
Looks like Reagan Economics are back!

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LOL. You act like your children will be paupers if they choose teaching as a career. I doubt highly that they are sitting around watiing for you to kick off so they can finally pay the light bill.

But do remember to give them that tax free $10 G's a year. That's a sweet Christmas present.

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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And once you die, the money is no longer yours anyway so you are not being taxed again.

What about my family air looms? Are they no longer mine too? We are back to "If you die, Should the government get everything I owned?"

Wanna see a militia get "Up in arms", Try enforcing that.


Every dollar in circulation is taxed over and over and over again as it circulates within the economy.

Yes, and it will be taxed again and again as it is spent and/or gains interest. But me leaving my money that all taxes have been paid on to a family member is NOT putting that money in circulation where it will indeed be taxed again and again.

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The rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer

Wow!! You mean that some people are actually smarter than others?? I never would have guessed.

Some people actually make good decisions that pay off while others make poor decisions?? I am Shocked.

The rich getting richer and poor getting poorer is not something new. I think it has always been that way and always will.

The two billionaires that I know both inherited their wealth.

Good for them. And those 2 billionaires should be allowed to do whatever they want with their money. They should not be required to pay incredible amounts of taxes to support the lazy deadbeats and dead-end government programs.

Fuck that. Inheritance tax should be like 95%. No free rides. If we want people to excel, and take personal responsibility for their lives, let them make their own money.

Warren Buffet said that repealing the inheritance tax would be like "choosing the 2020 Olympic team by picking the eldest sons of the gold-medal winners in the 2000 Olympics." Makes sense to me.

said the person who's not going to inherit millions of dollars..... i think you'd have a diferent opinion if you were in line to be filthy rich by inheritance ;)

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LOL. You act like your children will be paupers if they choose teaching as a career. I doubt highly that they are sitting around watiing for you to kick off so they can finally pay the light bill.

But do remember to give them that tax free $10 G's a year. That's a sweet Christmas present.

Good job on missing the point entirely but I don't have children and probably never will. If there's a single dime in my pocket when I die then it will go to the group, charity, or loved ones of my choosing.

What do you think of the point of what I said?
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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So If I go out and Earn $1 Million, Pay all the taxes on that money at the time I earn it. Shouldn’t it be mine to do with as I please? I earned it. I paid the taxes on it.
Just because I give it to someone else, Why should it be taxed again?:S

Every dollar in circulation is taxed over and over and over again as it circulates within the economy. Your argument is quite illogical.

Nice job on using a tangential (but basically irrelevant) concept to discount his point.


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If there's a single dime in my pocket when I die then it will go to the group, charity, or loved ones of my choosing.

But shouldnt that money be taxed too?? Like they said, It isnt yours anymore. You are dead. It should all go to the Government.:S

Another questions to the one that think the govenrment is entitled to all (or 95%) of my belongings when I die, What if I am married? By default I would be leaving that money to my wife, Should she have to pay 95% (Or any of it for that matter) of it to the Government?n Or should she just pay the 95% Tax on half of it since the other half was sort of already hers?

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What about my family air looms?



James Tilly Matthews was a London tea merchant with republican sympathies who became embroiled in a self-styled peace mission between France and England in 1793. He was ignored, then jailed, by the French. He returned to England to warn the Prime Minister that teams of "magnetic spies" had infiltrated England and were preparing to use 'air looms' (a type of mind control machine that used "animal magnetism" and mesmerism) to overthrow the government.

Matthews also believed he was subject to control by the air loom, which he believed was operated by the sinister 'air loom gang' consisting of seven members led by a man called "Bill, or the King". He was convinced that the gang were trying to destroy him by using "torture-at-a-distance" which included torments such as "foot-curving, lethargy-making, spark-exploding, knee-nailing, burning out, eye-screwing" and other fantastical effects.

You should probably make a real effort to hide you "air looms" before the government gets them. Not to mention your heirlooms.

Owned by Remi #?

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If there's a single dime in my pocket when I die then it will go to the group, charity, or loved ones of my choosing.

But shouldnt that money be taxed too?? Like they said, It isnt yours anymore. You are dead. It should all go to the Government.:S

I think I'll just have a casket made of my money ground up and made into paper mache. I could see that now. The men in black show up to make their collection and my family tells them what I did. "Uh...well, we're not sure what to do here now since we don't have a cap on how expensive funerals are to be. Johnson, call the president, we need to draft the 'Cheap Funeral' Bill."

What's funny is that the gov't would claim the money to be lost to circulation and they'd just print new bills and require my family to spend their share on lawyers who would determine where the money should go.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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The rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer


The article doesn't say that.

It states that the rich have a larger share of total income and the poor less.

Depending on what's happened to total income relative to inflation everyone could be doing better or worse.

Over 98% of American households have a fridge, stove, and color TV. 85% have a car. Even our bottom quintile are wealthy by world standards.

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And once you die, the money is no longer yours anyway so you are not being taxed again.

What about my family air looms? Are they no longer mine too? We are back to "If you die, Should the government get everything I owned?"

Wanna see a militia get "Up in arms", Try enforcing that.


Every dollar in circulation is taxed over and over and over again as it circulates within the economy.

Yes, and it will be taxed again and again as it is spent and/or gains interest. But me leaving my money that all taxes have been paid on to a family member is NOT putting that money in circulation where it will indeed be taxed again and again.

Once you die you have no property. The property passes to someone else. Therefore it is in circulation. Therefore it is taxable. Hence inheritance taxes exist and are quite legal and Constitutional.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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So If I go out and Earn $1 Million, Pay all the taxes on that money at the time I earn it. Shouldn’t it be mine to do with as I please? I earned it. I paid the taxes on it.
Just because I give it to someone else, Why should it be taxed again?:S

Every dollar in circulation is taxed over and over and over again as it circulates within the economy. Your argument is quite illogical.

Nice job on using a tangential (but basically irrelevant) concept to discount his point.


His point is invalid. That's why inheritance taxes exist.

Your attempt at nitpicking is invalid too, as usual.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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The rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer

Wow!! You mean that some people are actually smarter than others?? I never would have guessed.

Some people actually make good decisions that pay off while others make poor decisions?? I am Shocked.

The rich getting richer and poor getting poorer is not something new. I think it has always been that way and always will.

The two billionaires that I know both inherited their wealth.

Another kallend one liner that explains it all. All should bow to his superior intelect:S
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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The rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer

Wow!! You mean that some people are actually smarter than others?? I never would have guessed.

Some people actually make good decisions that pay off while others make poor decisions?? I am Shocked.

Explain then how executives can destroy a company and still earn huge bonuses, and then parachute out just after selling their stock options for millions. It seems that some can make poor, costly decisions and still profit nicely.

Have a look at Arbusto Energy. Bush's daddy's buddy invested $1 million in that shithole when the company was worth $400,000. Nice, eh? Then in 1990 Bush sold his shares in the company (now Harken Energy) and a week later the company reported a loss of $23 million.

Ah yes, class warfare and jelousy. You now have been full indoctrinated. (that is of course if you were "ever" and conservative.)
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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The rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer

Wow!! You mean that some people are actually smarter than others?? I never would have guessed.

Some people actually make good decisions that pay off while others make poor decisions?? I am Shocked.

The rich getting richer and poor getting poorer is not something new. I think it has always been that way and always will.

The two billionaires that I know both inherited their wealth.

Good for them. And those 2 billionaires should be allowed to do whatever they want with their money. They should not be required to pay incredible amounts of taxes to support the lazy deadbeats and dead-end government programs.

Fuck that. Inheritance tax should be like 95%. No free rides. If we want people to excel, and take personal responsibility for their lives, let them make their own money.

Warren Buffet said that repealing the inheritance tax would be like "choosing the 2020 Olympic team by picking the eldest sons of the gold-medal winners in the 2000 Olympics." Makes sense to me.

AND, you have become a moveon.org socilaist!!! Congratulations!!!:)
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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The rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer

Wow!! You mean that some people are actually smarter than others?? I never would have guessed.

Some people actually make good decisions that pay off while others make poor decisions?? I am Shocked.

The rich getting richer and poor getting poorer is not something new. I think it has always been that way and always will.

The two billionaires that I know both inherited their wealth.

Another kallend one liner that explains it all. All should bow to his superior intelect:S

Are you claiming that heirs and heiresses to fortunes made good decisions so as to be born that way? You have a different very idea of the process of sexual reproduction than I do!

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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So If I go out and Earn $1 Million, Pay all the taxes on that money at the time I earn it. Shouldn’t it be mine to do with as I please? I earned it. I paid the taxes on it.
Just because I give it to someone else, Why should it be taxed again?


Every dollar in circulation is taxed over and over and over again as it circulates within the economy. Your argument is quite illogical.

And once you die, the money is no longer yours anyway so you are not being taxed again.

WOW, another fiscal socialist!!!! They are all over the dam place today:)
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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What everyone should understand is that the gov't needs to levy taxes in order to maintain itself as being capable of supporting a sovereign nation. The debate will always be What Should be Taxed. The minority or those least capable of representing their cause will always lose that debate. What's illogical is attempting to define this process of when and how taxes are levied as being anything other than politics.

"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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So If I go out and Earn $1 Million, Pay all the taxes on that money at the time I earn it. Shouldn’t it be mine to do with as I please? I earned it. I paid the taxes on it.
Just because I give it to someone else, Why should it be taxed again?


Every dollar in circulation is taxed over and over and over again as it circulates within the economy. Your argument is quite illogical.

And once you die, the money is no longer yours anyway so you are not being taxed again.

WOW, another fiscal socialist!!!! They are all over the dam place today:)

Please detail the property rights of the dead under the laws of the USA.

The tax is not on the deceased, it is on the transfer of property from the deceased to his or her representatives or beneficiaries. Hence the deceased is NOT being taxed twice.

Jeez, you might learn your own laws before spouting off.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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The rich getting richer and poor getting poorer is not something new. I think it has always been that way and always will.

The concentration of wealth varies for time and location. Too high a concentration tends to be unhealthy. But the level in the US isn't remotely near what it is in developing countries.

I thought this subject was referring to classic Reagan (voodoo) economics - tax cuts lead to increase in tax receipts, as Bush was claiming again today with the deficit dropping to a recent historical (read, his regime) low.

As for the 95% inhereritance - non productive. Many family assets are not liquid and such a tax would eliminate them. A family owned farm, factory, business. The O'Malleys sold the Dodgers to Fox in part for inheritance purposes - the offspring would not be able to pay the transfer taxes as the cash flow of a sports team is not very high. Fox destroyed the team. Selling off controlling interests in a company would have same concern, and that has a more significant number of jobs at stake.

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So If I go out and Earn $1 Million, Pay all the taxes on that money at the time I earn it. Shouldn’t it be mine to do with as I please? I earned it. I paid the taxes on it.
Just because I give it to someone else, Why should it be taxed again?


Every dollar in circulation is taxed over and over and over again as it circulates within the economy. Your argument is quite illogical.

And once you die, the money is no longer yours anyway so you are not being taxed again.

WOW, another fiscal socialist!!!! They are all over the dam place today:)

Please detail the property rights of the dead under the laws of the USA.

The tax is not on the deceased, it is on the transfer of property from the deceased to his or her representatives or beneficiaries. Hence the deceased is NOT being taxed twice.

Jeez, you might learn your own laws before spouting off.
Just just made my point sir. Thank You. Point proven? you are a fiscal socialist.

Ah, and my own laws, are they not yours? Are you not a US citizen?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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So If I go out and Earn $1 Million, Pay all the taxes on that money at the time I earn it. Shouldn’t it be mine to do with as I please? I earned it. I paid the taxes on it.
Just because I give it to someone else, Why should it be taxed again?


Every dollar in circulation is taxed over and over and over again as it circulates within the economy. Your argument is quite illogical.

And once you die, the money is no longer yours anyway so you are not being taxed again.

WOW, another fiscal socialist!!!! They are all over the dam place today:)

Please detail the property rights of the dead under the laws of the USA.

The tax is not on the deceased, it is on the transfer of property from the deceased to his or her representatives or beneficiaries. Hence the deceased is NOT being taxed twice.

Jeez, you might learn your own laws before spouting off.
Just just made my point sir. Thank You. Point proven? you are a fiscal socialist.

Kindly tell us how explaining your own law to you when apparently you don't understand it makes me a socialist.

Wanting to spend borrowed money on a war without tax revenue to support it makes YOU a Borrow and Spend Republican.

Reagan and the Bushes - responsible for twice as much debt than all other presidents in US history combined.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Just just made my point sir. Thank You. Point proven? you are a fiscal socialist.

Ah, and my own laws, are they not yours? Are you not a US citizen?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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