Family Value." I wasn't using it in sincerity. Come on. Read it again:

After the prejudicial and chauvinistic accusation toward me (though it was mostly in jest), I had just taken a ridiculous catch-phrase used by (statistically) their opposing political party to garner votes, which was later modified and used by their (statistically) supporting political party, and handed it back to them in rhetoric regarding their seemingly homophobic remark against Condi (again, an issue within their supporting party).

Guess you just had to be there.[:/]

Roll Tide Roll

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I don't like Hillary, but Obama as President literally scares the shit out of me

For someone who doesn't know much about american politics - what is scary about obama - what does he stand for?
I saw him on TV the other night and my friends comment was "he seems a bit smarter than the current one!" :D

The USA is not ready for a smart black president, or a smart female president.

I disagree, I would probably support Condoleezza Rice.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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if I could personally pick the next President of the United States, it would be Condoleeza Rice.

Great choice :S

Fred Thompson is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. So is Hillary, so is Giuliani, Romney, Obama, Richardson, Edwards, etc.

Therefore, a vote for Thompson = a vote for Obama = a vote for Giuliani = a vote for Hillary = a vote for Edwards = a vote for Romney.

They're all steered by the same agenda, which is unending war to line the pockets of the ultra-rich, and further burdening of the middle class to pay off an ever-increasing national debt (and of course, to line the pockets of the ultra-rich).

Not to mention that constitutional rights and national sovereignty will continue to erode under any of the abovementioned candidates.

I hope Americans will one day wake up and realize that no mainstream candidates in any presidential election have the interest of the people of the US in mind. *They are all puppets, with no real ideas of their own.*

I'm convinced that the only hope for any real balance in our government is Ron Paul.

You stole this from my 'manifesto' on the covert redistribution of wealth under the auspices of the war on terror using the military industrial complex... I think you should be the next president. ;)

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if I could personally pick the next President of the United States, it would be Condoleeza Rice.

Great choice :S

Fred Thompson is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. So is Hillary, so is Giuliani, Romney, Obama, Richardson, Edwards, etc.

Therefore, a vote for Thompson = a vote for Obama = a vote for Giuliani = a vote for Hillary = a vote for Edwards = a vote for Romney.

They're all steered by the same agenda, which is unending war to line the pockets of the ultra-rich, and further burdening of the middle class to pay off an ever-increasing national debt (and of course, to line the pockets of the ultra-rich).

Not to mention that constitutional rights and national sovereignty will continue to erode under any of the abovementioned candidates.

I hope Americans will one day wake up and realize that no mainstream candidates in any presidential election have the interest of the people of the US in mind. *They are all puppets, with no real ideas of their own.*

I'm convinced that the only hope for any real balance in our government is Ron Paul.

You stole this from my 'manifesto' on the covert redistribution of wealth under the auspices of the war on terror using the military industrial complex... I think you should be the next president. ;)


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I disagree, I would probably support Condoleezza Rice.

Now you opened a can of worms.

{{preparing for numerous partisan posts about how Condi is NOT: smart, black, or a woman - probably a lot on the line of the racist commentary spewed at her}}

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I disagree, I would probably support Condoleezza Rice.

Now you opened a can of worms.

{{preparing for numerous partisan posts about how Condi is NOT: smart, black, or a woman - probably a lot on the line of the racist commentary spewed at her}}

Nah. She's certainly smarter than our President. She's certainly blacker than our President and anatomically more feminine than our President. She's apparently not afraid of Cheney anymore. I'd say she's more qualified to be our President than the current occupier/decider. And if she had not spent the last few years helping her "husband" screw us over, I might have been interested to see what she had to offer.

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I don't like Hillary, but Obama as President literally scares the shit out of me

For someone who doesn't know much about american politics - what is scary about obama - what does he stand for?
I saw him on TV the other night and my friends comment was "he seems a bit smarter than the current one!" :D

The USA is not ready for a smart black president, or a smart female president.

I disagree, I would probably support Condoleezza Rice.

You are not the USA.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Not so much, it's just sad to see comments like "the USA is not ready for a female or black or (whatever)" show up so frequently (not just from John)

It comes from a clear disdain over the average person and a self superior mindset. I'm surprised that this particular crowd isn't just pushing for an aristocracy model of government in order to tell all the "stupid" people how to live and think. I actually find their goals to be more along that line than real socialism even.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Fred had me at "Russians don't take a dump, son, without a plan."

I liked him as the President in Last Best Chance: http://www.lastbestchance.org/

Request free copy of the DVD here: http://lastbestchance.kintera.org/dvd


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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I don't hold Bush against Condi because if he did anything right in his Presidency, he chose her.

None of his predecessors had gone so far in "diversity" in government at such a high office.

Keep in mind too, that she may have some ideas of her own that she keeps to herself for now...anyone ever been in a situation like that with YOUR boss? I think she's just biding her time.

I have seen so many in the black community giving opinion about this woman and basically calling her an "Uncle Tom" (more than once, literally), when everyone should be proud of her position attained.

I mean, look at me: white, male, Right-leaning (but not too far) from Alabama stating I would support a black woman for President?

"Fair and balanced," I'd say.
Roll Tide Roll

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