
English tidal wave on the way

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http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=492533&in_page_id=1770&ct=5 Be nice to have a gun when the shit hits the fan eh? Only the looters will have them. On a serious note I wish you all good luck w/ this one. Mother Nature can be a bitch. I live in California and Florida. I know.[:/]
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=492533&in_page_id=1770&ct=5 Be nice to have a gun when the shit hits the fan eh? Only the looters will have them. On a serious note I wish you all good luck w/ this one. Mother Nature can be a bitch. I live in California and Florida. I know.[:/]

I just read this. But I could not find when it is supposed to hit (or has it aleady?)

Good luck Brits! Prepare and be safe
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Be nice to have a gun when the shit hits the fan eh?

I think I can say with quite a lot of certainty that very nearly no-one at all in a predicted flood zone is thinking that right now.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=492533&in_page_id=1770&ct=5 Be nice to have a gun when the shit hits the fan eh? Only the looters will have them. .[:/]

I don't recall any armed looting at all during the 1953 floods of eastern England. Or any significant looting at all. My family had a place that was flooded, as did my ex-wife's family.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>I don't recall any armed looting at all during the 1953 floods of eastern England.

That's because all the people who spent their time getting guns instead of evacuating sorta, well, drowned. But they drowned well-armed!

Maybe they were trying to shoot back the wave, kinda like Xerxes lashing the Hellespont.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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>Maybe they were trying to shoot back the wave . . .

Perhaps. If so, the lesson is clearly that you need heavier caliber weapons to defend yourself from a flood.

The liberals, of course, will probably want you to run away and just surrender your house to the flood. They don't see the value of standing and fighting for what's right; they will run from danger at the drop of a hat. Look at Katrina! The San Diego fires! All those cowards evacuating. Makes you fear for the future of the country, it does.

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>Maybe they were trying to shoot back the wave . . .

Perhaps. If so, the lesson is clearly that you need heavier caliber weapons to defend yourself from a flood.

The liberals, of course, will probably want you to run away and just surrender your house to the flood. They don't see the value of standing and fighting for what's right; they will run from danger at the drop of a hat. Look at Katrina! The San Diego fires! All those cowards evacuating. Makes you fear for the future of the country, it does.

Ya. I suppose the Police will protect people and their homes from the wave. Just leave it to the police. It's their job.

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Ya. I suppose the Police will protect people and their homes from the wave. Just leave it to the police. It's their job.


Maybe Kallend can drag out his old Bobbies hat and whistle, stand on the channel shores, and yell halt!.


Pay my air fare and I'd give it a shot. Been meaning to visit my sister.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>Maybe they were trying to shoot back the wave . . .

Perhaps. If so, the lesson is clearly that you need heavier caliber weapons to defend yourself from a flood.

The liberals, of course, will probably want you to run away and just surrender your house to the flood. They don't see the value of standing and fighting for what's right; they will run from danger at the drop of a hat. Look at Katrina! The San Diego fires! All those cowards evacuating. Makes you fear for the future of the country, it does.

Sarcasm? Some of my family stayed to defend the (family and nieghbors) properties in Crestline, Lake Arrowhead And Big Bear. Guess what? There was some looting. Illegal mexicans. Imagine that? Sure didn't get much press tho. Ca. Sheesh.
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Be nice to have a gun when the shit hits the fan eh? Only the looters will have them.

Dude, we're not Americans.

"In Walcott, Norfolk, villagers gathered in a pub after being evacuated in the early hours." link

In times of trouble we don't reach for a .45, we go to the pub and drink beer.

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In Reply To

>Maybe they were trying to shoot back the wave . . .

Perhaps. If so, the lesson is clearly that you need heavier caliber weapons to defend yourself from a flood.

The liberals, of course, will probably want you to run away and just surrender your house to the flood. They don't see the value of standing and fighting for what's right; they will run from danger at the drop of a hat. Look at Katrina! The San Diego fires! All those cowards evacuating. Makes you fear for the future of the country, it does.


Sarcasm? Some of my family stayed to defend the (family and nieghbors) properties in Crestline, Lake Arrowhead And Big Bear. Guess what? There was some looting. Illegal mexicans. Imagine that? Sure didn't get much press tho. Ca. Sheesh.

if you see an impending flood approaching, be sure to point the gun downwards and fire very rapidly. The resultant recoil will allow you to remain suspended above the water line.

If any "Looting. Illegal mexicans" pass by, simply divert your line of fire. Be sure to ask for proof of nationality before comprimising your new-found enthusiasm in Newton's third law

Don't forget to pull your other piece out and fire in the other direction to counteract any sideways recoil.

Keep shouting "yee haaa!" alot to attract some well deserved press attention. B|

I know what you're thinking, I should get out more...You're right ;)

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At Sisteron one day 'Tiny' said to me:
"We're out of tea - you know what that means - the men won't put up with it and we'll come to a grinding halt."
I sent a suitably worded signal to the Commanding General of 12th TAC "Out of tea [STOP] The war is about to stop [STOP]"
Within six hours a Dakota landed with enough tea on board to satisfy us for months. Attached to one of the chests was a personal meesage for me: "Keep the war going we are right behind you [STOP]"
This splendid reaction from the Americans seemed to me to make up, in no small measure, for the Boston Tea Party!

Gp Capt WGG Duncan Smith (father of the politican Ian Duncan Smith) in Spitfire into Battle

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