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jakee 1,526
QuoteThe point that we don't want a hallucinagen to get into bystanders that might not want it is self evident. vs much disputed 2nd hand carcinogenic evidence for tobacco.
The idea that tobacco causes cancer for the primary user has also been 'much disputed'. Wonder why?
QuoteIf we are just going to go around in circles, then you're still just letting personal addictions trump your professed regard for people's personal rights and being a hypocrite at the same time.
Assumptions will get you nowhere

QuoteQuoteAlcohol is legal and a drug. We don't allow children to have it. That's a bit harder to do with an airborne drug, don't you think?
Hah! Are you seriously going to argue that the nicotine in cigarette smoke is either less addictive or less harmful than the THC in cannabis smoke?
Please, share with us how nicotine is just as harmful as THC. I'd love to here this.

QuoteIf we aren't talking in the legal sense then tobacco is absolutely, undeniably a harmful addictive drug - almost certainly more so than cannabis. It is mind boggling that you would think to argue otherwise
How civil.

rehmwa 2
QuoteThe idea that tobacco causes cancer for the primary user has also been 'much disputed'. Wonder why?
It's an industry that makes a lot of money and has a lot of influence. Also, smokers are so addicted, that they are willing to swallow the tripe to make sure they get their fix.
QuoteAssumptions will get you nowhere
I don't smoke anything, and I don't want anyone to be allowed to smoke anything in public places.
That adds good context to this discussion - however, there are degrees to people's opinions, and having to balance multiple values to achieve one's overall beliefs in no way makes them hypocrits. So the name calling isn't really warranted.
The only difference here is we draw the line from where we'd like people to choose to be courteous to where we draw the line and decide they aren't capable of denying their self gratification and have to forced to do it.
Move the line on way or the other - at this point it's a matter of degree. The only people I have issue with at that point is the 0% vs 100% types.
Aside - ever notice that the Woodstock generation claims they have, and strongly stick to, a set of "convictions"? Funny, all these convictions, in the end, tie up to self gratification.
Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants
QuoteOur country has an unusually high pirson population. Many of the "criminals" living in prisons on tax payer's dime are their for crrimes that arent necessarily serious crimes. I think marijuana would fall under that catagory.
The percentage of prisoners serving time for simple possession is less than 1%. I don't think the number of people doing time for "holding" are a big factor, regarding prison overcrowding.
normiss 811
I think the lobbying of tobacco companies has helped the industry waaaay more than smokers.
From a personal view, I could care less what someone smokes, so long as they accept responsibility for their actions.
Addiction is a side issue to me also, accept the decision to consume something dangerous, risk of addiction included.
Me? Cigarettes were MUCH harder to put down than pot was. I haven't smoked a cigarette in almost 9 years now - never again.
I still don't think people get addicted to pot. Dependant, maybe.
I DO think smoking in a restaurant should not be allowed period. Out of simple consideration if nothing else. Smoking SHOULD be allowed in bars.
I'm a nazi ex-smoker. blech!
pirana 0
QuoteYes, and tobacco was the only product endorsed by the AMA as being good for health.
Someone recently sent me a slideshow of some old print ads. There were a few for cigs, with endorsements about the relaxation benefits and other hogwash. Pretty humorous.
Richards 0
QuoteI DO think smoking in a restaurant should not be allowed period. Out of simple consideration if nothing else. Smoking SHOULD be allowed in bars.
I'm a nazi ex-smoker. blech!
Agreed. I do however think that it would be fine if smoking were allowed on restaurent patio's (and no I am not a smoker). Banning it from any outdoor location is a bit much.
QuoteCigarettes were MUCH harder to put down than pot was.
Pot is a mental addiction and it is much easier to break this addiction than the physical addiction of nicoteen. I speak from personal experience here. 12 months ago, I was smoking pot every day (many times a day). I have since removed myself from the temptation and ... LOL ... I could actually pass a drug test if I needed to. It wasn't that hard to do, just remove yourself from the tempation. Casual pot usage is not to be feared. But everyday usage is not health to the body or the mind. But pot is not better/worse than alcohol and at least smoking pot and drinking alcohol gives you something in return. Smoking cigarettes is a complete waste of time.
Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
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