
Gun nuts/Sharp Shooters

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Running on the History Channel tomorrow. I just watched it. Amazing.http://www.history.com/search.do?searchText=Sharp+Shooters;)Edit to add: I want one of these(drools)http://www.gunblast.com/SW_500.htm[:/] Doubt Ca. will LEGALLY let me have one.;)
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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He he - thats a BIG gun - not sure why you would have one but i am sure it would be fun to shoot (And expensive)

Well actually there are some THUGS that just wont go down with one 9mm shot between the eyes!!!! (i bet that made ya cringe).... ANd actually the SW500 cal. was the the creation of a dude named Linebaugh.


.........and the yahoo HIT #6 about BUFFALO BORE Ammo is SO true!! BB is the best !! Trust me I kno! : DD

edit to fix da link lol

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What impressed me was how accurately he was shooting it. I'd want one if I was in country that had a lot of Grizzly or Polar bears.

I wonder what the noise level is like shooting one though. The one on TV looked like it had some sort of muzzle brake on it (if I recall). That could make them louder. My little 9mm about makes me deaf without ear plugs. What would this big boy be like?

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What impressed me was how accurately he was shooting it. I'd want one if I was in country that had a lot of Grizzly or Polar bears.

I wonder what the noise level is like shooting one though. The one on TV looked like it had some sort of muzzle brake on it (if I recall). That could make them louder. My little 9mm about makes me deaf without ear plugs. What would this big boy be like?

I have no idea. My 357 Sig deafens me. I'm gonna find out tho.;)
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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You would be better served by using a shotgun firing sabot slugs.

That is what is used to dispatch bears, and of course a dart filled with nicotene, is even faster.

Can't buy slugs in Ca. I already tried. Had to go w/ 00. Damn. I'm a poet and don't no it. And my feet are Longfellows too!;)
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Why in the hell do they ban shotgun slugs?:S
Have they been watching too much CSI?>:(

Da Terminator just signed a bill outlawing lead ammo in California. Some whacko environmentalists convinced enough people that rare condors are eating loose bullets like candy, poisoning them.

So throw out that hundred years of ballistic data that has been accumulated, and start all over again...

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You would be better served by using a shotgun firing sabot slugs.

That is what is used to dispatch bears, and of course a dart filled with nicotene, is even faster.

There's no doubt better bear guns than this pistol. The nice thing about a pistol is that they are easier to pack around than a rifle or shotgun. In Alaska I often packed a 12 guage with slugs. Many times I was unarmed though because I just got tired of packing a shotgun around, everywhere I went. So, maybe a pistol might be handier for that scenario. I'd want at least a 44 magnum for that.

I watched a video of a bowhunter dispatching a large grizzly with some kind of big bore automatic pistol. He stalked as close as he could to a grizzly with intentions of putting an arrow into it. Then the grizzly started walking directly at him. He shot it once in the head, with the pistol, and it dropped. Very impressive!

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Da Terminator just signed a bill outlawing lead ammo in California. Some whacko environmentalists convinced enough people that rare condors are eating loose bullets like candy, poisoning them.

So throw out that hundred years of ballistic data that has been accumulated, and start all over again...

Gee whiz! What's the world coming to!

When did Swartzenegger start worrying about the environment? And how are lead bullets going to make any difference at all? I can see the reasoning behind banning lead shot for waterfowl, but not for anything else. Where's the evidence that this is even a problem.

Or is this really a sneaky way to ban the sale of most ammo for rifles and pistols. Finding a manufacturer of factory ammo, with copper bullets, may be next to impossible. I know Barnes-x bullets can be reloaded in some calibers. Possibly they are sold in some factory cartridges, but they are probably really hard to find. I've never heard of copper bullets for pistol ammo.

Are the police going to be subject to this same law when they buy ammo? I'll bet not.....

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Finding a manufacturer of factory ammo, with copper bullets, may be next to impossible.

A letter to Schwarzenegger, signed by Fish and Game Commission executive director John Carlson and commission president Richard Rogers, urging the governor's veto noted that recent testimony before the commission from gun and cartridge makers was that the technology does not exist to manufacture bullets that are 100 percent free of any trace of lead.

"The requirement for ammunition to have no lead content," the letter said, "would essentially completely ban hunting of big game and coyotes throughout the condor range."

Even the "lead-free" bullets considered acceptable by wildlife biologists contain some lead alloy in the "gilding metal" that softens the outside of the bullet sufficiently to let it pass through a rifled barrel smoothly.

Another statement on this issue from the National Shooting Sports Foundation.

Who needed those darned hunters in the woods anyway. Now if we can just extend this legislation nationwide, we can shut down hunting across the country! Yeehaw!

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I watched a video of a bowhunter dispatching a large grizzly with some kind of big bore automatic pistol. He stalked as close as he could to a grizzly with intentions of putting an arrow into it. Then the grizzly started walking directly at him. He shot it once in the head, with the pistol, and it dropped. Very impressive!

Good thing for him there isn't really a right to arm bears.

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