
19-year-old rape victim gets 200 lashes

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How can anyone even SURVIVE 200 lashes?

It is not uncommon that they don't survive. Largely depends on medical care post-punishment.


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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I think you pulled this "universal standard" idea out of your ass.

I assume that you never studied philosophy.


For it to be "universal" how many people have to believe it?

Zero. Logic and reasoning do not require belief.

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." Voltaire


My point is not all cultures or countries see things the way you do so how can you claim a "universal standard" law exists? I gave you a time period and culture that genocide was accepted.

I can claim a "universal" standard exists because logic and reasoning span cultures. I apologize, I should have used justified instead of acceptable. Can you give a situation where genocide (murder, rape, ...) is justified?

Well I am sure the people who have commited genocide felt they were justified. Not every one every where shares your logic or reasoning.

BTW you do understand that I am not endorsing any of these things and am simply saying we have no right to impose our sense of right and wrong and morals on another country whose morals and sense of right and wrong are different then ours.

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In a real world there is no universal standard.

and therein lies the fundamental flaw of moral relativism.

Think about it for a minute.

You realize that your statement contradicts itself, right???

I don't know how you think it contradicts itself.

Are you trying to say that there is only one set of morals? That all cultures and peoples have the same set of morals??

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In a real world there is no universal standard.

and therein lies the fundamental flaw of moral relativism.

Think about it for a minute.

You realize that your statement contradicts itself, right???

I don't know how you think it contradicts itself.

Are you trying to say that there is only one set of morals? That all cultures and peoples have the same set of morals??

no. you say "there is no universal standard" which according to you is, in fact, a universal standard.

sort of like saying "all generalizations are wrong".

so moral relativists cannot be correct without first, themselves, asserting an objective truth. But if one objective truth exists (i.e. there is no universal standard), then logic tells us that you have in fact allowed for many objective truths to exist. Such as "rape and murder and 200 lashes to a VICTIM are wrong".
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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Well I am sure the people who have commited genocide felt they were justified. Not every one every where shares your logic or reasoning.

Many people feel justified in their actions, it doesn't mean they are justified in their actions.


BTW you do understand that I am not endorsing any of these things

You are also not condeming any of these things.


and am simply saying we have no right to impose our sense of right and wrong and morals on another country whose morals and sense of right and wrong are different then ours.

Do you see the contradiction? You are stating that we do not have the right while at the same time stating that right and wrong are relative.
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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Should the US Gov. put pressure on every Gov that doesn't conform to the US standards? Or only for laws that don't meet your standard?

We are not talking about standards we are talking about human rights! It is not about rules, it is about what everyone knows is right and wrong. Every human basicaly knows what is right and what is wrong. As a HUMAN we should know that beating a vitctim for being in car with unrelated men is a cruel and unuasual punishment. I am not saying we should over through Saudi Arabia (which we never would because they are our biggest oil supplier).

It is just easier for people to say "its not my country there fore it is not my problem." What if it was your mother or sister overthere?
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And that is what makes it so tough to draw the line between when to step in and when to mind our own business.

Would we be willing to acquiesce to some international standard if one were developed? I think the death penalty available to be used on minors is a great example, and I believe we are in the minority for allowing it. So to get our undies in a bundle for 200 lashes seems hypocritical.

On a larger scale, I remember after Rwanda when several heads of state agreed they would never let that happen again. Never turned out to be couple years. I don't know if they didn't mean what they said but just said it because it sounded good, or if they meant it but then realized how difficult it would be.

My guess is that people do not want to give authority to intervene to an international agency for fear of it becoming a slippery slope. So on both ends of the scale, from denying basic human rights of a single individual to killing millions, you either have to let go of what really amounts to cultural biases on what constitutes some minimal standard for humane treatment, or hand over authority to an international agency and hope they don't come knocking.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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How can anyone even SURVIVE 200 lashes?

It is not uncommon that they don't survive. Largely depends on medical care post-punishment.


Are women allowed to receive medical care under Sharia Law? (maybe only if the doctor is their husband... or another woman... but then again, are women allowed to be doctors under Sharia Law?)

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If you are going to allow universally immoral things to happen behind "man made" borders than you should not have immigration laws because they prevent individuals who are being repressed from crossing "man made" borders to cease the repression.

Wouldn't oppressed people come across as refugees rather than immigrants?
My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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I responded off the cuff and had no time to expound upon by angry retort. Sorry. I see that this is the way these people chose to live and I do respect that. I just wish we could all just get along. I still have no time for an explanation of my views. Later.
HPDBs, I hate those guys.
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How can anyone even SURVIVE 200 lashes?

It is not uncommon that they don't survive. Largely depends on medical care post-punishment.


Are women allowed to receive medical care under Sharia Law? (maybe only if the doctor is their husband... or another woman... but then again, are women allowed to be doctors under Sharia Law?)

I posted a link to an article in my previous post that gives some information about the administration of the lashes. The one giving the lashes must hold a Koran under his arm to diminish the amount of force, and the lashes are carried out over several sessions. Still absolutely horrible.....but at least they don't give all 200 lashes at the same time:S

Also, it is reported that permanent scars usually don't develop. At least not PHYSICAL scars:(
Mrs. WaltAppel

All things work together for good to them that love God...Romans 8:28

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Everyone is rational in their own mind. This is why moral relativism is very dangerous. A universal standard of truth is required, if it is not then there is no right or wrong. And the very meaning of the term "relative" means that it has to be centered around something that doesnt change. According to Einstein everything is relative to the speed of light which is an absolute. Light is the universal standard in that situation. The argument is the same in the moral realm, without an absolute standard there is no right or wrong. The real problem is arguing over what that absolute should be. The west has one idea and the middle east and Asia have completely different ideas. Ok my head hurts and the sleep medication is kicking in, ill follow up on this later.
“Last week I helped my friend stay put. It's a lot easier than helping someone move. I just went over to his house and made sure that he did not start to load his shit into a truck.”

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Second, bullshit. Democracy is better than a dictatorship, and Saudi Arabia isn't even a good advert for dictatorship.

That is not an argument.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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I think the word you're looking for is monarchy.

I used the word I wanted to use, and I'm quite happy with my post the way it is.

Regardless of accuracy.:D
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Who cares that my neighbor rapes his wife and daughters and then gives them 200 lashes for being raped. It is his property and it is their problem. I am just glad that I don't live there.

Is that your view on Child Protective Services in this country? You can go to jail for properly dealing with a smart ass punk.

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Second, bullshit. Democracy is better than a dictatorship, and Saudi Arabia isn't even a good advert for dictatorship.

That is not an argument.

Then neither was your post. Explain why democracy (and more specifically constitutional representative democracy) is not applicable to non-european cultures.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I think the word you're looking for is monarchy.

I used the word I wanted to use, and I'm quite happy with my post the way it is.

Regardless of accuracy.:D

One definition of dictatorship is government without the consent of the people (that is, the power of the dictator does not come from being chosen by the populace). Absolute Monarchy fits that bill.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Absolutely.... there are countries in the world that perform unethical acts like..
holding folks without trial... offshore, so that normal standards are not applied.
fly folks around the world for 'special' treatment
perform capital punishment

The problem with your "Universal Standards" is that there is no such thing. Universe implied ONE, so thus a standard supported by 100% of people, not some, or most but ALL.
In your post you are applying your rules and ethics but thet dont apply to everyone.

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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Explain why democracy (and more specifically constitutional representative democracy) is not applicable to non-european cultures.

I agree with Skyrad that Democracy does not appear to work very well in alot of cultures. To be perfectly honest I don't understand the reasons why this is true but I will give a couple of examples:

Iraq - Saddam clearly had a better grasp than the "democratic" alternative.
Zimbabwe - The country was far better off before democracy. (This is true of most southern african countries if compared before and after independance from the colonies)

I suspect that for democracy to work people must have the belief in themselves and that they are capable of questioning and confronting the leadership. This appears to be a foundation stone for successful democracy.

The US has this sense probably stronger than most (refer to JohnRich's post regarding why gun ownership is so important). Where a country has a strong cultural or religious tendency to "obey at all costs" I don't think democracy works very well. It is better to have a benign monarchy/external force in control. In this way I think that the US fails the world as it meddles in other peoples business and yet does not shoulder the responsibility. I would prefer the US came out as an Imperialist nation (which it continually flirts with anyway) and actually colonised the countries where is tries to right wrongs - this would remove the vacuum's they tend to leave.

Lastly I think that Europe is loosing its ability to question leadership and I believe that at some point in the future we or our children will be abused by politicians with to much power and nobody with the will to confront them.
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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Actually, I dont think that we do live in a democracy (ruled by the people, I think the Greeks meant by that)... but we are ruled by a goup selected by the people.
This is very much a different thing. In so much that the people that we put in power, more often than not, follow policies of for their own reasons and never come back to ask the public what they want.

Also, we live in a country of a given political flavour by accident of birth.. i,e we dont choose to and only under very extra-ordinary circumstances do the People actually change the basic political process within their country (French/Russion revolution, for example).

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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Zimbabwe - The country was far better off before democracy. (This is true of most southern african countries if compared before and after independance from the colonies)

Better off before democracy? Ahhh, no. Better off before being ruled by a dictator, yes. The problems being experienced in establishing stable democracies in former African colonies is not a failing of democracy, it is a combination of the after effects of decades of exploitation and a completely cack handed turn over of power.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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It is not uncommon that they don't survive. Largely depends on medical care post-punishment.

Are women allowed to receive medical care under Sharia Law? (maybe only if the doctor is their husband... or another woman... but then again, are women allowed to be doctors under Sharia Law?)

It depends. Since theological-based law (as prescribed in the Islamic penal code, sharî’a, or more precisely hudûd) is frequently predicated on interpreting and applying hundred+ year old text(s), application varies highly.

Saudi Arabia has a good to well-advanced medical system with many women physicians. Iran does too.

In some areas literally or effectively under Sharia law -- particularly at the local level where such punishment is applied -- such as Afghanistan, western Pakistan, northern Nigeria, the medical care is poor to completely lacking. Male doctors may be required to diagnosis & treat through a dime to quarter-sized hole in a sheet or interact only by relaying messages through the husband, father, or close male relative, if an allopathic medical practitioner is available.

---- ---- ---- ----

Skydivermom –

Do you think a system that condemns raped women, accused homosexual men (7,000 lashes in one recent case) … or condemns men convicted of consuming alcohol to 80 lashes (i.e., Taliban-controlled Afghanistan … in parts of Sudan it’s ‘only’ 40 lashes for drinking alcohol) … to corporal punishment by whipping, flogging, stoning is going to have an effective oversight system?

Due process, as we think of it, does not exist.

This site has two pictures of public caning (it’s a crime to circulate pictures). As the link above notes – the man carrying out the punishment in the picture clearly has no book under his arm.


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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