Douva 0 #76 October 28, 2007 com·pro·mise [kom-pruh-mahyz] 1. an accommodation in which both sides make concessions Proponents of gun control typically argue that gun owners should be required to undergo training, testing, expanded background checks, and licensing. Proponents of gun rights typically argue that gun owners should be allowed to carry handguns in public, for self-defense. Concealed carry laws allow gun owners who undergo training, testing, expanded background checks, and licensing to carry handguns in public, for self-defense. When both sides give a little and both sides get a little, that is the true definition of compromise. Who is less willing to compromise—gun rights groups who support licensed concealed carry or gun control groups who oppose licensed concealed carry?I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
councilman24 37 #77 October 28, 2007 The cops want an advantage. Actually I may be wrong. I've been told that but can't find the law banning wearing body armor except for convicted felons. Of course the P.D. in my city didn't want to be required to wear vests. We told them they could pick out whatever brand they wanted at or above a certain threat level (don't remember level) but they still resisted for several years. Finally became a contract issue and was negotiated in. Don't know if it came out of the L.A. bank shoot out or not. The bad guys had vests there. Also, carrying knifes bigger than the normally allowed 3" are illegal, even with a concealed pistol license. So is carrying switchblades unless you the Fugative's one armed man. I can open my thumb stud knife faster than my switchblades. I'm old for my age. Terry Urban D-8631 FAA DPRE Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
warpedskydiver 0 #78 October 28, 2007 In Illinoistan, if you are shot even unintentionally by a police officer, and you are wearing a ballistc vest you face three years in prison. Obviously the government and politicians, nor police are about the average citizens safety when it come to getting shot. Isn't it strange that the law would be writtein is such a fashion? It was supposed to be written with the intent of stopping criminals from wearing one, yet the only people it stopped were the law abiding citzens. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1969912 0 #79 October 28, 2007 Quote The cops want an advantage. Actually I may be wrong. I've been told that but can't find the law banning wearing body armor except for convicted felons. Of course the P.D. in my city didn't want to be required to wear vests. We told them they could pick out whatever brand they wanted at or above a certain threat level (don't remember level) but they still resisted for several years. Finally became a contract issue and was negotiated in. Don't know if it came out of the L.A. bank shoot out or not. The bad guys had vests there. Also, carrying knifes bigger than the normally allowed 3" are illegal, even with a concealed pistol license. So is carrying switchblades unless you the Fugative's one armed man. I can open my thumb stud knife faster than my switchblades. I'm pretty sure those laws did come after the big LA shootout. Not sure if crime rates went way down as a result though. "Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ." -NickDG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1969912 0 #80 October 28, 2007 POP, I might will catch hell for saying this, but I'm a very strong 2nd Amendment supporter (I don't believe It's cconstitutional for the Feds to restrict or license full-auto guns), but I do believe that if firearms had never been been legal or had been severely restricted in the US, we wouldn't have as high a murder rate as we do now. "Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ." -NickDG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gawain 0 #81 October 28, 2007 Quote Quote Quote ...but to what extent do you need to protect yourself? It is always "one level" of force above the oppositon. The opposition where I live seems to be small children with squirt guns. What would you recommend? Someone beat me to the garden hose idea. The other option is a super soaker with sugar water in it...let that dry up on the kids and get all sticky....So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
warpedskydiver 0 #82 October 28, 2007 Quote Quote Quote Quote Why do you suppose there is a high likelyhood nobody would want to try and perpetuate an offense this weekend at SDC? 'Cos I'm, coming out to watch (unless it's raining). Please check with Gomei, Trimby, Rainbo, Canoe Randy, or me before taking a stroll through the woods ok? As always consult with range personnel before attempting to cross the event area. Wow, I never would have though of that. I spoke with Gomei last week. Actually no you did not ask Gomei last week, if you had showed up without attaining persmission to observe (permission would not have been given to anyone) you would have been quite embarassed and been talking to the property owner. Why do you think it would have been ok to walk about and observe something that people PAID money to do? I would like to know, and I think some of the other posters on this forum would like to know as well. BTW approaching the firing line without actually knowing where the rounds were being fired from, could have resulted in serious injury, or a fatality, and really screwed the pooch for the DZ owners and the rest of us. This was a SDC sanctioned event, and will be bigger and better next year. All participants were enthusiastic, and really enjoyed themselves. They did not even mind carrying the 140lb dummy up the hill(well they did not mind after they were done)Again, there were no spectators allowed, and you DID NOT CALL FOR PERMISSION.When you are running an event you can decide who is allowed to watch, when you are not doing so, you MUST ASK PERMISSION Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1969912 0 #83 October 28, 2007 Quote Quote Quote ...but to what extent do you need to protect yourself? It is always "one level" of force above the oppositon. The opposition where I live seems to be small children with squirt guns. What would you recommend? This should do the job. 50 rounds/second. It even kind of looks like water coming out during night filming. Here's their webpage. A minigun is only $65,000, but they can't sell to civilians any more. "Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ." -NickDG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
moodyskydiver 0 #84 October 28, 2007 QuoteI've been told that but can't find the law banning wearing body armor except for convicted felons. This is what we were taught in my CHL class:Anyone in the state of TX can own,wear, or purchase body armor with the exception of convicted felons.Heres the actual law: TX Penal Code 46.041 " (a)in this section "metal or body armor" means any body covering manifestly designed,made,or adapted for the purpose of protecting a person against gunfire. (b)A person who has been convicted of a felony commits an offense if after conviction the person possesses metal or body armor. (c)An offense under this section is a felony of the 3rd degree." "...just an earthbound misfit, I." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
councilman24 37 #85 October 29, 2007 But I'm not in Texas.Actually I think they changed it in 2000. Now a felon can't own or wear body armor and you can't wear body armor with the intent or during the commission of a crime. So it's one of those add on charges. Not that the bad guys follow the law anyway. I'm old for my age. Terry Urban D-8631 FAA DPRE Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,057 #86 October 29, 2007 Quote Quote Quote Quote Quote Why do you suppose there is a high likelyhood nobody would want to try and perpetuate an offense this weekend at SDC? 'Cos I'm, coming out to watch (unless it's raining). Please check with Gomei, Trimby, Rainbo, Canoe Randy, or me before taking a stroll through the woods ok? As always consult with range personnel before attempting to cross the event area. Wow, I never would have though of that. I spoke with Gomei last week. Actually no you did not ask Gomei last week, ACTUALLY, I spoke to Gomez about it last week, just as I wrote previously. ... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
moodyskydiver 0 #87 October 29, 2007 Quote But I'm not in Texas.[Wink] Thats your misfortune not mine.neener! neener! "...just an earthbound misfit, I." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pop 0 #88 October 29, 2007 QuoteI do believe that if firearms had never been been legal or had been severely restricted in the US, we wouldn't have as high a murder rate as we do now. I agree with you on that satement, We as Americans are conditioned to think that guns are a good idea. We have some of the easiest access to legal weapons in the world. We also see some of the highest murder rates in the world involving guns.7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airtwardo 7 #89 October 29, 2007 I have two fists, a brain, and a mouth that usually gets me out of things... Quote Sounds more like they 'usually' get ya INTO things! ~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mnealtx 0 #90 October 29, 2007 QuoteQuoteI do believe that if firearms had never been been legal or had been severely restricted in the US, we wouldn't have as high a murder rate as we do now. I agree with you on that satement, We as Americans are conditioned to think that guns are a good idea. We have some of the easiest access to legal weapons in the world. We also see some of the highest murder rates in the world involving guns. Ok - now all you have to do is prove that those murders WOULDN'T have happened if they just didn't have that eeeevil gun! *btw - in staying consistent with your beliefs... you HAVE told your roommate that he needs to get rid of his guns, right?Mike I love you, Shannon and Jim. POPS 9708 , SCR 14706 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,057 #91 October 29, 2007 Quote I have two fists, a brain, and a mouth that usually gets me out of things... Quote Sounds more like they 'usually' get ya INTO things! I have a brain that for over 60 years has a perfect record of not getting me into things that would require a gun or fists to get out of...... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
warpedskydiver 0 #92 October 29, 2007 Quote I have two fists, a brain, and a mouth that usually gets me out of things... Quote Sounds more like they 'usually' get ya INTO things! Isn't that soooooo obvious? Geez I just don't get into things in the first place. If I am ever the target of an attemtped assault, I would first try to leave, second defend myself, third make no statement to the police, and fourth call my lawyer. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
warpedskydiver 0 #93 October 29, 2007 act as if I did not speak with him at all, nor did one of my own team mates mention this, nor confirm it when asked. The funny thing is, I was running the range along with Rainbo, you would have had to ask us and receive permission, we set the no observer rule. I am very careful about such things, if I have to watch more than the individuals firing, I cannot be as effective in regulating a safe range. If you still insist, please provide us with the call records for the time and number you called , Gomei stated that he received no call, and that the firing line was our responsibility alone, and that Trimby was the last say on safety issues for the entire event. It is not that you were not wlecome, it is the FACT that no observers were allowed PERIOD. I think I need a bigger shovel, to remove some of the bullshit around here. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darius11 12 #94 October 29, 2007 I don’t think it is about fear but more about just being realistic about where and how we live. In RI there is a lot of shootings and home invasions. Do I sit there worrying about someone braking in too my home all the time? No but I know what is possible and choose to be prepared. That not only includes owning a suitable gun but also practicing my shots and having the right ammo for my setting. I still practice my EP before every jump, do I fear a cutaway on every jump no but when and if it happens I want to be ready. I choose my life and the life my loved ones over all. If you do any research you will see over and over again that gun laws do not prohibit criminals from getting guns but only law-abiding citizens. I rather have law-abiding citizens with Uzi’s then a criminal with a .22. IMHO I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airtwardo 7 #95 October 29, 2007 Quote Quote I have two fists, a brain, and a mouth that usually gets me out of things... Quote Sounds more like they 'usually' get ya INTO things! I have a brain that for over 60 years has a perfect record of not getting me into things that would require a gun or fists to get out of... The day ain't over yet! ~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,057 #96 October 29, 2007 Quote If you still insist, please provide us with the call records for the time and number you called , Gomei stated that he received no call, and that the firing line was our responsibility alone, and that Trimby was the last say on safety issues for the entire event. I think I need a bigger shovel, to remove some of the bullshit around here. Who said I phoned him? You let your imagination run away with you in your desire to be hostile.... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
warpedskydiver 0 #97 October 29, 2007 QuoteQuote If you still insist, please provide us with the call records for the time and number you called , Gomei stated that he received no call, and that the firing line was our responsibility alone, and that Trimby was the last say on safety issues for the entire event. I think I need a bigger shovel, to remove some of the bullshit around here. Who said I phoned him? You let your imagination run away with you in your desire to be hostile. YOU DID NOT RECEIVE PERMISSION Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,057 #98 October 29, 2007 QuoteQuoteQuote If you still insist, please provide us with the call records for the time and number you called , Gomei stated that he received no call, and that the firing line was our responsibility alone, and that Trimby was the last say on safety issues for the entire event. I think I need a bigger shovel, to remove some of the bullshit around here. Who said I phoned him? You let your imagination run away with you in your desire to be hostile. YOU DID NOT RECEIVE PERMISSION Did I claim to have received permission? Your imagination is truly amazing. Oh, you can stop shouting too.... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
warpedskydiver 0 #99 October 29, 2007 Quote Quote Quote Quote Why do you suppose there is a high likelyhood nobody would want to try and perpetuate an offense this weekend at SDC? 'Cos I'm, coming out to watch (unless it's raining). Please check with Gomei, Trimby, Rainbo, Canoe Randy, or me before taking a stroll through the woods ok? As always consult with range personnel before attempting to cross the event area. Wow, I never would have though of that. I spoke with Gomei last week. You stated you were coming out to watch. You stated you spoke to Gomei. I guess that does not mean that you asked him right? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,057 #100 October 29, 2007 Quote Quote Quote Quote Quote Why do you suppose there is a high likelyhood nobody would want to try and perpetuate an offense this weekend at SDC? 'Cos I'm, coming out to watch (unless it's raining). Please check with Gomei, Trimby, Rainbo, Canoe Randy, or me before taking a stroll through the woods ok? As always consult with range personnel before attempting to cross the event area. Wow, I never would have though of that. I spoke with Gomei last week. You stated you were coming out to watch. You stated you spoke to Gomei. I guess that does not mean that you asked him right? You really are having a very hard time with this very simple concept. On Saturday October 20 I spoke with R. Gomez, who has been a friend of mine for several years. We were even together on a skydiving team at the USPA Nationals in 2002 (along with Rainbo). Now stop making an ass of yourself.... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites