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QuoteQuoteQuoteQuoteCollege: I signed a ROTC scholarship for a State University.
Well, there you have it. State Universities receive significant government subsidies. That's why tuition at U of Illinois is less than 1/3 of what it is at the private U. of Chicago or Northwestern U. You are a social leech after all.
The govt paid it, and I earned it thru my efforts. It's called a contract.
Would you say IIT shouldn't have their tax exemption? They're so eager to recruit ROTC students and their paid in full-tuition... it costs the US Govt less to pay for a Cadet at State U than IIT...
You can't weasel out of it. YOU received a tuition subsidy from the state's taxpayers in order to attend a state university. Your ROTC scholarship didn't offset that subsidy. Your heroic "efforts" and "sweat" were for your own benefit, not the university's or the state's taxpayers' benefit. It costs them the same whether you get straight "A"s or straight "D"s.
Sorry, you are a recipient of government handouts.
Do you teach students whose tuition is being paid by ROTC? If so: Pot, Kettle. Kettle, Pot.
QuoteOr possibly future generations will be paying for you, on account of the fact that we don't actually pay our way at all, but just borrow and borrow - more than $3Trillion during the Bush presidency alone.
Hey... let's throw unfunded Medicaid, Social Security, etc. promises into the mix. Then our debt rises dramatically to a total of $59.1 Trillion.
Makes the financial aspects of universal healthcare that much more appealing, eh?
normiss 816
NOW we throw all government funding in one pot?
QuoteHow many people have complained about out sourcing to foreign nation? The cost of companies to support private insurance is becoming to cost prohibitive to compete.
1. They'd still be in the same boat with the government "paying" for health insurance since wages would have to increase to leave enough for housing and other expenses. Socialized medicine is only going to reduce costs if coverage is reduced (in which case some employers are still going to be paying for health insurance) or efficiency increases (we spend more per capita than other countries so this is theoretically possible, although it would require avoiding excessive pork and concessions to the medical industry)
2. The difference between our expenses and developing countries far exceeds even the $1000/month price of an excellent group plan. Chinese auto workers earn $150 a month, while the union contract with Daimler-Chrysler calls for $3000-$6000/month in America depending on pay grade.
Royd 0
In spite of govt. education.QuoteJust being a parent doesn't make us all bad...some of us do actually raise fine members of society.

Quotefree public schools,
Yep. Got my ass kicked all the time, too.
Quotegot their via free roads
Actually, it WAS free, I guess, because I rode my bike every day.
QuoteWere you also speaking out so loudly against free schooling when you were getting to educate yourselves paid by taxpayer money?
Nope. I was busy trying to defend myself. Then I became the bully.
p.s. - roads aren't free.
My wife is hotter than your wife.
You can't weasel out of it. YOU received a tuition subsidy from the state's taxpayers in order to attend a state university. Your ROTC scholarship didn't offset that subsidy. Your heroic "efforts" and "sweat" were for your own benefit, not the university's or the state's taxpayers' benefit. It costs them the same whether you get straight "A"s or straight "D"s.
Sorry, you are a recipient of government handouts.
The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.
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