
Another gay sex resignation

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Follows the same depressing pattern. Guy gets caught with male prostitute, denies he's gay, then says he'll resign a few days later. (Almost like they need to get that one last lie in.) And of course he's been voting against gay rights his whole time in office.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

State Rep. Richard Curtis, R-La Center, admitted to having sex with a man he met at an adult video store in Spokane last week, according to a police report released Tuesday afternoon.

. . .

The report is filled with graphic details of an encounter that began at a porn store on a Spokane Valley strip and concluded miles away in Curtis' room at the city's poshest hotel.

The police report contains an account of how Curtis allegedly donned women's clothing, red stockings and a black sequined lingerie top before engaging in a sex act at the store. He then continued to wear them throughout the night under his clothing, the report says.

. . .

During a brief phone interview with Columbian Editor Lou Brancaccio on Monday afternoon, Curtis said he did not have sex with the man and is not gay.
GOP Lawmaker Resigns Amid Sex Scandal
UPDATED: 12:26 pm PDT November 1, 2007

OLYMPIA, Wash. -- A Republican state legislator who repeatedly voted against gay rights measures resigned his seat Wednesday amid revelations he had sex with a man he met at an erotic video store while in Spokane on a GOP retreat.

In a written statement, Rep. Richard Curtis, of La Center, said that while he believes he's done a lot of good during his time in the Legislature, "events that have recently come to light have hurt a lot of people."

"I sincerely apologize for any pain my actions may have caused," he wrote. "This has been damaging to my family, and I don't want to subject them to any additional pain that might result from carrying out this matter under the scrutiny that comes with holding public office."

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Too funny. What I don't understand is why these people do the things that they do when they should damn well know that when you are in the public eye, every move you make will be scrutinized. If these guys are gay, they are gay. It's no biggie. But they should know better to control their behavior while they live these high profile public lives.

LOL, want to know why I don't have any desire to run for public office (actually there are many reasons). Because word would get out ... "If your friends jumped off of a bridge, would you?" :ph34r:

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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From Jay Leno last night:

"That's why women tend to be Democrats; The Republican men aren't interested in them!":ph34r:

"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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>"That's why women tend to be Democrats; The Republican men aren't
>interested in them!"

Guy walks into a bar. Guy says "hey, did you hear that guy John Smith is running for state senate as a republican?" Bartender says "wow, I didn't know he was gay!" Ba dum dum.

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If these guys are gay, they are gay. It's no biggie.

Well, for most of this country it does seem to be a biggie. We want good Christian men running our country. You know, the kind that cheat on their wives with other women, not with other men.

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> What I don't understand is why these people do the things that they do . . .

Well, I think we've learned a few things in terms of what you should do if you're a politician who takes a "wide stance."

If you're a politician who comes out against homosexuality, don't engage in gay sex.

If you do want to engage in gay sex, don't troll for it in an adult bookstore.

If you do want to troll there, don't wear women's clothing.

If you do want to wear women's clothing in adult bookstores, don't engage in sex acts there.

If you do find a hooker to engage in sex acts, don't refuse to pay him later.

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> What I don't understand is why these people do the things that they do . . .

Well, I think we've learned a few things in terms of what you should do if you're a politician who takes a "wide stance."

If you're a politician who comes out against homosexuality, don't engage in gay sex.

If you do want to engage in gay sex, don't troll for it in an adult bookstore.

If you do want to troll there, don't wear women's clothing.

If you do want to wear women's clothing in adult bookstores, don't engage in sex acts there.

If you do find a hooker to engage in sex acts, don't refuse to pay him later.

Its a real mine field, being a right-wing perv...

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> What I don't understand is why these people do the things that they do . . .

Well, I think we've learned a few things in terms of what you should do if you're a politician who takes a "wide stance."

If you're a politician who comes out against homosexuality, don't engage in gay sex.

If you do want to engage in gay sex, don't troll for it in an adult bookstore.

If you do want to troll there, don't wear women's clothing.

If you do want to wear women's clothing in adult bookstores, don't engage in sex acts there.

If you do find a hooker to engage in sex acts, don't refuse to pay him later.

Sounds just like Pastor Ted's story, minus the women's clothing. :o

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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If these guys are gay, they are gay. It's no biggie.

It's a biggie when they stay in the closet and take an anti-gay stance in office. There's no way to resolve the ethical issues. If they vote against gay rights related stuff because their constituents want them to, it's pretty damned likely that their constituents would not have voted them into office if they were out.
Owned by Remi #?

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I would think all the lefties here would embrace having an undercover gay man in government, or 5. Why are all of you so happy to get rid of all the gays in office?

And don't even THINK about the "hypocrite" argument. You should all know better than that. Who isn't in Washington?
Oh, hello again!

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Why are all of you so happy to get rid of all the gays in office?

Its not my government per say, but I would think more openly gay men and women in government would be a great thing. It would definitely break down some barriers and tabboos.

If they arent opnenly gay, thats definitely their right too.

What bugs most of us lefties is members of government who take very staunch anti gay positions, living a double standard.

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What bugs most of us lefties is members of government who take very staunch anti gay positions, living a double standard.

Like someone, say, responsible for the death of another being against the death penalty? They're all the same and they're all covered in it. I'm sure there are plenty who have done worse than buggering a male prostitute in a bathroom, they're just better at keeping secrets. Hence the lowest approval rating for our elected officials ever. Some people just like to cheer when "their team" scores I guess.

And that is an illustration of how bad hypocrisy is in government, NOT equating being gay to being a killer. Just for you sensitive types
Oh, hello again!

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Too funny. What I don't understand is why these people do the things that they do when they should damn well know that when you are in the public eye, every move you make will be scrutinized. If these guys are gay, they are gay. It's no biggie. But they should know better to control their behavior while they live these high profile public lives.

LOL, want to know why I don't have any desire to run for public office (actually there are many reasons). Because word would get out ... "If your friends jumped off of a bridge, would you?" :ph34r:

My last wife told me to jump off a bridge. So I took some friends. BUT. I went FIRST.B|;)
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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I would think all the lefties here would embrace having an undercover gay man in government, or 5. Why are all of you so happy to get rid of all the gays in office?

And don't even THINK about the "hypocrite" argument. You should all know better than that. Who isn't in Washington?

I have no problem with gays in office. I have a BIG problem with hypocrites. I like "The Frank Rule" on gays in office:

"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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> I can not believe how homophobic you are

That's me! Can't stand em. Why, I'd kick one of those "alternative lifestyle" types out of bed faster than you can say "thermal spreading of IR absorption spectra!"

But seriously, that's the best you can do? There has been a serious decline in the quality of your bashing lately! Where's the Rush of yesteryear who would at least get a good comparison to Clinton in there?

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>At least Curtis didnt have to use a cigar!

Now, see? THERE's a good gratuitous Clinton reference.

(trent sez)

>I would think all the lefties here would embrace having an undercover
> gay man in government, or 5. Why are all of you so happy to get rid of
> all the gays in office?

Happy to get rid of them? Not at all! I think he should stay in office. Heck, it might even make him think twice about legislating against gays.

>And don't even THINK about the "hypocrite" argument. You should all
>know better than that. Who isn't in Washington?

Of course - which is why the right wing hasn't bothered calling Al Gore a hypocrite. They know better than that. (Right?)

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>>>And don't even THINK about the "hypocrite" argument. You should all know better than that. Who isn't in Washington?

I love this, when your party is the lowest possibly ever, look to others to bring in. Trent, your party is flailing, come back in 20-30 years when the Dems fuck up as bad. You had your almosy 3 decades to fuck this country, now it's our turn; first we'll fix it, then we'll fuck it, just watch as we've had to for quite some time........ Nanny, nanny, boo-booB|

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What bugs most of us lefties is members of government who take very staunch anti gay positions, living a double standard.

Like someone, say, responsible for the death of another being against the death penalty? They're all the same and they're all covered in it. I'm sure there are plenty who have done worse than buggering a male prostitute in a bathroom, they're just better at keeping secrets. Hence the lowest approval rating for our elected officials ever. Some people just like to cheer when "their team" scores I guess.

And that is an illustration of how bad hypocrisy is in government, NOT equating being gay to being a killer. Just for you sensitive types


Come back in 20-30 years; you guys are done. Look at the brght side. when your party is disempowered you can sit on the sidelines and blame an we'll play your role and try to include you guys into our fucking up.

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